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More Than One Kind of
-- IQ, or intellectual quotient, is often
referenced to gauge someone's
academic potential. However, it's just
one aspect of intelligence. Various
other types of intelligence exist, like
spatial, musical, and emotional
intelligence, each highlighting diverse
talents beyond intellect.
-- One important type of intelligence is
emotional intelligence.
What Is Emotional

Emotional intelligence is the

ability to understand, use, and
manage our emotions.
Emotional Intelligence
-- Emotional intelligence, often abbreviated
as EQ or EI, plays a crucial role in predicting
success in social and emotional contexts. It
enhances our ability to form meaningful
relationships, make sound decisions, and
navigate challenging situations. Think of EQ
as a facet of interpersonal savvy, as it
significantly impacts success in various life
domains. In some studies, EQ even surpasses
IQ in its influence on academic and
professional achievement.
Being Aware of Your
-- Recognizing and labeling emotions as they
arise is a fundamental EQ skill. By simply
acknowledging and naming our feelings in
the moment, we can better manage our own
emotions and empathize with others. Yet,
some may go through their day without this
awareness. Cultivate this skill by regularly
identifying and internally labeling your
emotions, making it a daily habit for
emotional self-awareness.
Understanding How Others Feel
and Why
-- EQ involves empathy, which means
imagining and understanding how others
might feel in different situations, even when
you don't know for sure. This skill helps us
care about people, form strong
relationships, and know how to act when
someone is emotional.

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