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ROLL NO:-26901322039
RE NO:-222690120042






Explains Storm Sewer
New storm sewer systems are now designed to carry the
runoff to storm water management lakes. Here, the quality
of the water is improved by allowing the settlement of dirt
and other material that may be present in the water before
it is discharged. Storm sewers are essential because they
act as a drainage systems for roads, relieving the
possibility of flooding from rain, monsoons and general
Hazardous substances, chemicals, motor oil, paints,
cleaners etc. should not be allowed to drain into a storm
sewer, as it can kill delicate aquatic life at the point of
discharge. In addition to these, leaves, grass clippings and
organic waste should not be thrown into storm sewers as
they can clog the flow of the storm sewer and can become
a source of flooding during storms.
Storm Drain
A storm drain, storm sewer, surface water drain/sewer , or storm water
drain is infrastructure designed to drain excess rain and ground
water from impervious surface such as paved streets, car parks, parking
lots, footpaths, sidewalks, and roofs. Storm drains vary in design from
small residential dry wells to large municipal systems.
Drains receive water from street gutter on most motorways, freeways
and other busy roads, as well as towns in areas with heavy rainfall that
leads to flooding, and coastal towns with regular storms. Even gutters
from houses and buildings can connect to the storm drain. Many storm
drainage systems are gravity swear that drain untreated storm water
into rivers or streams—so it is unacceptable to pour hazardous
substances into the drains.
Storm drains sometimes cannot manage the quantity of rain that falls in
heavy rains or storms. Inundated drains can cause basement and street
flooding. Many areas require detention tank inside a property that
temporarily hold runoff in heavy rains and restrict outlet flow to the
public sewer. This reduces the risk of overwhelming the public sewer.
Some storm drains mix storm water (rainwater) with sewage, either
intentionally in the case of combined swear, or uninternationaly.
Function of storm water
There are two main types of storm water drain inlets: side inlets and grated inlets. Side inlets are located adjacent to
the curb and rely on the ability of the opening under the back stone or lintel to capture flow. They are usually
depressed at the invert of the channel to improve capture capacity.


Pipes can come in many different cross-sectional shapes (rectangular, square, bread-loaf-shaped, oval, inverted pear-
shaped, egg shaped, and most commonly, circular). Drainage systems may have many different features
including waterfalls, stairways, balconies and pits for catching rubbish, sometimes called Gross Pollutant Traps (GPTs).
Pipes made of different materials can also be used, such as brick, concrete, high density polyphone or galvanized
steel. Fiber reinforce plastic is being used more commonly for drain pipes and fittings.


Most drains have a single large exit at their point of discharge into a canal, river, lake, reservoir, sea or ocean. Other
than catch basins, typically there are no treatment facilities in the piping system. Small storm drains may discharge
into individual dry wells. Storm drains may be interconnected using slotted pipe, to make a larger dry well system.
Storm drains may discharge into human-made excavations known as recharge basins or retention ponds.
Environmental impacts
Water quantity

Storm drains are often unable to manage the quantity of rain that falls during heavy rains and/or storms. When
storm drains are inundated, basement and street flooding can occur. Unlike catastrophic flooding events, this type
of urban flooding occurs in built-up areas where human-made drainage systems are prevalent. Urban flooding is the
primary cause of sewer backups and basement flooding, which can affect properties repeatedly.

Water quality

The first flush from urban runoff can be extremely dirty. Storm water may become contaminated while running
down the road or other impervious surface, or from lawn chemical run-off, before entering the drain.

Mosquito breeding

Catch basins are commonly designed with a sump area below the outlet pipe level—a reservoir for water and debris
that helps prevent the pipe from clogging. Unless constructed with permeable bottoms to let water infiltrate into
underlying soil, this subterranean basin can become a mosquito breeding area, because it is cool, dark, and retains
stagnant water for a long time. Combined with standard grates, which have holes large enough for mosquitoes to enter
and leave the basin, this is a major problem in mosquito control.
Relationship to sanitary sewer systems

Storm drains are separate and distinct

from sanitary swear systems. The separation of
storm sewers from sanitary sewers helps
prevent sewage treatment plants becoming
overwhelmed by inflow during a rainstorm,
which could discharge untreated sewage into
the environment.
Many storm drainage systems drain untreated
storm water into rivers or streams. In the US,
many local governments conduct public
awareness campaigns about this, lest people
dump waste into the storm drain system. 
Storm water Drainage System

Pipes, manholes, inlet, and outlet structures are the main components of storm sewer network. Pipes can be
grouped into the trunk (main) and service pipes. A service line is smaller in diameter and is tributary to the trunk
line. The study catchment contains 15 km of service pipes and 61 km of storm main. Manholes provide access to
underground storm sewers for inspection and cleanout. They are provided where there is an abrubt change in
direction, gradient, or pipe diameter and at major junctions where multiple storm drains converge. They can be
made of either masonry or concrete, usually with cast iron or concrete covers. There are 836 manholes in the case
study area. Storm drain inlets are used to collect urban runoff and discharge it to an underground sewer system.
Inadequate attention to inlet capacity can cause an undue hazard to the security of many urban activities. There are
three main types of inlet structures. Grate inlets consist of an opening in the gutter covered by screens. Curb-
opening inlets are vertical openings in the curb covered by a top slab. Slotted drain inlets consist of a slotted
opening with bars perpendicular to the opening. Slotted inlets function as weirs with flow entering from the side.
Furthermore, there are 30 outfalls in the case study area that are located adjacent to Vernon
Creek. Roadside gutters, ditches, and other overland open channel flow route are considered part of the major
drainage system. Furthermore, storm water best management practices (BMPs) are important components of a
drainage system. BMPs provide water quality enhancement as well as improve the overall hydraulic capacity of the
system. In the study area, there are 1545 catch basins and 9 drywells.

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Anindya Ghosh who gave a
golden chance to do this wonder full project on the topic ‘drainage or storm sewage’ which also helped
me to gather more knowledge on it.


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