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GROUP 2 – SI 11 – BP 22

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Simple Past tense is a form of a verb that describes a situation
or activity that started and ended at a certain time in the past.

Simple Past tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang menjelaskan situasi atau aktivitas yang

dimulai dan berakhir di waktu tertentu pada masa lampau.

1. Declare Past Events (Menyatakan Peristiwa Masa Lalu)

The past tense can be used to express circumstances that took place in the past.
Example :
The car crash happened in downtown Jogja in the nineties.
We drank at the new pub from 11:00 to 01:00 AM.

2. Expressing Past Habits (Menyatakan Kebiasaan Masa Lalu)

The past tense can be used to express activities that were usually carried out or beliefs that
were believed in the past.
Example :
My brother applied for a visa six times before he got one.

3. Stating Correction & Confirmation (Menyatakan Koreksi & Konfirmasi)

The past tense can be used to confirm beliefs or expectations in the past
Example :
The area is far more rugged and wilder than I expected.
She is just as beautiful as I imagined.

4. Declare the Scientific Method (Menyatakan Metode Ilmiah)

Past tense sentences can be used to describe the stages of research carried out by
researchers in research reports
Example :
The data was verified using a linguistic identification.
In-depth interviews were conducted to analyze the suspects' underlying reasons.

5. Declare Scientific Discoveries (Menyatakan Penemuan Ilmiah)

Sentences Past tense can be used to report findings found by researchers or other
researchers in research reports.
Example :
Bin-Cis (2015) showed that the Balinese Tiger was declared extinct in 1990.
The consumption and unemployment rate abated after the execution of the social
Form nominal simple past tense
(+) Positive : Subject + to be (was/were) +
Form verbal simple past tense adjective/adverb
(-) Negative : Subject +to be (was/were) +
(+) Positive: Subject + Verb2 + Object
(-) Negative: Subject + did + not + verb1 adjective/adverb
(?) Interrogative: Did + Subject + Verb1 + ? (?) Interrogative: to be (was/were) + Subject +
adjective/adverb + ?
(+) Rina came home last week
(-) Rina did not come last week (+) Toro was here this morning.
(?) Did Rina come home last week?
(-) Toro was not here this morning.
(+) She bought a book yesterday (?) Was Toro here this morning?
(-) She did not buy a book yesterday
(?) Did she buy a book yesterday? (+) Amira was absent yesterday because she
visited her grandfather.
(-) Amira was not absent yesterday.
(?) Was Amira absent yesterday?
Rules of adding -d/-ed

Regular verbs make their past tense by 2 If a regular verb ends in a single

. vowel and a singleconsonant (except x),
adding - d, - ed, double the consonant before you add -ed:
1 Add only - d if a regular verb ends in one  beg / begged; clap / clapped; fan / fanned;
. or more vowels, a single consonant  hop / hopped; jog / jogged; mar / marred;
(except x), and e. pin / pinned; rip / ripped; slam / slammed;
tan / tanned; whip / whipped; zip / zipped
Example baked, cared, eased, filed,
Add -d:  greased, hated, liked, Compare these verbs:
piled, raced, seized, smiled, hop / hopped and hope / hoped;
typed, wheezed, whined file / filed and fill / filled;
Rules of adding -d/-ed
3 If a regular verb has two or more 4 If a regular verb ends in a consonant 
. syllables, if the verb ends in l or r, . and y (or if the final syllable of a regular
and if the last syllable is stressed, verb ends in this way), change the y to I
double the l or r before you add -ed: and then add -ed:
compél / compelled; apply / applied; bury / buried;
contról / controlled; cry / cried; copy / copied;
prefér / preferred; fry / fried; modify / modified; 
If a regular verb has two or more supply / supplied; try / tried
syllables, if the verb ends in l or r,
and if the last syllable is not 5 If a regular verb ends in a vowel and y 
stressed, do not double the l or r, . (or if the final syllable of a regular verb
before you add -ed: ends in this way), do not change
cáncel / canceled; the y to i and then add -ed:
hónor / honored; annoy / annoyed; enjoy / enjoyed; 
Rules of adding -d/-ed

6. If a regular verb ends in x, add only - ed. Do not double the x:
box / boxed; fax / faxed; mix / mixed; tax / taxed

7. Regular verbs ending in other spelling patterns usually

add -ed.
Reguler and Irreguler verbs
A. Reguler verb
We form the simple past of regular verbs by adding -
ed to the verb. Verb + ed For example, the verbs
"lived, started, and died" are regular past forms. The
rule is the following:
Examples :
B. Irreguler verb
A verb whose conjugation does not follow the -ed rule above is called an
irregular verb. The simple past of irregular verbs has different forms.For
example, The verbs "was, wrote" are irregular past forms. "Was" is the
simple past of "to be"; "wrote" is the simple past of "write".More on the
simple past of "to be" here.There is no rule for these verbs. You should
learn them by heart.
As you can see, we can not predict the simple past forms of these verbs. They are irregular. You should learn them by
heart. Here is a list of irregular verbs.
Irreguler verb
Become – Became – Become = Menjadi
Begin – Began – Begun = Mulai
Bite – Bit – Bitten = Menggigit
Reguler verb Come – Came – Come = Datang
Call – Called – Called = Memanggil Cost – Cost – Cost = Berharga
Describe – Described – Described = Menggambarkan Creep – Crept – Crept = Merayap
Cut – Cut – Cut = Memotong
Enjoy – Enjoyed- Enjoyed = Menikmati
Forget – Forgot – Forgotten = Lupa
Follow – Followed – Followed = Mengikuti Freeze – Froze – Frozen = Membeku
Hike – Hiked – Hiked = Mendaki Give – Gave – Given = Memberikan
Suck – Sucked – Sucked = Menghisap Keep – Kept – Kept = Menyimpan
Suffer – Suffered – Suffered = Menderita Lend – Lent – Lent = Meminjamkan
Support – Supported – Supported= Mendukung Let – Let – Let = Membiarkan
Make – Made – Made = Membuat
Swim – Swam – Swum = Berenang
Spend – Spent – Spent = Menghabiskan
Smell – Smelt – Smelt = Berbau
Tear – Tore – Torn = Merobek
Example reguler and irreguler verb :
1. Reguler verb
We played football yesterday. He played basketball
yesterday. (Use verb 2)
2. Irreguler verb
He broke the door yesterday. (Use verb 2)
Example of sentences:
1.We played Cashflow game
yesterday evening. (Kami
bermain permainan Cashflow
kemarin sore.)
The most common time expressions used for
2.I went shopping with Rania
the past simple are: yesterday, a week (month, last Saturday. (Saya pergi
year) ago, last (month, year, weekend, Monday) berbelanja bersama Rania hari
night, the day before yesterday, two days Sabtu lalu.)
(months, years) ago. The time expression 3.They travelled to California a
appears either at the beginning or at the end of month ago. (Mereka pergi ke
the sentence – never in the middle of the California sebulan lalu.)
4.I made a cup of coffee an
hour ago. (Saya membuat
secangkir kopi sejam yang

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