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Let's Talk



The painting can be devided into Five Era

Prehistoric and Ancient Art
Medieval and Renaissance Art
Baroque and Rococo Art
19th Century and Impressionism
Modern and Contemporary Art
Painting,the art of drawing.
• Discovered between 750000 and 150000 years

• That period is known as the Palaeolithic age

600 – 700 AD
Five common kinds of painting

Oil Painting
Mural Painting
Fresco Painting
What do most painters paint for?
Painter may create art for pleasure or as
profession ,capturing landscapes, portraits ,or
religious and historic themes.
Graffiti art is another from of painting, but it's a
subject of debate,with some considering it art and
others considering it vandalism.

Graffiti can be found invarious public space

worldwide , and some cities designate specific
areas for graffiti
Watercolour Painting

Utilizes pigments mixed with


Applied on paper.
Oil Painting
Utilizes oil colors on canvas.

Offers richness, depth and versatility.

Tempera Painting

Created on dry walls using pigments mixed with

water, egg yolk and glue.
Provides a smooth finish.

Historically used for religious and historic artworks.

Mural Painting

Involves painting on walls using various

techniques and materials.

Often seen in public spaces, depicting cultural,

historical or social theme.
Fresco Painting
Done by rapid brushing watercolors onto wet plaster.

Colors bind with the plaster, becoming an integral part of the

Commonly used for religious or narrative
Abstract Expressionism

Emerged in the 1940s in New York

Emphasizes non-representational forms

and emotional expression

Artist like Jackson Pollock and Mark

Rothko are associated.

Invented by Picasso and Braque.

Presents subjects from multiple viewpoints, using

geometric shapes.

Breaks away from traditional representation.

Surrealism or Modern

Emerged in the early 20th century.

Explores the irrational and dreamlike asperts of

the human mind.

Features bizarre and imaginative imagery.

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Ratha Aung Speaker Aung Si Min Leader

Thae Su San Speaker Ye Mann Aung PowerPoint Editor

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Theingar Myat Su Speaker Twal Tar Lin Painter

Shoon Po Ei Painter
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