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Ecclesiastes 1:1-14
About the Author – Solomon
1. The name Solomon comes from the
Hebrew “shalom” – means Peace
2. He wrote Ecclesiastes in the later portion
of his life.
3. Ecclesiastes comes from the Hebrew word
“qoheleth” – means preacher/teacher.
4. He broke his peace in God.
Ecclesiastes 1 – speaks about vanity of life

What is Vanity?
• Useless, futile, meaningless, vain
Verses 1-4: Solomon defines life based on nature:
1. Life is like a vapor, or wind that it only passes
2. Life is a transit – it leaves no result, it does not
satisfy the mind.
3. There is no advantage to struggle in
terms of earthly pleasure.
4. Life is an endless repetition, aimless
and monotonous.

Verses 8-11: Solomon defines life based on human

1. Life is laborious, wearisome, tiresome –
no satisfaction to one’s eye.
2.Life has no remembrance, nothing new.
3. Human activity is nothing.
Verses 12-14 –Wisdom is futile (useless)
1. Human wisdom does not contain
all the answers.
2. Knowledge and education have
their limits.
• What does Solomon view about life?
Final Conclusion of Solomon about Life:
1. We should enjoy life by obeying God’s
2. The purpose and meaning of life cannot be
found in human endeavors but in positive
attitude and strong faith in God.
3. Human effort apart from God is useless.
4. Put God first – now!
5. Receive everything good as a gift from
6. Realize that God will judge every
person’s life whether good or evil.
7. Pleasures and material things when sought
for their own sake bring nothing.

The Birth of a Meaningful Life Solomon says: (2

1. To fear God
2. To obey God
What is life to you based on your experience?

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