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Dr. Ayu Dwi Nindyati, Psi.
What is Psychology?
• Study of human behavior.
• Why are some people afraid to go on a ojek?
• What intervention(s) are effective in helping
people to accept the online transportation?
• What are the characteristics of a persuasive
• What work-related factors are associated with
higher work-related absenteeism?
Scientific Research in Psychology

• Helps us fill the gaps in our knowledge about human

Psychological research is concerned with
How do people respond in certain social
situations? (social psychology)

Are workers more productive in the

workplace when leaders are fair?
(industrial/organizational psychology)

How well can people discriminate different

color? (perceptual psychology)

How does the perception about lifestyle

change as a person grows from a child to an
adult to a senior citizen?
(developmental psychology, cognitive
Scientific Method is Devoid of:

• Personal beliefs
• Perceptions
• Biases
• Values
• Attitudes
• Emotions
Scientific Method – 5 Steps

Asking the Question

Problem Identification &
Forming Hypothesis(es)

Interpretation &
Design & Methods

Testing the Collecting

Hypothesis - Relevant
Data analysis Information (data)
Asking the Question

• Problem identification or knowledge gap

• Why are some people afraid to go on buses?
• Identifying the important related concepts or factors
• Demographics
• Number of other passengers on the bus.
• Afraid in other public places
• Afraid in other transportation vehicles
• Other fears
Asking the Question

• Frame the question as a testable hypothesis.

• Scientific hypothesis (expressed as the expected or predicted
relationships between variables).
• “People who are afraid to travel on a bus are also afraid in other
public places.”
Experimental Design & Methods
• Takes considerable thought and research.
• Consider what needs to be controlled in order
to get an unbiased answer to the question.
• Consider what variables will be manipulated
(i.e., controlled by the experimenter).
• Consider what variables will be measured as
responses to the experimental variables.
Experimental Design & Methods
• “People who are afraid to travel on a bus are
also afraid in other public places.”
• Consider what needs to be controlled in order
to get an unbiased answer to the question.
• Travel on other vehicles in private.
• Being in a private place that is not a vehicle.
• Familiar but public place
• Unfamiliar but public place
Experimental Design &
• “People who are afraid to travel on a bus are
also afraid in other public places.”
• Consider what variables will be manipulated
(i.e., controlled by the experimenter).
• Observe subjects in specific situations (e.g., on
bus in public, on bus in private, in car with other
people in public, in car by self in public, in public
walking, at home by self, at home with others).
Experimental Design & Methods
• “People who are afraid to travel on a bus are also afraid in
other public places.”
• Consider what variables will be measured as responses to
the experimental variables.
• Self-reported anxiety symptoms using a validated scale.
• Physiological arousal (e.g., heart rate)
• Behaviour (e.g., avoidance, escape)
Experimental Design & Methods
• “People who are afraid to travel on a bus are also
afraid in other public places.”
• Decide on which self-report measure of anxiety to
• Decide how to measure heart rate (apparatus and
who to do the assessment).
• Decide who your subjects will be.
• Decide how to select your subjects.
• Decide how many subjects to assess.
Collecting Relevant Information
• “People who are afraid to travel on a bus are
also afraid in other public places.”
• Important to approach the experiment with an
attitude of “testing” the hypothesis, not “proving”
the hypothesis.
• Pilot testing and refinement of methods.
• Implementing the methods.
Testing the Hypothesis and Data
• “People who are afraid to travel on a bus are
also afraid in other public places.”
• Using appropriate statistical analyses
• How might we test this hypothesis with the data we
Interpretation & Communication of
the Results
• “People who are afraid to travel on a bus are also
afraid in other public places.”
• Provide an interpretation of the results.
• Consider problems in the design that might weaken your
confidence in the results.
• Consider how the results inform understanding about the
theory for this question (if there is a theory).
• Consider next steps in furthering knowledge about this.
• Publish
• Responsibility to inform others of your findings.
Characteristics of the Scientific Approach

• Control – eliminating the influence of extraneous variables

that could affect the observations (confounds).
• Operational definition – defining the steps or operations
used to measure the phenomenon (e.g., anxiety).
• Replication – Reproducibility of the results.
Basic Assumptions Underlying Science

• Determinism – belief that there are causes or

determinants of behavior.
• Reality – belief that there is an underlying reality
or truth in nature.
• Rationality – events that can be understood
through the use of logical thinking.
• Regularity – events in nature follow same laws.
• Discoverability – it is possible to discover the
uniformity or laws in nature.
Objectives of Science

• Description
• Discover that the phenomenon exists
• Demonstrate that the phenomenon exists
• Describe its elements
• Prediction
• Ability to anticipate the event.
• Knowing the antecedent to the phenomenon allows one to predict the phenomenon.
• Explanation
• Why does the phenomenon exist
• What causes the phenomenon
• Causes are the antecedent conditions that result in the occurrence or manifestation of
the phenomenon.
• Control
• You can manipulate the antecedent conditions and thus control the occurrence of the
• Psychologist indirectly influence an organism’s behavior through manipulating the
antecedent events of that behavior.
• You can’t control the behavior directly but you can usually exert some degree of control
over the antecedent events that cause the behavior.
Objectives of Science

In science the term ‘control’ has three meanings:

