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● Refers to online platforms and technologies that allow users to create, share, and
exchange information, ideas, and content in virtual communities and networks.

● These platforms facilitate user-generated content, interaction, and collaboration,

enabling individuals and organizations to connect, communicate, and engage with
one another in a digital space.

● Examples of social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

LinkedIn, YouTube, and many others.
Communication and Connectivity:
● Makes it possible for people to communicate widely and instantly.

● Make it possible to connect with anyone without border

● A good example is by making a video call or even playing a video

game together
To spread the information fast and correct
● Platform like Facebook and Twitter to keep up with current affairs
such as crime news, politic news sports and many more.

● Effective medium of disseminating news because it does not stuck

information to only one place.

● A news about palestine-israel conflict can be spread fast on live

Politics and Activism
● Big impact on activism and politics. It offers a forum for social
activism, political campaigning, and debate.

● activists and political parties use to interact with the public and
further their causes.

● To spread manifesto or even fake news to sabotage other party to

win in the election
● Since covid-19 before for online instruction, numerous Malaysian
educational institutions have resorted to Google Classroom , Zoom
and microsoft teams

● Internet become wider among student because many educational

institute started having a hybrid classes , where include class
online and physical clases
Online business and e commerce
● Many e-businesses in Malaysia use social media as a direct sales
channel. Promoting product listings, run ads, and enable customers
to make purchases without leaving social media platform

● With wide user of social media, has created many networking of

online business such as collaborate with local influencers to
promote their products or services.

● Content creator Khairul aming that usually make a cooking video,

but now become successful entrepreneur.
The positive influence of social media in society
includes facilitating communication and connection,
empowering individuals to share their stories and
advocate for important causes, providing a platform
for information dissemination and educational
resources, for political uses and for giving jon
opportunities through online business

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