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By Crisandra B. Lumosad
Independent Video Tutorial Sessions Enhance Poor

Manipulation Skills of Tools and Equipment in Bread and

Pastry Production

By Crisandra B. Lumosad
This series of independent video tutorial sessions aims to enhance poor
manipulation skills of tools and equipment in bread pastry production of Payag
National High School among grade 11 HE trainees. The tutorials will cover
essential techniques and best practices for using various tools and equipment in
baking, such as mixing bowls, measuring cups, wire whisk, temperature scale,
electric kneader, rolling pins, stainless spatulas, and ovens. By following these
tutorials, the grade 11 HE trainees will learn practical tips and tricks for
handling these tools efficiently and confidently, resulting in improved quality
and consistency in their baked goods. The tutorials will be designed specifically
for the grade 11 HE trainees with little to no experience in baking, providing
step-by-step instructions and guidance to help them build their skills and
confidence in the kitchen. The tutorials will be suitable for the grade 11 HE
trainees, looking to develop their baking skills and knowledge.
Bread and pastry production is a crucial aspect of the
culinary arts, requiring HE trainees to master various
tools and equipment to create delicious and
aesthetically pleasing products. However, some HE
trainees struggle with the proper manipulation of
these tools, hindering their ability to excel in this
field. Independent video tutorial sessions offer a
promising solution to this problem by providing the
grade 11 HE trainees with flexible, self-paced
learning opportunities that cater to their individual

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my

classmates who participated in this research project.
Without their willingness to share their time,
experiences, and insights, this study would not have
been possible. I would also like to thank Payag
National High school for their support and assistance
in facilitating this research project. Finally, I would
like to acknowledge the guidance and mentorship
provided by our practical research teacher Mr.
Lisandro S. Lumosad who provided invaluable
feedback and support throughout the research
Research Objectives
To evaluate the effectiveness of the video
To identify the common challenges faced by

01 03
tutorial sessions in improving the HE
the grade 11 HE trainees in manipulating
trainees manipulation skills and overall
tools and equipment in bread and pastry
performance in bread and pastry

To develop a series of independent video

To explore the role of innovative video

tutorial sessions that address these
challenges and enhance HE trainees
manipulation skills.
04 tutorial strategies and interventions in
enhancing the learning experience.
Survey: Conduct a survey among HE
trainees to identify the common challenges
01 faced in manipulating tools and equipment
in bread and pastry production.

Video Tutorial Development: Develop a

series of video tutorials that demonstrate the

02 proper use of tools and equipment,

incorporating innovative teaching strategies
and interventions.

Implementation: conduct the video tutorials via

03 messenger online, allowing HE trainees to access and

complete the sessions at their own pace.

Evaluation: Assess grade 11 HE Trainees

manipulation skills before and after

04 completing the video tutorial sessions

through pre-survey questionnaires survey
questionnaires and interviews.
Expected Outcomes
Identification of effective independent video
Improved manipulation skills of tools and

01 03
tutorial sessions strategies and interventions
equipment among HE trainees participating
for enhancing skill development in bread
in the video tutorial sessions.
and pastry production .

A better understanding of the challenges

Increased HE trainees satisfaction and

02 faced by the HE trainees in bread and

pastry production.
engagement in the learning process.
Context and Rationale
The context of this research is focused on identifying the
effectiveness of independent video tutorial sessions in
enhancing poor manipulation skills of tools and equipment
in bread pastry production of grade 11 HE trainees.

The rationale for this research is that the grade 11 HE trainees struggle with
the practical aspects of bread pastry production, particularly in
manipulating tools and equipment. . This can lead to poor quality products,
frustration, and a lack of confidence in their abilities. Traditional teaching
methods may not always be effective in addressing these issues, and the HE
trainees may benefit from alternative approaches. One potential solution is
the use of independent video tutorial sessions.

Video tutorials can provide students with a visual and interactive way
to learn about the tools and equipment used in bread pastry
production. By allowing students to learn at their own pace and on
their own schedule, independent video tutorial sessions may be more
effective than traditional classroom instruction.
Context and Rationale
Video tutorials, whether recorded or live, are important to students
because they add another dimension to learning that makes a
student's educational experience more effective, helping with
retention, explains video training solutions provider (Panopto 2019).

The videos allow a classroom setting

. to come to life, offering different
perspectives and tools that students might not normally be able to take
advantage of in their learning. This improves student engagement,
according to (Andrew DeBell 2019).

