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Sea features of erosion

associated with wave action

Lesson objectives

A learner must:

● Understand how wave action plays a role in erosion

● Elaborate on the formation of a cliff
● Explain how a crack, cave, arch, stack and stump form
Word bank

Arches: Curve-shaped rock features caused by wave erosion

Bays: Curved areas carved by waves along the coast

Cliffs: Steep walls of rock

Retreats: Goes back to previous position

Stacks: Columns of rock that stand away from the land

Cliff formation
Cave, arch, stack and stump formation
Classroom activity 3.4

1. List the following features in the order in which they form: arch, cave, stack
2. Describe the stages in the formation of an arch.
3. Look at the photo of ‘Hole in the wall’ in the Eastern Cape on the next slide. Draw
and label a diagram to show how wave erosion could change the arch into another
coastal feature.

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