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Lesson 1

In Food
- molecules produced by
living organism
- a branch of both biology and chemistry
- the study of the substances found in
living organisms and of the chemical
reactions underlying the processes of life
Chief Goal: to understand the structure
and behavior of biological molecules
Elements Present in Biomolecules

1. carbon (C)
2. hydrogen (H)
3. oxygen (O)
4. nitrogen (N)
- all nonmetals
Elements Present in Biomolecules

A wide range of biomolecules

Macromolecules- large molecules
Micro molecules- small
4 Classes of Biomolecules
1. Carbohydrates
2. Lipids (fats)
3. Proteins
4. Nucleic acids
- they are polymers (Greek polus meaning “many”)
of repeating units of smaller molecules called
monomers (Greek monos meaning “single”).
4 Classes of Biomolecules
Biomolecule Element Content Example Building Block
carbon, hydrogen,
Carbohydrate polysaccharide monosaccharide
and oxygen
carbon, hydrogen,
Protein oxgen, nitrogen, polypeptide amino acid
and sulfur
carbon, hydrogen, glycerol and fatty
Lipid triglyceride
and oxyygen acid
Carbon, hydrogen,
Nucleic Acid oxygen, nitrogen, DNA/RNA nucleotide
and phosphorus
Food Label and Nutrition
To replenish the lost energy
consumed for the different
activities of the day, you need to
eat food, which is very important
factor for our body to keep
stronger and for us to stay alive.
Food Label and Nutrition
Food Label and Nutrition
What to eat and how much will depend on what the body needs.
Eat well to stay well. To be well is to be healthy. But, when we
talk about eating healthy, we mean eating varieties of food
throughout the day to get all the nutrients we need such as
carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins and minerals. However,
nutritional guidelines on dietary requirements for humans
suggest that we eat as much meat (protein) that our body can
afford and avoid starchy foods (carbohydrate). Now, the
guidelines have changed, requiring us to cut our consumption of
meat and dairy products and to consume more grains, fruits, and
Food Label and Nutrition
It shows a sample food label. This
is required on most packaged food
to help inform the public or the
consumers in making food choices.
Food labels- give you the list of
nutrition information, such as fat
and protein content, the
ingredients, and some additives.
Food Label and Nutrition
Reading food labels is important for
many reasons:
a. It helps you make food choices.
b. It helps people with food allergies.
c. It informs you if it contains
additives that you must avoid.
d. It helps people to control weight
and improve health.
Food Label and Nutrition
Though we know that food labels are
always present in packaged food, we
sometimes ignore them, simply because we
do not understand what is written in food
labels. We may wonder what are all these
for, what they all mean, which should be
low, and which should be high.
Food Label and Nutrition
In looking at food labels, it is necessary
that you always start looking at the
serving size because all the other
information on the label will be based
on that amount.
Example: serving size = 4 oz or 113 g
It says also that serving per container is
4. This means that there are a total of 16
oz or 452 g in 4 servings.
Food Label and Nutrition
Calorie- the measure of how much
energy a food provides
Example: 280 calories are present
in one serving of that food
Percent daily value (%DV)- the
amount of nutrients an average
person is required from eating one
serving of that food.
Food Label and Nutrition
The average person we are referring to is
someone who needs 2,000 calories a day.
Example: The food provides 22% total
fat. This means that 22% is for a person
who eats 2,000 calories a day. And so, if
you need more than 2,000 calories, you
may need to eat more than one serving to
get the same percentage of that nutrient.
Grade 10

Lesson 2
- the most abundant class of biomolecules
- the chief source of energy of almost living
- play a vital role in our existence
- without them, we will not be able to think or
move, no life activities would be possible, and
simply, life would not exist
- comes from the French term hydrate de
carbone- “hydrates of carbon”
- sometimes called saccharide, from the
Greek sakcharon- “sugar”
- suffix -ose is used to denote the name of a
- sugar, starch, and cellulose
are groups of carbohydrates
- made up of carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen
Foods rich in carbohydrates:
fruits, sweets, rice, bread,
pastas, beans, potatoes, and
Types of Carbohydrates