By exploring the effectiveness of this approach, this research

aims to provide insights into how to improve the learning
experience for students in bread pastry production, and
ultimately improve their skills and confidence in this area.
Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy
The study aims to investigate the impact of independent video tutorial sessions on
improving the poor manipulation skills of tools and equipment in bread and
pastry production among students. The research focuses on the innovation,
intervention, and strategy employed in these sessions to address the skill gap and
enhance students' learning experience. The study will explore the effectiveness of
video tutorials in providing a more accessible and flexible learning environment,
leading to better skills development..

The research on Independent Video Tutorial Sessions to

Enhance Poor Manipulation Skills of Tools and Equipment
in Bread and Pastry Production among students is an
innovative intervention strategy that can significantly
improve the learning outcomes of students in this field. The
following are some key points to consider:
Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy
1. Video tutorials are an effective way to teach
bread and pastry production skills. They allow
HE trainees to see a step-by-step demonstration
of how to use tools and equipment, making it
easier for them to understand and replicate the

2. Independent video tutorial sessions can be

accessed by the HE trainees at any time,
making it convenient for them to review the
material as needed. This flexibility allows
them to learn at their own pace and on their
own schedule.
Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy
3.The use of video tutorials can also help address
the issue of poor manipulation skills of the HE
trainees. By providing clear and concise
instructions, the HE trainees can improve their
ability to use tools and equipment correctly and

4.Independent video tutorial sessions can be used

as a supplement to traditional classroom
instruction, providing HE trainees with additional
resources to support their learning.
Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy
5. The effectiveness of independent video tutorial
sessions can be measured through pre surveys
and survey evaluation. This feedback can be
used to improve the content and delivery of the
tutorials, ensuring that they earned knowledge
from the tutorials.

Overall, the use of independent video tutorial sessions

is an innovative intervention strategy that can enhance
the learning outcomes of the grade 11 HE trainees in
bread and pastry production. By providing accessible
and flexible resources, HE trainees can improve their
manipulation skills and develop the knowledge and
confidence needed to succeed in this field.
Action Research Questions
This study primarily aims to determine the significance of independent video tutorial sessions to enhance the poor manipulation of baking tools and
equipment of the Grade 11 HE trainees of Payag National High School.
And seeks to answer the following research questions.

1.How effective are independent video tutorial sessions in enhancing the manipulation skills of tools and equipment in bread and pastry production
among grade 11 HE trainees?

-This question explores the effectiveness of independent video tutorial sessions in enhancing the HE trainees ability to manipulate tools and equipment
in bread and pastry production.

2. To what extent do independent video tutorial sessions improve the manipulation skills of tools and equipment among trainees in bread and pastry
production compared to traditional teaching methods?

-This question explores the effectiveness of independent video tutorial sessions in enhancing the HE trainees ability to manipulate tools and equipment
in bread and pastry production. The comparison with traditional teaching methods will help to determine if video tutorials offer a better learning
Action Research Questions
This study primarily aims to determine the significance of independent video tutorial sessions to enhance the poor manipulation of baking tools and
equipment of the Grade 11 HE trainees of Payag National High School.
And seeks to answer the following research questions.

3. What specific aspects of independent video tutorial sessions contribute to the enhancement of poor manipulation skills in tools and equipment
among HE trainees in bread and pastry production?

-This question aims to identify the key elements of video tutorial sessions that contribute to HE trainees improvement in manipulating tools and
equipment. These insights can be used to optimize the design and structure of video tutorials to maximize their effectiveness.

4. How can independent video tutorial sessions be tailored to address the diverse learning needs of HE trainees with varying levels of prior knowledge
and experience in bread and pastry production?

-This question explores how video tutorial sessions can be customized to cater to the needs of the grade 11 HE trainees with different levels of prior
knowledge and experience. It aims to identify strategies and best practices for creating inclusive video tutorials that benefit all learners in developing
their skills in bread and pastry production.
Participants and/or other sources of
Data and Information
The aim of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of independent video
tutorial sessions in enhancing the poor manipulation of baking tools and
equipment among Grade-11 Home Economics (HE) trainees of Payag National High
School. The study will involve a sample of Grade-11 HE trainees who will
participate in a series of independent video tutorial sessions focused on improving
their practical skills in baking. The research will utilize a mixed-methods approach,
combining quantitative assessments of skill improvement with qualitative
feedback from the trainees. By examining the potential benefits of independent
video tutorial sessions, this study aims to contribute to the development of
effective teaching methods for practical skills in the field of HE education."
Data Gathering Methods

The present level of manipulation skills of grade 11 HE trainees of Payag National

High School was determined through a pre-survey conducted on June 9, 2023

- A pre-survey questionnaire was administered on June 9, 2023 to assess the

current level of manipulation skills among grade 11 HE trainees at Payag
National High School

- After conducting a pre-survey on June 9, 2023, to the HE trainees, here are the
questionnaires which is answerable by Yes or NO, and the results obtained from
the survey.
Pre-Survey Questionnaires
1.) Do you know how to use wire whisk?

