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Extracting Values out of

Biases and Prejudices
We have learned to live not only on our own but
also with the presence and help of other people. As we
interact others, some circumstances are not always
warm and accommodating. They are sometimes
accompanied by rejections and discrimination.
Sensitivity towards other people’s feelings and
situations is a huge factor that will lead us to live in a
world where equality reigns.

What can you say about the

famous quotation line by John
Donne? Share your thoughts.
“No man is an island”
-John Donne
This time, let us try to be biased and
prejudiced with the pictures
presented, consequently, let us give
our constructive phrases rather than
our prejudgment.
Processing questions:
• Why is it easy for us to judge other people?
• Why is it easy for us to say bad and hurting words to
other people rather than kind and caring words?
• How can we change ourselves from being
• Is there a chance that we can’t be judgmental?
In which medium commonly people give their
judgements nowadays?
(Presentation of Group Activity)
(Giving their scores and feedback)
There are various psychological, theories that suggest that
prejudice is almost impossible to remove. Among these
theories is the scapegoat theory, advanced by the renowned
psychologist Sigmund Freud. The theory implicitly suggests
that prejudice is inevitable because prejudice is an emotive and
cognitive function. It is an attitude, which informs experience
and an understanding of the environment in which we inhabit
(Asendorpf, Banse, & Mucke, 2002). D. An attitude is also
instrumental and utilitarian.
As such it becomes associated with punishments and
rewards; if one shares an attitude towards a certain group of
people with others; they reward you with approval or tangible
rewards. People are, therefore, motivated to adopt the
prejudices of their primary groups. Attitudes are also a source
of self-expression and a step towards the innate quest for self-
actualization. Attitudes are essential in the formation of values
which in turn influence integrity and self-belief (Asendorpf,
Banse & Mucke, 2002).
Choose the correct answer that is best
reflected in the given scenario. Write
the letter of your answer on your
_____1. Denying someone a promotion
because of his sexual orientation.
A.Bias B.Prejudice C.No Bias/Prejudice

_____2. Firing a woman from her job

upon learning of her pregnancy.
A.Bias B.Prejudice C.No Bias/Prejudice
_____3. Offering higher pay to a newly
hired Christian physician over a mainstay
Hindu doctor.
A.Bias B.Prejudice C.No Bias/Prejudice
_____4. Putting up a greater number of
washrooms in airports for females
than males.
A.Bias B.Prejudice C.No Bias/Prejudice
_____5. Being not invited over a classy
neighborhood party because of their
ethnicity and origin.
A.Bias B.Prejudice C.No Bias/Prejudice
Let’s Check!
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
Reflection #4
Compose a personal prayer for people who
have been prejudged, have been discriminated
against and have experienced biases in life. It
is preferably a prayer with a minimum of fifty
(50) words. Please be guided by the rubrics
provided below.

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