1. Micro molecule- monosaccharide

2. Macromolecules- disaccharide and
- the simplest carbohydrates
- the simple sugars
- the only sugars that can be absorbed and
utilized by the body
Examples: glucose, fructose, and galactose
(with same molecular formula of )
Glucose- sometimes referred to as dextrose
- the most important and the most abundant
monosaccharide in nature
- found in the bloodstream and provides the
immediate source of energy of the body’s
cells and tissues
Fructose- known as fruit sugar as it is
likely to be found in fruits
- the sweetest among all sugars
- can also be found in the nectar of
flowers, molasses, and honey

Galactose- does not occur freely

in nature
- produced in the body through the
digestion of a disaccharide lactose
The Monosaccharides
Name Derivation of Name and Source
From Greek word for sweet wine; grape
sugar, blood sugar, dextrose
Greek word for milk: “galact” ; found as a
component of lactose in milk
Latin word for fruit: “fructus” ; also known
Fructose as levulose , found in fruits and honey;
sweetest sugar
- contain 2 monosaccharide units bound
together by a covalent bond known as
glycosidic linkage
Examples: sucrose, maltose and lactose
(with same molecular formula of )
Sucrose- the most common and most abundant
disaccharide which is composed of one
molecule of each of the two monosaccharides.
also known as table sugar
- mostly found in sugar beets and in sugar cane.
Maltose- known as malt sugar
Lactose- known as milk sugar
- these sugars cannot be directly
utilized by the body unless broken
down into monosaccharides
The Disaccharides
Name Derivation of Name and Source
French word for sugar: “sucre”; a disaccharide
Sucrose containing glucose and fructose; table sugar,
cane sugar, beet sugar
Latin word for milk: “lact”; a disaccharide
found in milk containing glucose and galactose
From “malt” French word; a disaccharide
Maltose containing two units of glucose; found in
germinating grains; used to make beer
- carbohydrates that contain ten
monosaccharide units
Examples: starch, glycogen,
and cellulose
Glycogen- a stored carbohydrate in
- about 2/3 of the body’s glycogen is stored
in the muscles and the remaining 1/3 is
stored in the liver
Starch- the stored carbohydrate in plants
Cellulose- a major component of the plant’s
cell wall
- cannot be digested by man
- only animals like cows and horses can digest
them as these animals have bacteria in their
rumens whose enzyme can break down the
molecules of cellulose
2 Types of Polysaccharides
Homopolysaccharide- formed by the same type
of monosaccharide
Examples: starch, glycogen, and cellulose
- these three polysaccharides are formed from
hundreds of molecules of just one type of
monosaccharide, and that is glucose, bonded
together through glycosidic linkages.
2 Types of Polysaccharides
Heteropolysaccharides- formed
by different types of
Examples: glucosamines and
The Polysaccharides
Name Source and Description
It is the stored form of glucose in plants.
Starch Examples: Cereals such as wheat, rice, corn, barley,
and oats, and tubers like potatoes
It is the major component of the rigid cell walls in
Cellulose plants and is composed of many monosaccharide
It is the stored form of glucose in animals and
Glycogen humans, which is synthesized and stored mainly in
the liver and the muscles.
  Molecular Formula

