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What Is Marine Life

• 550 million years ago the ocean was a simple ecosystem full
of reefs made by bacteria and a gooey mat of microbes that
covered the ocean floor
• Creatures were simple, but within a few million years this
ecosystem disappeared, replaced by an ocean full of diverse,
mobile and highly affective animals
Hammerhead Sharks
Sharks are the undisputed kings in the underworld. it only takes one look to understand who reigns over the
underworld. Whether its the open sea or coral reefs sharks have found an answer for every challenge

In this underwater realm they are the undisputed kings. Most humans hesitantly venture through their world with a
protection of technology. Deep under the surface of the water without a sound and without a breath they await to leap at the
chance to hear the pleasant sound of crunching bones and screams.
How Large are hammerhead sharks?
As in many shark species, the female is larger than the male. Girl Power! The common length for adult
female is 15-18 feet while the common length for adult male is about 12 feet. The common length at birth is
about 1.6-2.3 feet and it can grow up to 20 feet in length and weigh up to 1,000 pounds. MIND BLOWN.

Why are they becoming endangered?

Can you believe they live from 20 to 30 years and yet they are becoming endangered. They are threatened by
commercial fishing, mainly for the shark fin trade and they are an expensive delicacy. Though this occurs in
other countries it is strictly prohibited in the U.A.E. Without them, other predatory fish would reduce the
numbers of herbivores, which in turn would allow algae to dominate over coral reefs.

What do they feed on?

Hammerheads are quite aggressive hunters, feeding on smaller fish, octopuses, squid, and crustaceans. They
are very defensive and attack when provoked. Hammerheads primarily feed on prey at the seafloor, such
as stingrays, octopus, squid, crustaceans and other sharks.
Intéressant facts about hammerhead sharks!!
• Did you know a hammerhead shark's name comes from the unusual
shape of its head but it was built to maximize the fish's ability to find
its favorite meal.
• Surprisingly with its wondrous eyes on each end they are said to have
panoramic vision. With its super vision it also can sense electric
currents and can detect their prey from over a mile away!
• Can you believe that hammerhead sharks can see all around them
because of their eyes on each side. This helps them sense danger
quickly and that’s why they move and take turns fast.

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