2.). Do you know how to light up a commercial deck oven?

3.) Do you know bow to use temperature scale when baking unleavened bread?

4.) Is it necessary to use temperature scale when baking unleavened bread?

5.) Is it necessary to preheat oven for five minutes before baking bread or pastry?

6.) Is 500 grams of all purpose flour equivalent to 50 ounces?

7.) Does using wood spatula affect the taste and quality of pastry?

8.) Is RPM (rounds per minute) needed to consider when mixing unleavened dough?

9.) Does using automatic electric kneader affect the texture of the dough?

10.) Is stainless spatula a better alternative in slicing your favorite cake?

Results Yes No

Based on the pre-survey results of the grade 11 HE trainees in bread and pastry production, we can
1. 18 1
analyze the knowledge and opinions of the participants by looking at the number of yes and no
answers for each question:
2. 15 4
1. Do you know how to use a wire whisk? - Yes: 18 - No: 1 The majority of the HE trainees (18
3. 18 1
out of 19) are familiar with using a wire whisk, indicating that most have basic knowledge of
4. 19 0
mixing techniques.

5. 19 0
2. Do you know how to light up a commercial deck oven? - Yes: 15 - No: 4 Most HE trainees (15
out of 19) know how to light a commercial deck oven, suggesting that they have some experience 6. 14 3
with professional baking equipment.
7.. 13 5
3. Do you know how to use a temperature scale when baking unleavened bread? - Yes: 18 - No: 1
Almost all of the HE trainees (18 out of 19) know how to use a temperature scale, indicating a good 8. 15 4
understanding of temperature control in baking.
9.. 14 5
Results Yes No

Based on the pre-survey results of the grade 11 HE trainees in bread and pastry production, we
1. 18 1
can analyze the knowledge and opinions of the participants by looking at the number of yes and
2. 15 4
no answers for each question:

3. 18 1
4. Is it necessary to use a temperature scale when baking unleavened bread? - Yes: 19 - No: 0 All
HE trainees agree that using a temperature scale is necessary, showing that they understand the 4. 19 0
importance of temperature control in the baking process.

5. 19 0
5. Is it necessary to preheat the oven for five minutes before baking bread or pastry? - Yes: 19 -
No: 0 HE trainees agree on the importance of preheating the oven, which is a critical step in 6. 14 3
achieving consistent baking results
7.. 13 5
6. Is 500 grams of all-purpose flour equivalent to 50 ounces?
Yes: 14 - No: 3 Most HE trainees (14 out of 19) answered correctly, showing that they have a good 8. 15 4
understanding of measurement conversions in baking.
9.. 14 5
Results Yes No

Based on the pre-survey results of the grade 11 HE trainees in bread and pastry production, we can 1. 18 1
analyze the knowledge and opinions of the participants by looking at the number of yes and no
answers for each question: 2. 15 4
7. Does using a wooden spatula affect the taste and quality of pastry? 3. 18 1
- Yes: 13 - No: 5 Opinions are more divided on this question; however, the majority (13 out of 19)
believe that using a wooden spatula can affect the taste and quality of pastry. 4. 19 0
8. Is RPM (rounds per minute) needed to consider when mixing unleavened dough? - Yes: 15 - No:
5. 19 0
4 Mostly the HE trainees (15 out of 19) think that RPM is an important factor to consider when
mixing unleavened dough, indicating that they understand the importance of mixing speed in
6. 14 3
dough development.
7.. 13 5
9. Does using an automatic electric kneader affect the texture of the dough?
- Yes: 14 - No: 5 The majority of the HE trainees (14 out of 19) believe that using an automatic
8. 15 4
electric kneader can affect dough texture, suggesting that they recognize the potential impact of
different mixing methods on dough quality.
9.. 14 5
Yes No

1. 18 1
Based on the pre-survey results of the grade 11 HE trainees in bread and pastry production, 2. 15 4
3. 18 1
we can analyze the knowledge and opinions of the participants by looking at the number of
yes and no answers for each question:

