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Personal Development


Group 5 Members: DelaTorre, Christian B Cascat, Emmylou Tayo

Montemayor, Johnpaul Tulod Estopa, Mark Atil Agliones, Phil Jaylord L. Enal
What I Know

1. It is a stimulus that is perceived to be a threat or that which causes stress.

A. Wellness B. Mental Health C. Catharsis Wellness D. Stressor
2. Stress can challenge and motivate you to find creative solutions to your concerns, and this
kind of stress is called
A. Distress B. Eustress C. Catastrophe D. Catharsis
3. Is a state of well- being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities can cope
with the normal stresses of everyday life, can work productively and is able to make a
contribution to his or her community.
A. Mental Health B. Stress C. Stressors D. Wellness
4. An emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension
A. Wellness B. Mental Health C. Stress D. Stressors
5. Is used when a person has no capacity to deal with the source of the problem
A. Problem-focused C. Eustress B. Emotion - focused D. Catastrophe
6. They involve some personality constructs like thoughts, beliefs, values, attitudes, and opinions
A. Biological Influence C. Social influence B. Psychointrapersonal influence D. Technostress
7. The capacity to recover from an unpleasant experience
A. Enhancing social skills C. Enhancing resilience
B. Developing self-regulation D. Enhancing self -esteem
8. The abilities to relate more effectively with others
A. Enhancing social skills C. Enhancing resilience
B. Developing self-regulation D. Enhancing self -esteem

9. You are confident, feel good about yourself, find ways to improve, work cooperatively
A. Enhancing social skills C. Enhancing resilience
B. Developing self-regulation D. Enhancing self -esteem

10. It is setting goals and standard and delaying gratification of needs

A. Enhancing social skills C. Enhancing resilience
B. Developing self-regulation D. Enhancing self -esteem
What I Need to Know
Mabuhay! welcome to your next journey. Being an adolescent, stress is part of
growing up. This module will help you identify the causes and effects of stress in
your life and demonstrate ways on how to cope with it and maintain mental health.
Isn’t it exciting that you will be able to know your stresses in life and be motivated to
take an action to cope with? For you to understand the lesson let me introduce you to
the learning objectives of this module. At the end of the lesson you will be able to:
* identify causes and effects of stress in one’s life.

* demonstrate personal ways to cope with stress and maintain mental health.
What's In
Hello there ! Let us get some information from you on how this editorial cartoon
may impress you. Try to ponder what messages this editorial cartoon conveys to
you. Please answer the questions below in a complete sentence on a separate sheet
of paper.

1. What the picture depicts about ? ________________________________________

2. What messages do this picture give to an adolescent like you ?_____________
3. How this picture affects the lifestyle, self -esteem, and values of a person ?
Having seen the editorial cartoon above and answered the following questions. We may ask
ourselves what kind of feelings we have for now and wonders how this may affect our
dealings with other people. As we continue, let me know your opinion to this given scenario
below by answering the questions in a sentence and write this on your activity notebook or
whatever available sheet of paper you have.

We know for the fact that the world was hit by COVID 19 and for sure you have heard, seen and even
experienced the effects of this pandemic probably hits your own place, Cebu City.

Activity: What can you say about the Covid-19 situation in Cebu City ?

Positive Negative

________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
What is
It Learning from the activities above, you understand that your answers are pointing
to a common topic which is STRESS. There are many causes of stress and their
also many effects either to the person having it or to the person/s who induced
What is Stress ?
Stress – an emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension ( Webster dictionary ). It is
the feeling one gets from prolonged, pent-up emotions
2 types of Stress:
This consists of our everyday stresses and This is a form of negative stress that
is considered as good or positive stress is experienced when the situation or
because of the benefits it brings to people event encountered is threatening or
who experienced it. overwhelming and one’s ability to cope is
Effect: Help improve work Effects: decrease work performance,
performance, increase motivation and cause anxiety and worry, can cause
energy, excite an individual. mental, physical and health consequences,
unpleasant feeling.
Stressors - pertain to the causes of stress. It is a stimulus that is perceived to be a threat
or that which causes stress

