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Unit 12 Software Development

Characteristics and uses of software


Insert Name Here

2A.P1) Explain the purpose of two simple
programs and their characteristics,
including tools and techniques used.

The purpose of both programs is to share it with other for

them to ether learn or to have fun depending on which one
you give out. Both programmes use text boxes and labels to
crate there programes
Purpose – Maze game
• Explain one purpose of the maze game program

• One purpose of the maze game is a entertainment / have

fun playing a game
Screenshots – Maze game program
Provide a screenshot of program functionality
Characteristics –
Maze game program
• Provide an explanation of the following
- Programming language used Visual Basic

- Module and sub-routines they are the same

thing as they both divide up code

- Variables and Data Types are anything at

have the word Dim

- Mathematical Operators are + - * < >

- Commenting provide an easy and effective

way to note down the purpose of specific
segments in your code on-the-fly
Code and
commenting – Maze
game program
• Provide a screenshot of code
(with commenting)
Purpose -
Languages To show people how to say hello in other languages even
program including the flag of origin
- Languages
Characteristics - Languages
• Provide an explanation of the following characteristics:
- Programming language used Visual Basic

- Module and sub-routines they are the same thing as they both
divide up code

- Variables and Data Types are anything at have the word Dim

- Mathematical Operators are + - * < >

- Commenting provide an easy and effective way to note down

the purpose of specific segments in your code on-the-fly
Code and
commenting –
Languages program
• Provide a screenshot of
code (with commenting)
2A.M1) Comment on the quality
of one of the given simple
programs, suggesting any
improvements and provide a flow
chart to show the processing

•For the maze game to restart

when completed
Quality Review
- ??? program
• Comment on the quality of
one program

The quality of the maze game

was very good but after you
had beaten the game you
where able to move the
character off screen and
thought objects that you are
not so post to go thought
- ??? program
• Suggest at least three

• Make the maze make easily

• Make a colourful
• Make a start screen
Flow Chart
- ??? program
• Provide screenshot evidence
of flow chart
Strengths – maze program
• Maze game

• It is fun
• Its is easy for people to play
• It is easy to create
Weaknesses - ??? program
• Maze game

• It is a little short
• Cant be access online
• Has a bug after you go over the finish line

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