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Lecture 03

9th October 2023

Intended Learning Outcomes
Explain the Transformation of Plane Stress (Continued)

Define Principal Planes, Principal Stresses, and Corresponding

Principal Angles

Define Maximum Shearing Stresses, Corresponding Planes, Average

Stress, and Angles

Solve Numerical Problems Solution Related to Transformation of

Stress (Analytical Approach)
Overview of Previous Lecture
Describe General State of Stress

Define the Concept of Plane Stress

Define the Concept of Plane Strain

Differentiate between Plane Stress and Plane Strain

Explain the Transformation of Plane Stress

General State of Stress
Stress Under General Loading
Conditions: Components of Stress
Stress Under General Loading
Conditions: Components of Stress
We conclude from Eqs. (1.21) and (1.22) that only six stress
components are required to define the condition of stress at a given
point Q, instead of nine as originally assumed. These six components

 The most general state of stress at a point

may be represented by 6 components,
 x , y , z normal stresses
 xy ,  yz ,  zx shearing stresses
(Note :  xy   yx ,  yz   zy ,  zx   xz )

Fig. 3D Stress Element

Transformation of Plane Stress
Transformation of Plane Stress
Transformation of Plane Stress
 Given: ?
 Required: ?
 Objectives: ?
 Methods / Approaches: ?
Transformation of Plane Stress

 Figure (a) ?
 Figure (b) ?

 Equilibrium conditions ?
 Why?
Transformation of Plane Stress

What does
it show ?
Transformation of Plane Stress

What does
it show ?

What does
it show ?

What does
it show ?
Transformation of Plane Stress
Principal Stresses and Principal Angles
Principal Stresses and Principal Angles
 The previous equations 7.5 and 7.6 are the parametric equations of a circle.
 The equations 7.5 and 7.6 are combined to yield the following parametric
equation for a circle.

7 - 15
Principal Stresses Principal Angles
 Which is the equation of a circle of radius R centered at the point C of
abscissa and ordinate 0 (Fig. 7.7).
 It can be observed that, due to the symmetry of the circle about the horizontal
axis, the same result would have been obtained if, instead of plotting M, we
had plotted a point N of abscissa and ordinate (Fig. 7.8).

7 - 16
Principal Stresses and Principal Angles

 The two points A and B where the circle of Fig. 7.7 intersects the
horizontal axis are of special interest: Point A corresponds to the
maximum value of the normal stress , while point B corresponds to its
minimum value.
 Besides, both points correspond to a zero value of the shearing stress
 Thus, the values of the parameter which correspond to points A and B
can be obtained by setting in Eq. (7.6). We write

7 - 17
Principal Stresses and Principal Angles

 This equation defines two values that are 180 degrees apart, and thus
two values that are 90 degrees apart.
 Either of these values can be used to determine the orientation of the
corresponding element (Fig. 7.9)

7 - 18
Principal Stresses and Principal Angles

 Principal planes: these are the planes having only the values of normal
stresses and zero shearing stresses as shown by points A and B in Fig. 7.7.
 Principal stresses: these are the normal stresses occurring on the
principal planes.
 Principal angles: these are the angles showing the orientation of principal
 From Fig. 7.7, we observe that

7 - 19
Principal Stresses and Principal Angles

 Unless it is possible to tell by inspection which of the two principal planes

is subjected to and which is subjected to it is necessary to
substitute one of the values into Eq. (7.5) in order to determine which
of the two corresponds to the maximum value of the normal stress.

7 - 20
Maximum Shearing Stresses

 Referring again to the circle of Fig. 7.7, we note that the points D and E
located on the vertical diameter of the circle correspond to the largest
numerical value of the shearing stress
 Since, the abscissa of points D and E is the values of
the parameter corresponding to these points are obtained by setting
in Eq. (7.5). It follows that the sum of the last two terms
in that equation must be zero. Thus, for we write

7 - 21
Maximum Shearing Stresses

 Or

 This equation defines two values that are

180 degrees apart, and thus, two values that are
90 degrees apart.
 Either of these values can be used to determine the orientation of the
element corresponding to the maximum shearing stress (Fig. 7.10).
 Observing from Fig. 7.7 that the maximum value of the shearing stress is
equal to the radius R of the circle, and recalling the second of Eqs. (7.10),
we write
7 - 22
Average Normal Stress

 As observed earlier, the normal stress corresponding to the condition of

maximum shearing stress is

 Comparing Eqs. (7.12) and (7.15), we note that is the negative

reciprocal of
 This means that the angles and are 90 degrees apart and, therefore,
that the angles and are 45 degrees apart.
 We thus conclude that the planes of maximum shearing stress are at 45
degrees to the principal planes.

7 - 23
Application of the Transformation Eqs.
These equations are usually called the transformation equations for
plane stress because they transform the stress components from one set
of axes to another.

However, the intrinsic state of stress at the point under consideration

is the same whether represented by stresses acting on the xy element
(Fig. 7.5a) or by stresses acting on the inclined x1y1 element (Fig.

Since, the transformation equations were derived solely from

equilibrium of an element, they are applicable to stresses in any kind
of material, whether linear or nonlinear, elastic or inelastic.
Application of the Transformation Eqs.
The stress-transformation equations derived for plane stress in the xy
plane are valid even when a normal stress is present.

The explanation lies in the fact that the stress does not enter the
equations of equilibrium used in deriving the Equations.

Therefore, the transformation equations for plane stress can also be

used for the stresses in plane strain.

An analogous situation exists for plane strain. Although, we will

derive the strain-transformation equations for the case of plane strain
in the xy plane, the equations are valid even when a strain exists.
Application of the Transformation Eqs.

The reason is simple enough—the strain does not affect the

geometric relationships used in the derivations.

Therefore, the transformation equations for plane strain can also be

used for the strains in plane stress.

Finally, we should recall that the transformation equations for plane

stress were derived solely from equilibrium and therefore are valid for
any material, whether linearly elastic or not.

The same conclusion applies to the transformation equations for plane

strain. Since, they are derived solely from geometry, they are
independent of the material properties.
1. Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston Jr., John T. DeWolf, David
F. Mazurek, Mechanics of Materials
2. James M. Gere, Mechanics of Materials, 6th edition, ISBN 0-534-
41793, Bill Stenquist, 2004.
Questions (if any)

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