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Global Positioning System (GPS)

Presented by: Rajendra Fullel

Ashbin Adhikari

Presented to: Department of Physics

Nepal Mega College
Babarmahal, Kathmandu
Content of presentation

 Introduction
What is GPS?
Components of GPS
 Methods and Methodology
 Conclusion
 References

What is GPS?

 Satellite based navigation system

 Based on constellation 24 satellite
 Advance compass
 Developed by US Department of Defence
 Official name: NAVSTAR GPS
Components of GPS

 GPS comprises of three parts:

 Satellite :Satellites act like stars in the constellations whose locations are known as they send out signals.

 Ground Station: Checks the movement and proper functioning of the satellites. Radars confirms position of satellites.

 Receiver: smartphones, tablets, pcs, etc. receives GPS signals and determine their location from the satellite.
Three Segments of GPS
Method and Methodology

 GPS receiver calculate position in space by trilateration process.

 Trilateration can be 2D or 3D.

 Trilateration can be described in following processes

1. Distance measurement: The GPS receiver calculates the distance to each satellite.

2. Sphere creation: The GPS receiver creates a sphere around each satellite.

3. Intersection of spheres: The GPS receiver determines its location by finding the intersection point.

In summary, trilateration involves measuring distances to at least three reference points, creating spheres around
each reference point, and determining the intersection point of the spheres to calculate the receiver's location.

 Location: finding location of any object lying on ground, on sea surface or in the air.

 Navigation: determine of our exact place. We can easily navigate to our required destination.

 Tracking: monitoring or tracking vehicles and persons. Widely used by police, ambulance and fire departments.

 Mapping and survey: map regarding mountain, rivers, forests, towns, etc. useful weather forecasting, etc.

 Timing: determine precise time, time interval and frequency. Used in communication system, computer network

 GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite-based navigation system that provides location and time
information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth, as long as there is an
unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites

 GPS has revolutionized many aspects of modern life, including navigation, transportation,
emergency response, surveying, mapping, geodesy, astronomy, and many more. It has also become an
essential tool for the military, aviation, maritime, and outdoor activities. Overall, GPS is a
remarkable technological achievement that has transformed the way we navigate and locate
ourselves in the world. However, it is not without limitations and challenges, such as signal
interference, accuracy errors, cybersecurity risks, and dependence on a single system. As such, GPS
should be seen as one tool among many in the larger context of positioning and navigation.


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