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Advise as a verb


To give someone advice.

• I think I'd advise him to leave the company.
• His doctor advised him against smoking.
Flu shot
Influenza (flu) vaccines (often called “flu shots”) are vaccines
that protect against the four influenza viruses that research
indicates will be most common during the upcoming
Most= the majority of flu vaccines are “flu shots” given with a
needle, usually in the arm, but there also is a nasal spray flu
A thin metal pin, used in sewing, that is pointed at one end and has a
hole called an eye at the other end for thread
According to the video, /Based on the video, / In line with the video,
I would say that the answer for the question number 1/2 is ________
1 2

Obviously, / Naturally, /Evidently, / Plainly, /

I can see in the picture number 1 / 2 that
• A girl suffered a bike accident
• A boy has sunburn on his back
Regarding this issue, I have no hesitation in stating that he feels
• pain / uncomfortable / traumatized /shocked / feels unwell
A: okay
• Be careful when you ride a bike on the streets.
B1: B2: • Avoid riding the bike at high speed when you are a beginner.
• Stop riding a bike forever
• Put sunscreen on your body every time you go to the beach
• bring your sunscreen especially on very hot days
• Avoid going to the beach again because it is dangerous
• Other ideas
American English Sounds - UH [ə] Vowel - How to make the SCHWA

Vowel Sound / ə / (Schwa) as in "ago" - American English

I remember that once/ in 2020/ last week/ some days ago/ when I was sick,
+I felt __________ + I had ________ + I couldn’t________________ + My __________was hurting/aching.


COVID 19 Symptoms:
One week
Two weeks
Many days
A few days

Advice: +Drink hot tea with lemon and honey

+Don’t eat solid/heavy foods +Eat light meals
+Stay at home and don’t work for some days
+Take Panadol +Stay hydrated +Drink a lot of fluids
+Eat hen soup +Practice good prevention measures
+Other ideas.
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is treatment that falls outside of mainstream
healthcare. These treatments range from acupuncture and homeopathy, to aromatherapy,
meditation and colonic irrigation.

1 2 3

Concerning/ Regarding/ With regard to the three pictures,

I can say that the picture number 1/2/ 3 corresponds to yoga/ meditation/ massage/ acupuncture/
In my case,/ As for me,/ As far as I am concerned,
(+)I would try yoga/ meditation/ massage/ acupuncture/ aromatherapy.
(-) I wouldn’t try any complementary treatment.
Problems or disorders:
+A terrible headache + Anxiety disorders
+ A panic disorder +Obsessive-compulsive disorder
+ Depression +Bipolar disorder + Mood disorders.
+ Eating disorders. +Personality disorders.
A: What are its benefits?

B: it because it is
it (verb) –s
it can
it has
A: I see. I really appreciate your advice.

Feeling Sick | Cold, Flu & Allergies

Fun English Lesson 23 - Feeling sick

Practice English Conversation : At the hospital - English speaking


Talking about Health problem - English Speaking Course
THE CHOICE (Short Animated Movie)
'Choices' - An Interactive Short Film
A: B: We have to________________
A: What are the learning objectives of this class?

B: The learning objectives of this class are as follows:
+To learn vocabulary related to word partnerships
with sick.
+ To listen for detailed information in a passage
about a modern health problem.
+ To infer meaning in a mid-length article about
modern health problems.
+ To make requests and commands using reported
+ To write about health advice provided.
is a similar way of saying
Cut class
Absent oneself from a class or other.
If he cuts one more class he'll fail the course.
Punish by keeping indoors.
His parents grounded him for two weeks.
/ˌwel ˈpeɪd/
Earning or paying a lot of money.
• If you work in an American company, you will get a well-paid
May/might as well
Used to suggest doing something, often when there is nothing better
to do.
We might as well walk there.
We may as well start the meeting - the others will be here soon.
English Intonation: Making Lists


