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Marketing Management
Submitted to:
Zillur Rahman
Amidst the extensive array of skincare products saturating the market, LazLé
distinguishes itself as a pragmatic and dependable choice that aligns with the
timeless saying, "Prevention is more effective than Cure." As a wellness
cream, LazLé diligently preserves the skin's radiance and vitality, aiding in its
recuperation from the diverse array of daily environmental exposures.
Tailored to address all individuals grappling with skin issues. LazLé positions
itself as a one-stop solution for prevalent skincare challenges.
Importance of Storytelling
Emotional Engagement
Sanyam, whose vibrant energy and confidence has always been his signature. But even the
most outgoing personalities have their battles, and Sanyam was with his skin. Countless
products promised miracles, yet disappointment was his constant companion. That's until
LazLé stepped in.
With the countless invisible wars our skin goes through daily, Lazlé is the saviour. Every
application is a testament to a commitment to self-care, to preserve the authentic glow that
life can sometimes dim. LazLé becomes a partner in this quest, working tirelessly to shield
the skin from a daily barrage of elements.
Brand Loyalty
Audience trust, connection and relationship deepen when the promised product delivers
results. The character’s skin and self-confidence rejuvenate in our scenario through LazLé’s
Conflict Authenticity
Sanyam, who radiates confidence In Sanyam's narrative, his
and sociability, is currently "Look Good, Feel Good, Live
Good” guiding principle stands
grappling with skin health
out prominently. These beliefs
challenges that are taking a toll on of our character helped him
his confidence and well-being. regain his self-assurance and
Despite his typically outgoing self-confidence. LazLé
nature, he's feeling disheartened emerged as a one-stop
solution, as promised.
due to the lack of positive results
from previously tried skincare
products. With so many products
in the market, Sanyam is in a
dilemma about which product to

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