The diagram below shows different kind of Stressors ( Girdano, Dusek, & Everly,2012, as cited in Taladua, 2018 )

Bioecological Influence Psychointrapersonal Social Influence Technostress

biological and ecological They involve Influence by social causes Devastating emotions
factors such as some personality construct such as financial caused by the
sunlight, gravitational s like thoughts, insecurity, violation of outpouring amount
pull, electromagnetic field beliefs, values, human rights, of information from online
s, environmental toxins, attitudes, and opinions. technological advances, technology like identity
solar radiation, Stress happens when lifestyle behavior, theft, internet
noise pollution, etc. any of them are violated. peer pressures, etc. gambling, distractions
of emails and
text messages, etc.
Coping with Stress
Stress is part of growing up. You may feel pressure in everything you do, both at home and in
school. Broken cellphone, a failed exam, miscommunication with parents and teachers, late in
coming to school, a conflict with a classmate – all these are your stressors or causes of stress.
You experience stress when you respond to your stressors that you perceive to surpass your
capabilities. You can check your ways of coping, because they can be either PROBLEM-
1. PROBLEM-FOCUSED METHODS ( deals with the stressors directly in practical ways ) which include:

A. Seeking social support – talking and discussing the problems.

B. Anticipatory Coping – anticipate the symptoms and feelings of stress and we can do something to avoid them.

2. EMOTION-FOCUSED METHODS ( is used when a person has no capacity to deal with the source of the
problem ) which include:
A. Defense Mechanism – pretending it’s not happening.

B. Reappraisal – take another look of the situation and change the way they feel.

C. Arousal Reduction – the person is less aroused, feels less stressed, like in meditation.
There are other techniques on how to manage stress:

1. Track your stressors

2. Develop healthy responses
3. Establish boundaries
4 . Talk to your parents, teachers,
5. Smile and Laugh pastors/priests
6. Take time to recharge
7. Exercise 8. Learn how to relax
9. Sleep
9 – 11 hours
10. Pray to God
11. Eat healthy and nutritious foods
Personal Ways of Coping with Stress
When you are stressed out, you may probably feel overwhelmed. These are the following ways
to cope with stress:
1. Take a deep breath, get more oxygen for you to think logically and clearly.

2. Having a massage, taking a warm shower or even taking a nap – can calm your muscles.

3. Engaging in physical activities such as brisk walking and playing favorite games, will divert your attention

4. When you deal stress, learn to comfort yourself

5. Comfort yourself for some limitations and forgiving those who hurt you.

6. Choose of being a good person and improving yourself.

7. Soothe yourself with aromatherapy like before exam you can wear your favorite perfume.

8. Crying in your private room.

9. Talking about what you feel and what you think about your situation.


Mental Health – is a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his own
potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and
fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his community. ( World Health Org. )

1. Think bright. Think well. - Be positive. Keep your optimism high, look on the bright side of life and count
your blessings everyday
2. Do what is right. Take good action. – Take care of yourself. Avoid Risky behaviors. If uncertain
or confused, seek guidance or ask for help. Consult your parents, teachers, counsellors, and other
3. Be on the move. – Exercise it lifts your mood, keep you fit and energizes you.
4. Be strong. Manage your stress. – Know what gives you stress and deal with them. Find ways to slow
down and relax look away from gadgets, enjoy the beauty of nature, breathe some fresh air. Be strong and
5. Lift yourself up. Build your confidence. – Avoid negative people. value and develop your abilities,
know your weaknesses and find your strengths, love the gifts from God in you and surround yourself with
people and things that will inspire and make you happy.
6. Find peace inside and out. – accept yourself and your circumstances. It is the best point to bring about
changes. Take quiet time to be at peace, bring peace around you and it goes back to you.