Structural Formula
Grade 10

Lesson 3
- complex biomolecules that contain amino acids linked
through the peptide bonds
- molecular weight: about 6,000 to over 1,000,000
grams per mole
- the most versatile biomolecules since they serve
numerous essential functions in the biological processes
- the primary constituents of living organisms
- contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
and nitrogen
Examples of foods rich in protein:
animal meat, tuna, cheese, tofu,
Roles of Proteins
a. catalysts
b. antibodies
c. enzymes
d. contractile proteins (e.g., actin and myosin)
e. hormonal proteins (e.g., insulin, somatotropin)
f. structural proteins (e.g., keratin, collagen)
g. transport proteins (e.g., hemoglobin)
Amino Acid
- the building blocks of protein
- composed of a central carbon bonded
to a hydrogen (H), a carboxyl group (-
COOH), an amino group (-), and a
side chain or R group
Amino Acid
There are 20 different amino acids
which can provide the many different
possible sequences of proteins in our
body. The R group is the one that is
variable among the twenty amino acids.
Amino Acid
4 Levels of Protein Structure
Bases of structure is simply the sequence of the
amino acids
1. Primary
2. Secondary
3. Tertiary
4. Quaternary
4 Levels of Protein Structure
1. Primary Structure- the linear
sequence of amino acids that
form a protein
2. Secondary structure- the
spatial arrangement of the
polypeptide chain of protein. 2
two types: the alpha helix and
the beta pleated sheet
4 Levels of Protein Structure
As you can see in the figure, in a
helix, the chain is coiled like a
spring. The helix is held together
by hydrogen bonds between the
loops of a coil. On the other
hand, in the pleated sheet, chains
are held together by hydrogen
bonds between adjacent chains.
4 Levels of Protein Structure
3. Tertiary structure- the final
3D shape of a single polypeptide
molecule where the alpha helix
and the pleated sheet are folded
forming a globular protein
- termed globular since proteins
are approximately spherical in
4 Levels of Protein Structure
4. Quaternary structure-
contains more than one chain
- refers to the overall shape
when two or more
polypeptides bind each other
Example: hemoglobin, the
oxygen carrier in blood
Grade 10

Lesson 4
Nucleic Acids
- the most important biomolecules
- serve as the blueprint of life
- responsible in encoding,
transmitting, and expressing genetic
3 Components of Nucleic Acid
Nucleic acids are formed from polymerization
of nucleotides.
1. a phosphoric acid molecule
phosphate ();
2. a five-carbon sugar molecule, pentose;
3. a molecule of a nitrogen-containing base
3 Components of Nucleic Acid
Nucleic acids are formed from polymerization
of nucleotides.
1. a phosphoric acid molecule
phosphate ();
2. a five-carbon sugar molecule, pentose;
3. a molecule of a nitrogen-containing base
Nucleic Acids
- came from “nuclein,” the term used by
Miescher to describe a weak acidic
substance that he found in the cell nuclei
- composed of the elements carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, but it does
not contain sulfur
2 Types of Nucleic Acids

