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By Ahsan Hayat (Roll Number 1)


 Acne Vulgaris is a common follicular disorder affecting susceptible hair follicles, most commonly found on
the face, neck and upper trunk.
 It is commonly found in adolescents and young adults between the ages of 12 and 35.
 Both genders are equally affected although onset is earlier for girls.
 It becomes more severe during puberty because endocrine glands that influence the secretions of sebaceous
glands are functioning at its peak.

 Various factors may cause acne such as;

 HORMONAL- Hormonal activity in puberty, pregnancy, in disorders such as PCOS and overproduction of
male androgen hormone can overstimulate the production of sebum in some people.
 Genetic/Heredity
 INFECTIOUS- Propionibacterium acne is the anaerobic bacteria that causes acne.
 DIET- A high glycemic diet and Cow’s milk have been associated with acne
 DRUGS- Certain drugs e.g. corticosteroids, glucocorticoids, corticotrophin etc. may cause acne.
 Cosmetics
 Stress etc.

 There are two main types of lesions;

1. NON- INFLAMMATORY- These lesions are called comedones and may result
in white heads or black heads.

2. INFLAMMATORY- They consist of pimples, pustules, papules, nodules and cysts. Nodules are large, painful,
solid lesions that are lodged deep within the skin. Cysts also lay deep within the skin but are filled with pus.
Both can produce scars

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