1. Check or verification in terms of a comparison (e.g.,
control group comparison).
2. Eliminating the influence of extraneous conditions that
might cause the results of the experiment.
3. Being able to produce a change in a phenomenon by
manipulating the antecedent events.
Scientific Theory
• Theory is the explanation for the
• Theories not only describe why or how the
phenomenon occurred but also guides the
way for further research.
• Theories are often referred to as models for
a specific phenomenon.
Manfaat Penelitian
• Basic research (academic or pure research)
• Menghasilkan pengetahuan yang fundamental
tentang kehidupan sosial
• Fokus pada supporting teori yang menjelaskan
bagaimana kehidupan sosial terjadi, apa yang
menyebabkan hal-hal tertentu terjadi, mengapa relasi
sosial terjadi dengan cara-cara yang sudah pasti dan
mengapa masyarakat kita berubah.
• Merupakan sumber dari hampir semua ide ilmiah
yang baru dan cara pandang terhadap dunia. Bisa
saja bersifat exploratory, descriptive or explanatory
Manfaat Penelitian
• Applied research
• Memecahkan permasalahan-permasalahan yang
berkaitan dengan kebijakan atau membantu praktisi
untuk menyelesaikan tugas-tugasnya.
• Teori menjadi kurang diutamakan dibandingkan solusi
yang diberikan untuk mengatasi permasalahan secara
spesifik dan biasanya berkaitan dengan setting yang
• Frequently is descriptive research
Dimensi waktu dalam penelitian

• Cross sectional research

• Merupakan sebuah pendekatan snap shot atas kehidupan sosial,
tidak bisa memberikan gambaran proses atau perubahan sosial.
• Observasi pada satu ponit di satu waktu
• Tidak terlalu menantang
• Can be exploratory, descriptive or explanatory, but commonly
Dimensi waktu dalam penelitian
• Longitudinal research
• Mengamati gambaran manusia atau unit lain lebih dari satu kali
• Lebih kompleks dan mahal dibandingkan penelitian cross sectional
• More powerful, terutama jika peneliti memncari jawaban tentang
perubahan sosial
• Types of longitudinal research:
• Time series research, informasi yang sama dikumpulkan dari unit
atau kelompok pada priode waktu yang multi
• Panel study, lebih sulit untuk dilakukan. Peneliti mengobservasi
orang, kelompok atau organisasi yang sama sepanjang waktu
• Cohort analysis, kelompok orang yang memiliki pengalaman hidup
yang sama dalam periode waktu yang sama pula saat diteliti.
Berfokus pada cohort atau kategori namun tidak pada spesifikaso
Dimensi waktu dalam penelitian
• Case studies
– Could be cross sectional or longitudinal
– He/she examines in depth, many features
of a few cases over a duration time.
– The data are usually more detailed, varied
and extensive.
– Most involve qualitative data about a few
Ethic’s is ….

… satu set standard yang dipegang atau

dianut sebagai acuan dalam berperilaku
oleh individual atau nggota kelompok
Ethical responsibility
in psychological research

• Memperlakukan partisipan (manusia)

dengan hormat dan menjaga hak serta
• Peduli pada kesejahteraan binatang,
saat mereka merupakan subyek
penelitian kita.
• Melakukan pengolahan data dengan
APA Ethical standards

1. Penelitian dapat dipertanggungjawabkan

2. Informasi yang disampaikan tidak keluar dari
penelitian yang ada
3. Menginformasikan hasil penelitian
4. Menginformasikan bagaimana proses penelitian
5. Menawarkan reward pada artisipan penelitian
Penipuan dalam penelitian Psikologi

……terjadi saat informasi yang disampaikan tidak sesuai dengan hasil

penelitian yang dilakukan atau jika memiliki intensi yang mengarah
pada penyampaian informasi yang disengaja salah kepada partisipan

APA Ethical standards deception in research

1. Psikolog tidak melakukan manipulasi dalam penelitiannya
kecuali dalam perspectif ilmiah, pendidikan atau pun aplikasi,
namun dalam takaran nilai yang sebanding dengan adanya
prosedur alternatif yang efektif.
2. Tidak diijinkan melakukan manipulasi berkaitan dengan
keterlibatan partisipan penelitian yang akan mempengaruhi
secara signifikan keterlibatan partisipan seperti resiko fisik,
ketidaknyamnan, dan pengalaman emosi yang tidak
3. Gambaran proses eksperimen harus diinformasikan secara
menyeluruh kepada partisipan, agaar partisipan dapat
mengantisipasi apa yang akan terjadi
Tanggung jawab terhadap respondent penelitian

• Peneliti bertanggung jawab untuk

menguntungkan partisipan meskipun
penelitiannya sudah selesai

APA Ethical Standards

1. Sharing and utility data
2. Minimizing invasiveness
3. Providing participants with information about
the study
4. Honoring commitments
Research with animals

APA Ethical Standards

1. Psychologist who conduct research involving animals
2. Follow the current laws of animals
3. Trained in research an experience in the care of laboratory animals
4. Ensure that all individuals using the animal under supervision have receive
instruction in research methods
5. Responsibilities and activities are consistent with competencies
6. Make reasonable effort to minimize discomfort, infections, illness and pain
of animal subjects
7. A procedure subjecting animals to pain, stress or privation is used only
when an alternative procedure is unavailable
8. Surgical procedure are performed under appropriate anesthesia
9. When it is appropriate that the animal’s life be terminated, it is done rapidly
Reporting of psychological research

Investigators attempt to communicate their

research findings in peer reviewed Scientifics
journal, and the APA Code of Ethics provides
guidelines for this process
Reporting of psychological research

APA Ethics Standards

1. Reporting of result
2. Plagiarism
3. Publication credit
4. Duplicate publication data
5. Sharing data
6. Professional reviewers

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