7. Develop life skills.- learn to manage time, how to budget, learn how to cook, repair or fix things, learn
how to apply first aid, learn to ask help, learn to survive, learn our laws, learn basic self defense and etc.
8. Establish a support network – it is good to have a group whom you can turn to when you need
for some help.
9. Help someone. – Be useful, volunteer, apply what you learn, Be a gift to others.
10.Enhancing self-esteem. – means self worth. You are confident, feel good
about yourself, find ways to improve, work cooperatively.
11. Enhancing resilience. – the capacity to recover from an unpleasant experience.
Resilient individuals can return to their original condition after a life changing
experience such illness or an accident. establish connections to people, accept reality
that nothing is permanent, love and take care of self, and knows how to solve
12.Developing self- regulation. – the capacity to control and monitor your own
behavior. It is setting goals and standard and delaying gratification of needs.
Examples: you do not play cellphone because you must focus on deadlines at school,
do not use any social media during midterm and final tests, skip attending parties to
focus on your studies.

13.Enhancing social skills – the abilities to relate more effectively with others. May
help you meet outstanding people and build strong connections with them when you
are about to build your career. Set your limitations or boundaries, show empathy to
others, learn to negotiate, promote good feelings, be thankful and appreciative,
practice forgiveness, learn to help others and accept help from others.
Causes and Effects of Stress in You

1. Not prepared for the Midterm 1. ________________________________

Exam. 2. ________________________________
2. ______________________________ 3. ________________________________
3. ______________________________ 4. ________________________________
4. ______________________________ 5. ________________________________
5. ______________________________ 6. ________________________________
6. ______________________________ 7. ________________________________
7. ______________________________ 8. ________________________________
8. ______________________________ 9. ________________________________
9. ______________________________ 10. ________________________________
10. ______________________________
Activity: MAKE A WEB

In your notebook, draw and supply the blank shapes of the Graphic Organizer with your answers in
sentence form.
1. Is a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities can cope
with the normal stresses of everyday life, can work productively and is able to make a
contribution to his or her community.
A. Mental Health B. Stress C. Stressors D. Wellness
2. An emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension
A. Mental Health B. Stress C. Stressors D. Wellness
3. Which is NOT an emotional symptom of stress ?
A. Moodiness B. Depression C. Online gaming D. Irritation
4. When you manage you time well, you may _____.
A. Experience more stress B. Encounter difficult problems
C. Be able to handle your stress better D. Experience depression
5. What you should do to become more motivated in your studies ?
A. Clarify your goals to your teacher only. B. Establish effective study habits.
C. Engage your time in idle talks. D. Create spaces for dubious friends.
6. Which of the following reflects the outcome of having poor judgment ?
A. You will understand the purpose of life. B. You become irritable.
C. You cannot decide what you want for yourself. D. You feel overexcited

7. When you are under stress, which physical symptoms is commonly experienced ?

A. Chest pain C. Constipation B. Rapid heart beat D. All of the above.

8. It is a stimulus that is perceived to be a threat or that which causes stress.

A. Stressor B. Wellness C. Mental Health D. Depression

9. Deals with the stressors directly in practical ways.

A. Problem-focused C. Catharsis B. Emotional-focused D. Distress

10. Stress can challenge and motivate you to find creative solutions to your concerns,
and this kind of stress is called _____.

A. Catastrophe B. Catharsis C. Distress D. Eustress

11. The abilities to relate more effectively with others

A. Enhancing social skills C. Enhancing resilience

B. Developing self-regulation D. Enhancing self -esteem

12. You are confident, feel good about yourself, find ways to improve, work
A. Enhancing social skills C. Enhancing resilience
B. Developing self-regulation D. Enhancing self -esteem
13. It is setting goals and standard and delaying gratification of needs
A. Enhancing social skills C. Enhancing resilience
B. Developing self-regulation D. Enhancing self -esteem
14. The capacity to recover from an unpleasant experience
A. Enhancing social skills C. Enhancing resilience
B. Developing self-regulation D. Enhancing self -esteem
15. They involve some personality constructs like thoughts, beliefs, values,
attitudes, and opinions
A. Biological Influence C. Social influence
B. Psychontrapersonal influence D. Technostress

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