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Surgical Anatomy & Physical

examination of shoulder & arm

Dr. Sharew (Orthopedics & trauma surgery resident)
Adama hospital medical college
April 2023
Outline of presentation
Anatomy of shoulder & arm
 Bone
 Joint
 Ligament & tendon
 Muscle
 Blood supply
 Innervation
Physical examination & some clinical correlation

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The shoulder is the region of upper limb attachment to the trunk.
The bone framework of the shoulder consists of:
 The clavicle and scapula, which form the pectoral girdle
(shoulder girdle), and
 The proximal end of the humerus.

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 Long bone placed horizontally.
 First bone to ossify.
 Two primary centers appear in 5th to
6 th weeks of intra uterine life & fuse
to form a single center on 45th day.
 Only long bone ossifying in
 It has no medullary cavity.
 Connects appendicular with axial
skeleton & involved in weight

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The scapula is a large, flat
triangular bone with:
Three angles (lateral,
superior, and inferior),
Three borders (superior,
lateral, and medial),
 Two surfaces (costal and
posterior), and
Three processes (acromion,
spine, and coracoid process)

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The proximal end of the
humerus consists of the
head, the anatomical neck,
the greater and lesser
tubercles, the surgical neck,
and the superior half of the
shaft of the humerus

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The three joints in the shoulder complex are the sternoclavicular,
acromioclavicular, and glenohumeral joints.
The sternoclavicular joint and the acromioclavicular joint link the two
bones of the pectoral girdle to each other and to the trunk.
The glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint) is the articulation between
the humerus of the arm & scapula.

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Sternoclavicular joint
Between the proximal end of
the clavicle and the clavicular
notch of the manubrium of the
Only true attachment of upper
extremity to axial skeleton.
It is synovial and saddle
Allows movement of the
clavicle, in the AP and vertical
planes, although some
11/28/2023 also occurs. 9
Acromioclavicular joint
A small synovial joint between
an oval facet on the medial
surface of the acromion and a
similar facet on the acromial
end of the clavicle.
It allows movement in the
anteroposterior and vertical
planes together with some
axial rotation.

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Glenohumeral joint
Is a synovial ball and socket
articulation between the head of
the humerus and the glenoid
cavity of the scapula.
Provide wide range of
movements at the cost of skeletal

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Several ligaments limit the
movement of the GH joint
and resist humeral
dislocation. These include
Transverse humeral
ligaments and

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Muscle of the shoulder

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Muscle of the shoulder

11/28/2023 Levator Scapulae Rhomboid minor & Deltoid 14
Muscle of the posterior scapular region

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Muscle of the posterior scapular region

Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres Minor Teres major

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Muscle of the anterior wall of the axilla

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Pectoralis Major Pectoralis Minor
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Muscle of the lateral & posterior wall of the axilla

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11/28/2023 Subscapularis 21
Latissimus dorsi
Muscle of anterior compartment of arm

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Bicep Brachiali Coracobrachialis
s s
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Muscle of the posterior compartment of arm


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Blood supply of shoulder and arm
The subclavian artery and its branches supply structures in the neck,
part of the thoracic wall, and the entire upper limb

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Scapular arcade
Main blood supply to scapular
region with
Suprascapular artery
Dorsal scapular artery
Circumflex scapular artery
Thoracodorsal artery

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Blood supply to Glenohemural joint
and Humeral head
 suprascapular,
 anterior and posterior humeral
 scapular circumflex arteries

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The limbs have both deep and
superficial veins
Deep veins accompany the
major arteries and their
branches and have similar
The superficial veins are found
in the subcutaneous tissue and
drain into the deep venous
system via
perforating(connecting) veins

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The upper limb is innervated almost
entirely by the nerves of the brachial
Anterior rami of spinal nerves C5–T1
Roots C5 to T1 combine to form three
trunks , divisions, three cords, five
terminal nerves

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Physical examination of shoulder & arm
Move (Range of Motion)
Special Tests

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Look for any visible pathology

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Assess for Range of motion examination

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Strength test
• Assess strength of specific muscle or group of muscle
• Compare your finding on both side
• Grade strength on 0 → 5 scale
0: no contraction
1: muscle flicker; no movement
2: motion, but not against gravity
3: motion against gravity, but not resistance
4: motion against resistance
5: normal strength

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External rotation
 Arms at the sides
 Elbows flexed to 90 degrees
 Externally rotates arms against resistance
 Tests strength of muscles that externally
rotate the shoulder.