1. Deoxyribonucleic acid
2. Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
2 Types of Nucleic Acids
- a single-strand chain of
- contains the genetic
alternating phosphate and
instructions used in the
ribose units with the bases
development and
adenine, guanine, cytosine,
functioning of all modern
and uracil bonded to the
Definition living organisms
(Scientists believe that
- involved in protein synthesis
RNA may have been the
and sometimes in the
main genetic material in
transmission of genetic
primitive life forms.)
2 Types of Nucleic Acids
Medium of long-term Transfers the genetic code
storage and needed for the creation of
transmission of proteins from the nucleus to
genetic information the ribosome
A single-stranded molecule
Predominant in most of its biological
molecule with a long
Structure roles and has a shorter chain
chain of nucleotides
of nucleotides
2 Types of Nucleic Acids
The helix geometry of DNA The helix geometry of
is of B-Form. DNA is RNA is of A-Form.
completely protected by the RNA strands are
Unique body, that is, the body continually made,
Features destroys enzymes that broken down, and
cleave DNA. DNA can be reused. RNA is more
damaged by exposure to resistant to damage by
ultraviolet rays. ultraviolet rays.
2 Types of Nucleic Acids
Deoxyribose sugar;
Ribose sugar; phosphate
Bases phosphate backbone;
backbone; four bases:
and four bases: adenine,
adenine, guanine cytosine
Sugars guanine, cytosine, and
and uracil
A-U (Adenine-Uracil)
Pairing A-T (Adenine-Thymine)
Uracil (u) replaces
of Bases G-C (Guanine-Cytosine)
Thymine (T)
2 Types of Nucleic Acids
Deoxyribose sugar in DNA Ribose sugar is more reactive
is less reactive because of because of C-OH (hydroxyl)
C-H bonds; stable in bonds; not stable in alkaline
Stability alkaline conditions; DNA conditions; RNA has larger
has smaller grooves, which grooves, which makes it
makes it harder for easier to be attacked by
enzymes to “attack” DNA. enzymes.
synthesized from DNA when
Propagation self-replicating
Comparison Between the DNA and RNA
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
- different from RNA due to the sugar molecule
that they contain
RNA contains the sugar ribose while DNA
contains a sugar known as deoxyribose.
Deoxy- indicates a removal of oxygen atom. This
means an oxygen atom is removed from a carbon
atom of sugar ribose.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
Prominent feature: Double-helix structure
A double-helix has two chains of DNA that are coiled
together in such a way that the bases are in the interior
of the coils. The structure is held together by hydrogen
bonds between the bases of one chain and the bases of
another chain. The bases are the nitrogen-containing
bases purine and pyrimidine.
2 purine bases: adenine (A) and guanine (G)
3 pyrimidine bases: thymine (T), cytosine (C), and
uracil (U- not found in DNA but in RNA)
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
Notice that A and T complement each other like
the G and C does. When a cell divides, the DNA
double helix breaks apart. Each chain contains
the same genetic information and becomes a
template to produce a new complementary
chain. This process is known as genetic
replication. The sequence of the four nitrogen
bases along the strand is the encoded
information which will be read using the genetic
Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
- single stranded
3 types of RNA
1. transfer RNA (tRNA)
2. messenger RNA (mRNA)
3. ribosomal (rRNA)
- all are essential in the process of
building proteins from DNA
Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
- employs the same base pairing as
DNA except for thymine (T),
which is replaced by the base
uracil (U)
Example of a portion of a DNA
C –C–A–A– C–G
Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
Its complementary base pairing
in DNA would be
In RNA, the order of bases will
Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
This process by which a DNA
sequence is copied to produce
a complementary strand of
RNA is called genetic
transcription by way of
- the three bases of a code
Anticodon- their complementary in tRNA
Example: G – G – U – U – G – C forms two codon
1. GGU; 2. UGC.
Each corresponds to a specific amino acid.
GGU- amino acid glycine
UGC- amino acid cysteine
The Genetic Code in mRNA
Grade 10

Lesson 5
Subgroups of Lipids
- fats (triglycerides)
- oils
- waxes
- fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D , E and
- sterols (like cholesterol)
- large and diverse group of naturally
occurring biomolecules that can be
dissolved away from biological
materials by solvents that are nonpolar
like ether, acetone, and benzene
- hydrophobic, which means they are insoluble in
- formed when fats and oils are heated with aqueous
solution of bases. The process is called
saponification, meaning “soap making”
Glycerol and fatty acids- the building blocks of
- primarily involved in the formation of cell membrane, which is a
bilipid layer
- found in every cell of the body
- formation happens whenever there are excess carbohydrates
(These carbohydrates are stored into the body’s cells as
triglyceride, which can be used whenever there is not enough
carbohydrates to convert into energy.)
- contain 9 calories of energy per gram while carbohydrates only
have 4 calories per gram.
Types of Lipids
1. Triglycerides- composed mainly of hydrogen and
- found in both plants and animals
Solid triglycerides- classified as fats
Example: butter (animal fat)
Liquid triglycerides- classified as oils
Example: vegetable oil
Types of Lipids
2. Steroids
Example: Cholesterol- one of the most plentiful
lipids in our body
- produced by the liver to meet our body’s needs
Other steroids act as hormones like testosterone,
progesterone, and estrogen.
Types of Lipids
3. Phospholipids- a major component of
cell membrane
- molecule is composed of 2 fatty acids, a
glycerol unit and phosphate group, and a
polar molecule (like serine and choline)

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