2.1- In short, / In a nutshell, / In essence, / briefly,/ 2.2-As I see it, / In my view,/ To my mind, / According to my way of thinking,/ From
I would say that the Carolina’s/ Jill’s situation is as my standpoint, I firmly believe that Carolina/ Jill should
follows: • Change her attitude
• She wants to skip school because she wants • Be more respectful with her parents
to go to a concert. • Think more about her studies.
• She doesn't want her parents to be • Understand that she is still a minor and she is still dependent on her parents.
• Lying is not the solution to solve problems
controlling her and she wants to have more
According to the text, /Based on the text, / In line with the text ,
I would say that the piece of advice number 1/2/3/4 applies to
Carolina/ Jill.
(+) Yes, I have. Once, I cut class and I didn’t attend one of my classes at Innova School/ at San Marcos University/ at Cibertec
Institute given that I was sick/ I went to a concert/ I went to a family reunion/ other ideas.
(+) Yes, I have. I called in sick to work given that I had a headache/ a cold/ a toothache/ a temperature/ a stomachache/ the flu/
other ideas.
(+)Yes, I have. I was worried sick about the results of an important exam/ the health status of a family member/ some debts that I
had to pay to the bank/ other ideas.
(+) Yes, I have. I was grounded given that I got bad grades at school/ I lied to my parents/ I returned home very late at night/ I
wasted a lot of money/ I got an argument with my parents- my brother- my sister.
(-) No, I haven´t. I have never cut class/ I have never called in sick to work/ I have never been worried sick about something/ I have
never been grounded.
Other ideas
(+) As for me, I am tired and sick of hypocritical people who pretend to be your friend and then betray you behind your back.
(+) Speaking for myself, I am tired and sick of seeing abandoned dogs on the streets.
(+) As for me, I am tired and sick of politicians and their false promises.
(+) As far as I am concerned, I am tired and sick of watching news related to drugs, violence and killing.
Other ideas
(+)When it comes to my relationship with my parents, I can say that they never bossed me around/ they sometimes bossed me
around when I was 10/ they still boss me around.
(+)When it comes to my relationship with my brothers/ my sisters/ my sister/ my brother, I can say that
they/he/ she never bossed me around
they/he/ she sometimes bossed me around when I was 10
they/he/ she still boss/ bosses me around. Other ideas
New Experiences and Life Events - English Conversation
Figure /ˈfɪɡ.ər/
To expect or think that something will happen.
We figured (that) you'd want to rest after your trip.
Tryout /ˈtrɑɪˌɑʊt/
A competition for a position on a team or a part in a play.
Tryouts for the team will be held next week.
Well-behaved /ˌwel bɪˈheɪvd/
Behaving in a way that is accepted as correct.
A well-behaved child
Early riser /ˈraɪ.zər/
Someone who rises (gets up) early in the morning.
I was not surprised to see her awake at 7:00 as she's normally such
an early riser.
Homesick /ˈhoʊm.sɪk/
Unhappy because of being away from home for a long period.
As I read my mother's letter, I began to feel more and more

According to the audio, /Based on the audio, / In line with the audio,
I would say that the two things that are probably true about Ben are as follows.
First of all, he _______________. Second of all, he ___________________.
According to the audio, /Based on the audio, / In line with the audio,
I can say that with regard to (+)the math class (+) his roommate (+) the soccer team,
Ben (+) likes it/like him
Ben (+) doesn’t like it/ doesn’t like him
Ben (+) is not sure about it/ is not sure about him
Ben (+) used to like it/ used to like him.
According to the audio, /Based on the audio, / In line with the audio,
I would say that the person they are referring to for the first case/ the second
case/ the third case/ the fourth case/ the fifth case is __________.
When it comes to a time when I was in a new situation, I remember that
in 2020/ 3 years ago/ last summer/ last January,
• I started to work at Ripley/ Metro Supermarket/ in a local market in Barranco/ in a call
center in Surco.
• I started to take English classes/ cooking classes/ others for the first time at ICPNA/
• I started to study at Villareal University/ Sise Institute/ at Trilce Academy online/
located in Bellavista.
• I travelled by plane for the first time to Macchu Picchu.
• I was in Macchu Picchu for the first time.
• I was in SJL/ Callao for the first time.
• I met the parents of my girlfriend/ my boyfriend for the first time
• Other ideas
In this regard I can say that I felt very afraid/ really nervous/ extremely happy/ ashamed/
optimistic / enthusiastic/ excited/ other ideas that day.
How many of these modern health problems do you have?