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Internal rotation
 Arms at the sides
 Elbows flexed to 90 degrees
 Internally rotates arms
against resistance
 Other techniques(lift off test)
 Tests strength of muscle that
IR the shoulder
 Subscapularis

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Subscapularis Lift-Off Test

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Belly press test

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Empty can test/Jobe test
 30o angle
 Steady downward
 Tests supraspinatus
strength and pain

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Jobe test

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Special provocative test
Impingement Signs
Drop-Arm Test
Speed’s Test
Yergason Test
Cross-Arm Adduction
Sulcus Sign
Apprehension test
Relocation test
O’Brien’s Test
Crank test
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Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
Impingement of:
 Subacromial bursa
 Rotator cuff muscles and tendons
 Biceps tendon
• Between
 Acromion
 Coraco-acromial ligament
 AC joint
 Coracoid process
 Humeral head

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Neer’s sign
 Arm fully pronated
and placed in forced
 Trying to impinge
structures with
humeral head
 Pain is positive test

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Hawkins' sign
 Arm is forward elevated
to 90 degrees, then
forcibly internally
 Trying to impinge
subacromial structures
with humeral head
 Pain is positive test

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Rotator cuff tear
Rotator tear are among the most common problems afflicting the
They may vary from reversible bursitis and overuse tendinitis to frank
massive rupture of the tendinous cuff.
May be due to Impingement,Degeneration,Overuse

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Drop arm test

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Biceps tendinosis
Injury to long head of biceps tendon
Typically an overuse injury
 Repetitive (overhead) lifting Young Adult
 Impingement/rotator cuff disease Elderly population

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Speed’s test
 To identify biceps tendon pathology, and
unstable superior labral anterior posterior
(SLAP) lesions.
 Sitting or standing position
 Forward flex shoulder to about 90°
 Abduct shoulder to about 10°
 The elbow is fully extended and forearm
 Apply downward force to lower forearm &
ask the patient to resist the force.
Positive test
 Pain at bicipital groove-Bicep tendinopathy
 Deep seated pain-Biceps/labral complex
 Weakness without pain: muscle weakness or
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Yergason test
 To identify biceps tendon pathology, and
unstable superior labral anterior posterior (SLAP)
 Sitting or standing position
 Elbow flexed to 90° with fore arm pronated
 Heel of the hand placed over dorsum surface
of lower radius & fingers wrapped around
 Ask the patient to supinate forearm against
Positive test
 Pain -Bicep pathology/SLAP lesion
 Clicking or snapping sensation at the bicipital
groove-Laxity or tear of transverse humeral

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Assessment Shoulder instability
Failure to keep humeral head
centered in glenoid
It can be

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Apprehension test
 Shoulder abducted to
 Slight stress to humeral
head directed in anterior
 While externally rotating
 Positive test is
apprehension due to
feeling of instability or
impending dislocation.
 Helps to assess Anterior
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Relocation test
 After a positive
 Apply posteriorly directed
force over externally
rotated humeral head
 Positive test is relief of
 Anterior release test
 Helps to assess Anterior

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Glenoid labral tear
Tear in glenoid labrum
Usually due to instability

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O’Brien’s Active Compression Test
 Used to assess Labral, AC, or
biceps pathology
 Arm flexed to 90°
 Arm cross-arm adducted 10-
 Elbow extended
 Max pronation
 Resist downward force
 Positive test if painful
 Beware location of pain

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Assessment of axillary nerve

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• Gray’s Anatomy for student 4th edition
• The orthopedic physical examination 2nd edition
• Clinical orthopedic examination 6th edition
• Orthopedic examination and assessment 2nd edition
• Stanford
• Special test in musculoskeletal examination evidence based guide line
for clinician 2010
• Internet

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Thank you!

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