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Bullet point the denotation of the image

Suggest connotations

GCSE Year 10
Denotation and Connotations Image and mise-en-scene

To learn the term Mise en Scene and explore To develop media terminology skills through testing To work in team to produce images and revision resource

A French term meaning everything which has been put in the scene PAIRS: Discuss what this could include? EXAMPLE: props Write the term miseen-scene and explain in your own words what it could include



PAIRED: Analyse the image opposite in terms of Mise-enscene

Mise-en-scene - recap
Includes: Set design, location, costume, make-up, props. Characters and their positions Lighting including shadows, special effects Overall shot size and framing
Review your analysis and improve

Terminology - camera
There are several important parts to the analysis of a single image. Shot size: LS, MS, CU etc. Angle: high, low, titled, birds eye, wormss eye Orientation: portrait or landscape Framing: where the edge of the image is cut, what is included and excluded Focus: which parts of the image are in-focus and which are not. Write these down in your books.

Shot size? Angle? Orientation? Framing? Focus?

Now your turn

Practical task
Group work rules

Rules for Group work in Media

Respect for the others in the group Listening to all and NO ARGUING Making effective decisions Quiet, efficient working - especially important when outside the classroom Care of the equipment and safe return Time keeping to ensure that you are back in the classroom when required.

Lauran Zamzam Shanze

Annette Alena Samanta

Samantha Sarah Mariam

Zahra Kathryn

Fatima Rhian

Karmdeep Nisha

You have 25 minutes to complete the following task. Using the cameras: take STILL images of the following shot sizes and angles
Take care with framing, mise-en-scene and focus.

XLS LS MS MCU CU XCU High angle (MS) Low angle (MS) Titled (MS) Medium Two shot
You must complete the task and be back in the classroom by 10am You MUST follow the rules set -SANCTIONS WILL RESULT FOR FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE RULES

Login using student login Load images onto iMac into iPhoto Using Keynote create presentation with photos explaining each one Save into documents

Home learning
Take a photograph of your own and upload to your blog Analyse the images USING the terminology you have learned today

Review what you have learned TERMINOLOGY CHECK
www and ebi of photo shoot

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