10. Is a stainless spatula a better alternative for slicing your favorite cake?
4. 19 0
- Yes: 19 - No: 0 All HE trainees agree that a stainless spatula is a better alternative for
slicing cake, reflecting an understanding of the benefits of using appropriate tools for specific
5. 19 0
tasks in baking
6. 14 3
In summary, the pre-survey results show that the grade 11 HE
7.. 13 5
trainees have a good understanding of basic baking techniques,
equipment usage, and the importance of temperature control.
8. 15 4
9.. 14 5
Participants and or other sources of Data Information
and data gathering methods
After conducting a pre-survey of the grade 11 trainees of bread and pastry production on June 9, 2023, the HE trainees
were asked to participate in a survey on June 14, 2023. A total of 19 participants responded to the survey. The purpose of
the survey was to gather data and insights related to the HE trainees bread and pastry production video tutorial
sessions performance and their experience. The survey was designed to be user-friendly and relevant, with questions that
were answerable by yes or no and meaningful to the grade 11 HE trainees. The responses were collected anonymously to
ensure confidentiality and encourage honest feedback. The survey results will be used to identify areas for improvement in
the bread and pastry production and develop strategies to enhance the HE trainees learning experience. Overall, the survey
results provide valuable insights into the perspectives and experiences of the grade 11 HE trainees of bread and pastry
production. The information collected can be used to make informed decisions that benefit the HE trainees and improve the
quality of the video tutorial sessions provided online. The survey results were carefully analyzed and evaluated to
determine the best ways to address the needs and concerns of the grade 11 HE trainees of bread and pastry production.
Pre-Survey Questionnaires
1.) Do you like learning online video tutorial sessions about how to manipulate baking tools and equipment?

2.) Did you learn something about how to manipulate baking tools and equipment after watching the
videos. tutorial?

3.) Do you find it easy now to identify the baking tools and equipment after watching the video tutorial session ?

4.) Are you optimistic and motivated to watch more video tutorial sessions when it comes to baking?

5.) Compared to your previous learning experience in HE bread and pastry production do you agree that its much better to learn through
video tutorials online?

6.) Do you have enough resources (baking tools and equipment) to apply what you had learned in the video tutorials?

7.) If ever you’ll have a complete resources of baking tools and equipment are you confident that you can complete baking task such as
simply recognizing the baking tools and equipment with the help of online video tutorials?

8.) Is this you I find it educationally helpful to watch video tutorials about enhancing poor manipulation of baking tools and equipment?

9.) Based on your recent learning experiences (honest answer) are there any enhancement or improvements after watching tutorial videos

10.) Based on your answers in question number 9 are there any enhancement or improvements after watching the video tutorials? Will you
recommend this to the others as well?
Results Yes No

. he survey results indicate that the majority of respondents had a positive 1. 19 0

experience learning about baking tools and equipment through online
video tutorials. Here's a summary of the results: 2. 18 1
1. 100% of respondents (19 out of 19) like learning online video tutorial
sessions about how to manipulate baking tools and equipment.
3. 19 0
2. 94.7% (18 out of 19) learned something about how to manipulate
4. 18 1
baking tools and equipment after watching the video tutorial.
5. 17 2
3. 100% (19 out of 19) find it easier to identify baking tools and
equipment after watching the video tutorial session 6. 12 7
4. 94.7% (18 out of 19) are optimistic and motivated to watch more video
tutorial sessions related to baking.
7.. 19 0
5. 89.5% (17 out of 19) agree that it's better to learn through video 8. 18 1
tutorials online compared to their previous learning experience in HE
bread and pastry production. 9.. 17 2

Results HE TRAINEES – 19
. 6.) 63.2% (12 out of 19) have enough resources 1. 19 0
(baking tools and equipment) to apply what they learned in the
video tutorials. 2. 18 1
7.) 100% (19 out of 19) are confident that they can complete 3. 19 0
baking tasks, such as simply recognizing baking tools and
equipment, with the help of online video tutorials if they have 4. 18 1
complete resources.
5. 17 2
8.) 94.7% (18 out of 19) find it educationally helpful to watch
video tutorials about enhancing poor manipulation of baking 6. 12 7
tools and equipment.
7.. 19 0
9.) 9. 89.5% (17 out of 19) reported enhancement or
improvements in their learning experience after watching 8. 18 1
tutorial videos online.
9.. 17 2
10.) 84.2% (16 out of 19) would recommend video tutorials to
others, while 10.5% (2 out of 19) would not, and one respondent
did not answer this question. 44444444
. Discussion
Overall, the survey results show that the majority of respondents found online
video tutorials helpful for learning about baking tools and equipment and would
recommend them to others. Additionally, most respondents reported
enhancements or improvements in their learning experiences after watching the
video tutorials. However, it is essential to note that not all respondents had
enough resources to apply what they learned, which could be a potential barrier
to their learning experience.
Interview Questions :
1.Do you like learning online video tutorial sessions about how to manipulate baking tools and equipment?