A: B: We have to________________

When it comes to modern life, I am of the opinion that

(+) video games addiction/ (+) obesity/ (+) work obsession/ (+) phone addiction/ (+) fast food/ other ideas
can make you sick.
Additionally, according to the video and the text of the link above, a modern health problem is _________.
Faraway /ˌfɑːr.ə.weɪ/
A long way away.
They travelled to faraway lands/places.
Tidy /ˈtaɪ.di/
If you're a tidy person, you manage household clutter by putting
things away promptly after use, purging junk when you see it, and
collecting trash wherever it's found.

Tidy peoples' homes look picked up because they're always picking

things up and putting them where they belong.
Needing a lot of attention, effort, or time.
I’m trying to learn English, and I find it very demanding.
Easy to understand; clear.
The doctor explained the operation in straightforward English.
Rushing /ˈrʌʃ.ɪŋ/
Moving quickly
He seems so calm amid all the rushing people
Gentle /ˈdʒen.t̬əl/
Calm, kind, or soft.
A gentle smile.
She is very gentle with the patients.
1 3

The medical condition 5

mentioned in the text for
number 1/2/3/4/5 is ______.
In my opinion, if you have
this syndrome, you ____
1 3

According to the The text suggests 5

text, if you have ___, that a possible
you feel ____. solution is to ___.
After having found and carefully read the context of the word tidy/
fatigue/ rushing/ gentle in the passage, I can affirm that its similar
meaning is ________.

1-According to the text, possible solutions for the _________Syndrome were not mentioned. However, it can be suggested that for this specific
medical condition people should
(+) schedule visits to the psychologist (+) hire a person to help them with house cleaning (+) practice yoga and meditation
(+) Be more organized and manage information, tasks and responsibilities at work in a calm manner.
(+) start to be tidier, cleaner and more careful in their rooms at home.
From my standpoint, the worst medical condition is ___________Syndrome
because/ given that/ in view of the fact that
• People cannot organize parties or families reunions at home.
• People can have serious problems at work.
• People can suffer from eating disorders if they continue to eat in a hurry and at
irregular times.
• People with minor neck problems can lead to much more serious medical conditions.
Reported Commands
My teacher said, “Write some
sentences using reported

My mother said, “Don’t go out

without my permission”.

My best friend asked, “Can you

cook Ceviche?”.
My teacher said, “Write some
sentences using reported

My mother said, “Don’t go out

without my permission”.

My best friend asked, “Can you

cook Ceviche?”.
Gain weight
If a person gains weight or puts on weight, he or she becomes
According to the text, /Based on the text, / In line with the text ,
I would say that the answer for the question number is 1/2/3/4 is
_____________ because in the paragraph it is mentioned that ____
Thinking of health advice, I can say that a good one is
(+) to_____(verb) / (+) not to ____.
When it comes to tips for leading a healthy and happy life, I can say that a good one is:
(+) to __________(verb) (+) not to _________(verb)

straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔr·wərd/ straightforward adjective

(UNDERSTANDABLE) easy to understand; clear: The doctor explained
the operation in straightforward English.
A: May I ask you a question, Katherine?
B: By all means= Certainly= Naturally, Briggite. What is it?
A: What is important for a health and happy life?
B: I am of the opinion that if you want to have a healthy and happy life, you should/ shouldn’t ______ (verb),

straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔr·wərd/ straightforward adjective

(UNDERSTANDABLE) easy to understand; clear: The doctor explained
the operation in straightforward English.
A: May I ask you a question, Katherine?
B: By all means= Certainly= Naturally, Briggite. What is it?
A: What is important for a health and happy life?
B: I am of the opinion that if you want to have a healthy and happy life, you In order to have a healthy and happy life, Katherine told us to
• should go to sleep when you are tired. • go to sleep when you are tired.
• should drink more water. • drink more water.
• shouldn’t sacrifice a full night of sleep. • not to sacrifice a full night of sleep.
• shouldn´t hate other people. • not to hate other people.

straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔr·wərd/ straightforward adjective

(UNDERSTANDABLE) easy to understand; clear: The doctor explained
the operation in straightforward English.

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