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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidence: Consolidation activity / Evidencia: Actividad de consolidación

Stage 1: “My visit to the fair” / Etapa 1: “Mi visita a la feria”

Look at the following images of Richard at the Frankfurt Auto Show and read his
descriptions. / Observe las siguientes imágenes de Richard en el Salón del Automóvil de
Frankfurt y lea sus descripciones.

Fuente: SENA
[ Your fair ]
Image Description

In 2017 I traveled to Milan Italy with my

family to see the fashion week of the latest
Andreas Melbostad collection.
We were invited since my aunt was one of
the organizers of said event and they gave
her 3 VIP passes, and she invited us to see
this event.
We arrived on Monday 18th September as
the event was starting on Wednesday 20th
[ Your fair ]
Image Description

When my parents and I arrived in Milan,

we began to walk the streets, but near the
hotel where we stayed, near a clothing
store of a very famous brand called Louis
Vuitton, where there were a few
celebrities, but they were with their
bodyguards and we couldn't take pictures.
with them but it was still a very beautiful
[ Your fair ]
Image Description

It was a gala night where many celebrities

were present like my two favorite models
Kendall Jenner and Claudia Schiffer along
with their families, for security reasons we
couldn't get close to them but thanks to
my aunt I got Claudia's autograph.
[ Your fair ]
Image Description

At the end of the catwalk they made a

beautiful tribute to Gianni Versace for his
20th anniversary of his death, returning to
the top of the 90s and the person in
charge of everything was his sister
Donatella who took advantage of this
moment to pay tribute to his brother who
was one and is one of the great figures of
[ Your fair ]
Image Description

This was a small summary of the 5 days

that Fashion Week lasted.
Then I went to see the streets of Milan, we
had lunch in a nice restaurant, and by the
way, Milan has super delicious cuisine.
At night we went to a small fair that was
square Duomo.
[ Your fair ]
Image Description

Before going home we went to the famous

Starbucks in Milan which is one of the
most luxurious in the world, my parents
took advantage and worked from their
computers since they have a small
business and I enjoyed drinking many
varieties of coffees that I did not know.
[ Your fair ]
Image Description

We returned home on September 30, for

me they were the best days of my life
since I met a new country like Italy and its
beautiful city Milan and fashion
I hope one day to return to Milan.

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