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English PT

Parts/Features of a Website
Intro: Hello everyone! Welcome to my vlog! I am Shariah
Dale P. Rico and today we are going to talk about the Parts
of a Website, so if you are ready, let us get start

First, what is a Website?

• A Website refers to a collection of web pages usually grouped and
connected together in a number of different ways. It may also be
written as “web site” or simply, “site”.

• A search engine is a special kind of website that helps users find web
pages from other websites.

• Examples: YouTube, Yahoo!, Amazon, Facebook, Bing, Dogpile, and

Now that we know what does a Website means, let us
now move on to the parts of a Website!

I will use Netflix, Amazon, Inquirer, Trvl and HubSpot to

demonstrate the parts of a Website.
Home Page
The Home Page is
the opening page
which does the job
of welcoming the
website visitors.
Here we can see that Netflix welcomed us
with a new Movies, Series, and Shows that
we might be interested to.
Sliders refer to
the changing
content area that
presents “slides”
of visual
Here Amazon showed that they ship
over 45 million products around the
The Header is the
content area at the
top of the website
which bears the
logo, as well as
the navigation
Navigation Menu
The Navigation
Menu is the part of
the header which
bears the links that
take or direct visitors
to other parts of the
The navigation menu shows us the
“Home”, “TV Shows”, “Movies”, “New
& Popular”, and “My List” in Netflix
The Sidebar is the area
of the Website which
displays information that
is not part of the page’s
main content like a call to
action or links to recent
blog posts or social
media accounts.
The Sidebar simply showed us the
different links to different articles or
Call to Action
A call to action (CTA) is a
prompt on a website that
tells the user to take some
specified action. A call to
action is typically written as
a command or action
phrase, such as 'Sign Up' or
'Buy Now' and generally
takes the form of a button or
A footer is an area located at
the bottom of every page on
a website, below the main
body content. The term
“footer” comes from the
print world, in which the
“footer” is a consistent
design element that is seen
across all pages of a
Lastly, the Footer, this is wear they
displayed their social medias, if you ever
want to follow or support them, and their
Contact for any problems occurred while
using this website.
That is all for today! I hope you
enjoyed and learned something!
Stay safe and keep learning!

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