2. Do you have enough resources (baking tools and equipment) to apply what you had learned in video
tutorials? Yes or No Why?

3.If ever you’ll have a complete resources of baking tools and equipment are you confident that you can
complete baking task such as simply recognizing the baking tools and equipment with the help of online video
tutorials? Why?

4. 4.Is this you I find it educationally helpful to watch video tutorials about baking tools and equipment. Why
because ?

5.Do you find it easy to watch and learn through watching video tutorials about baking tools and equipment ?
will you recommend this to others Why?
. Interview answers :

1.) online video tutorial sessions about how to manipulate baking tools and equipment can be useful for those who are interested
in improving their baking skills or who want to learn how to use specific tools. Video tutorials can provide step-by-step
instruction, helpful tips and tricks, and visual demonstrations, which can make it easier for learners to understand and follow
along with the lessons.

2.) It is important to have the necessary tools and equipment to be able to apply the techniques and skills learned in video
tutorials. Having the right tools and equipment can help ensure successful baking and improve one's ability to create various
baked goods.

3.) having a complete set of baking tools and equipment and online video tutorials can be useful in learning how to recognize
and use different tools. With proper instruction and practice, anyone can learn to use baking tools and equipment effectively.

4.) some possible reasons why someone might find it educationally helpful to watch video tutorials about baking tools and
equipment could be because it can provide a better understanding of how to use specific tools, improve skills in baking
techniques, or offer helpful tips and tricks for successful baking.

5.) I think video tutorials can be an effective way to learn baking tools and equipment. Whether to recommend them or not is
dependent on an individual's learning preferences and needs
Discussion of results and reflection
Reflection: The interview questions and answers shed light on the effectiveness of online video tutorial sessions in
. teaching the HE trainees on how to manipulate baking tools and equipment. The discussion highlights the potential
benefits of these tutorials in improving one's baking skills and understanding of specific tools. One key takeaway from the
discussion is the importance of having the necessary resources, such as baking tools and equipment, to apply the
techniques learned from video tutorials. Without proper resources, learners might face difficulties in practicing and
honing their skills. Another point made in the discussion is the potential for online video tutorials to help HE trainees
recognize and use different baking tools and equipment effectively. This confidence comes from the proper guidance,
visual demonstrations, and step-by-step instructions provided in these tutorials. The interview also delves into the
educational benefits of watching video tutorials about baking tools and equipment. Among the reasons cited are better
understanding, improved skills, and helpful tips and tricks for successful baking. The effectiveness of video tutorials as a
learning method is also touched upon, noting that it depends on individual learning preferences and needs. In conclusion,
the interview questions and answers provide valuable insights into the usefulness of online video tutorials for teaching the
grade 11 HE trainees how to manipulate baking tools and equipment. The discussion emphasizes the need for proper
resources and the potential advantages of using video tutorials as a learning method. However, it is important to consider
individual learning preferences to determine whether video tutorials are the most suitable option for the HE trainees.
Discussion of results and reflection
The results of the pre-survey and post-survey indicate that online video tutorial sessions have a positive impact on the
learning experience of grade 11 Home Economics (HE) trainees in bread and pastry production at Payag National High
School. The majority of the participants already have some basic knowledge of baking tools and equipment, and the video
tutorials have further enhanced this understanding.

The overwhelming majority of l the participants enjoyed learning through online video tutorials, with most reporting that

they learned something new about manipulating baking tools and equipment. This format also made it easier for them to
identify baking tools and equipment, and most of them are motivated to watch more video tutorials related to baking.

Compared to their previous learning experiences in HE bread and pastry production, most participants found online video
tutorials to be a better method of learning. However, it should be noted that not all students have enough resources
(baking tools and equipment) to apply what they learned in the video tutorials. This suggests that access to resources is a
potential barrier to fully benefiting from online learning.
. Discussion of results and reflection
Overall, the participants showed increased confidence in their ability to complete baking tasks, and most
of them found the video tutorials educationally helpful. The majority of the respondents reported
improvements in their learning experience after watching the tutorial videos and would recommend video
tutorials to others.

In conclusion, the research indicates that video tutorial sessions can effectively enhance the manipulation
of baking tools and equipment for Home Economics students in bread and pastry production. However, it
is essential to ensure that all students have access to the necessary resources to maximize the benefits of
this learning method. Future research could explore additional ways to support students with limited
access to resources, as well as investigate the long-term impact of video tutorials on students' practical
skills and understanding of baking techniques.

By Crisandra B. Lumosad

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