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PART 1 Introduction

PART 2 SBR Process - Step-by-step

PART 3 Key Components of SBR System

PART 4 Key Advantages of SBR

PART 5 Applications of SBR Method

PART 6 Conclusion

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Eco Green Tech

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Sequencial Batch Reactor (SBR)

Eco Green Tech Water & Wastewater Management Systems


Sequencial Batch Reactor (SBR)

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Welcome to the presentation on Revolutionizing
Wastewater Treatment. Today, we will be discussing
the SBR sewage treatment method and its benefits.

Eco Green Tech Pvt Ltd is a leading company in the

field of sustainable wastewater treatment. By adopting
the SBR sewage treatment method, the company is
committed to reducing its carbon footprint and
providing a cleaner environment.

Sequencial Batch Reactor

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What is SBR Sewage Treatment?
The sequencing batch reactor (SBR) is a fill-and-
draw activated sludge system for wastewater
treatment. In this system, wastewater is added to a
single “batch” reactor, treated to remove undesirable
components, and then discharged.

The Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) method is a

highly efficient biological treatment process that
removes organic and inorganic contaminants from
Sequencial Batch Reactor

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SBR Process - Step-by-step
1. Filling Phase
- Description of the filling process
- Importance of controlled inflow

2. React Phase
- Biological treatment of sewage
- Aeration and mixing in the reactor

3. Settle Phase
- Separation of treated water from sludge
- Importance of settling time

4. Decant Phase
- Treated water removal process
Sequencial Batch Reactor - Sludge return to the reactor

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Working Principle of SBR Sewage Treatment
The SBR sewage treatment process operates in a batch
mode, encompassing distinct phases:

a) Filling: Wastewater is introduced into the reactor tank.

b) Reacting: The wastewater undergoes biological treatment,

where microorganisms break down organic matter and

c) Settling: After the reacting phase, the mixture is allowed

to settle, and the solids separate from the treated water.

d) Decanting: The clear, treated water is decanted from the

top of the tank, leaving the settled solids at the bottom.
Sequencial Batch Reactor
e) Idle: The reactor remains idle before starting a new cycle.

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SBR Design Principles
• Batch Operation Control: Detail the significance of
the sequencing batch operation for better control
over treatment stages.

• Biological Process Optimization: Describe how the

SBR method optimizes biological processes to
improve treatment efficiency.

• Decanting and Settling: Explain the importance of

proper decanting and settling phases for effective
Sequencial Batch Reactor solids separation.

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Design Considerations for SBR
• Tank Configuration and Size: Discuss the factors influencing tank design
and sizing for SBR systems.

• Aeration System: Explain the role of aeration in providing oxygen for

biological treatment.

• Mixing Mechanism: Detail the mixing mechanism to ensure homogenous

distribution of biomass.

• Control Systems: Discuss the significance of advanced control systems to

automate the treatment process.

• Sludge Handling: Address the methods for sludge handling and disposal.
Sequencial Batch Reactor

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Key Components of SBR System
- SBR Reactor Tank

- Aeration System

- Settling Tank

- Decanting System

- Sludge Return Mechanism

- Monitoring and Control Systems

Sequencial Batch Reactor

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Advantages of SBR Sewage Treatment
- High treatment efficiency

- Flexibility and easy


- Reduced energy consumption

- Minimal sludge production

- Space-saving design

Sequencial Batch Reactor

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 Key Advantages of SBR Sewage Treatment Method
 a) Flexibility and Adaptability: SBR technology can be easily adapted to treat varying inflow
rates and pollutant loads, making it ideal for different applications and industries.

 b) High-Quality Effluent: The process consistently produces high-quality treated water,

meeting stringent environmental standards and regulations.

 c) Reduced Footprint: SBR systems often require less space compared to traditional
wastewater treatment methods, making them suitable for areas with limited land

 d) Energy Efficiency: The intermittent aeration and idle periods in SBR systems lead to
energy savings compared to continuous-flow systems.

 e) Nutrient Removal: SBR sewage treatment can efficiently remove nutrients like nitrogen
and phosphorus, addressing eutrophication concerns in water bodies.

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Applications of SBR Method
- Municipal wastewater treatment

- Industrial wastewater treatment

- Use in remote or small communities

Sequencial Batch Reactor

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Environmental and Sustainability Benefits

Discussion of the - The positive impact of the SBR method on the environment, such as conservation of water resources.
environmental benefits
- Reduction in water pollution
associated with SBR
systems - Contribution to sustainable water management

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Future Trends in SBR Method
- Discuss the future developments and
trends that can shape the SBR

- Integration of artificial intelligence for

advanced process control.

- Incorporating membrane bioreactors

for enhanced filtration and water

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• Recap the key points presented in the PPT.

• Reiterate Eco Green Tech's commitment to adopting cutting-

edge technologies for sustainable wastewater treatment.

• End with a strong call-to-action or any next steps for the

audience to get involved.

• Emphasis on the advantages and versatility of SBR technology

• Potential for future advancements and wider adoption of SBR

• Closing remarks on the importance of wastewater treatment for a

sustainable future.

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Eco Green Tech Private Limited,

Water and Wastewater Management
System, 790/2, Goldwins, Civil Aerodrome
Post, Coimbatore-641014.
Call: +91 99 52 999 799

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