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Name- Vijayesh Dey

Roll no. - 23116107

Branch- Electronics and
Communications Engineering
Semester- 1st
Subject- Yoga and Health

Exploring concepts of
Introduction to Yoga
Yoga encompasses a range of physical, mental,
and spiritual disciplines aimed at achieving
harmony and balance in the body, mind, and
In yogic practices, negative attitudes as a whole
are harmful to oneself and other people and that
one cannot achieve integration without changing
them and here, YAMA and NIYAMA plays an
important role
What are “Yama” and “Niyama”

Yamas are forms of attitude training through the ethical

commitment to self, and includes Ethical guidelines or moral
principles in yoga. Niyamas, on the other hand includes
Personal observances or self-disciplines in yoga.

• Yama includes the steps – Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya,

Brahmacharya and Aparigraha

• The steps included in Niyama are – Saucha, Santosha,

Tapas, Svadhyaya and Ishvara Pranidhana
Ahimsa (Non-violence)
Essence: It embodies compassion, kindness, and non-aggression towards oneself and

Key Aspects of Ahimsa:

• Towards Self: Cultivating self-compassion and avoiding self-criticism or harm, both
physically and mentally.
• Towards Others: Avoiding causing harm through actions, words, or thoughts.
Embracing empathy and understanding.

Benefits of Ahimsa:
• Inner Peace: Fosters a sense of inner harmony and calmness.
• Improved Relationships: Nurtures healthier and more positive connections with
• Personal Growth: Facilitates self-awareness and a deeper understanding of one's
actions and their consequences.
Satya (Truthfulness)
Essence: Embracing honesty in thoughts, words, and actions.

Key Aspects:
• Truthfulness with compassion and integrity.
• Authenticity in communication and relationships.

Benefits of Practicing Satya:

• Authentic Relationships: Building trust and understanding.
• Inner Harmony: Aligning thoughts and actions with truth.
Asteya (Non-stealing)

Essence: Respecting others' belongings and ideas.

Key Aspects:
• Abstaining from taking what isn't freely given.
• Acknowledging and appreciating the possessions of others.

Benefits of Practicing Asteya:

• Enhanced Trust: Fosters trust in personal and professional
• Generosity: Cultivates a mindset of giving rather than taking.
Brahmacharya (Celibacy)
Essence: Mindful use of energy and resources.

Key Aspects:
• Balancing and conserving one's energy in various pursuits.
• Moderation in consumption and lifestyle choices.

Benefits of Practicing Brahmacharya:

• Increased Focus: Channeling energy toward meaningful
• Emotional Stability: Finding balance in life's activities
Aparigraha (Absence of Greed)
Essence: Letting go of attachments and excessive desires.

Key Aspects:
• Embracing simplicity and contentment with what is.
• Detachment from material possessions and desires.

Benefits of Practicing Aparigraha:

• Inner Freedom: Liberating oneself from material cravings.
• Reduced Stress: Fosters a sense of contentment and
Saucha (Purity)
Essence: Purifying body, mind, and environment.

Key Aspects:
• Cultivating cleanliness and clarity in thoughts and
• Creating an environment conducive to inner peace.

Benefits of Practicing Saucha:

• Clarity of Mind: Promotes mental clarity and focus.
• Physical Well-being: Enhances health and vitality.
Santosha (Contentment)
Essence: Finding joy and satisfaction in the present moment.

Key Aspects:
• Cultivating gratitude and acceptance in all situations.
• Appreciating and being content with what one has.

Benefits of Practicing Santosha:

• Inner Peace: Fosters contentment and peace of mind.
• Resilience: Helps navigate challenges with a positive
Tapas (Discipline)

Essence: Cultivating self-discipline and determination.

Key Aspects:
• Consistently applying effort and dedication to personal growth.
• Discipline in habits and practices for self-improvement.

Benefits of Practicing Tapas:

• Personal Growth: Facilitates growth and self-improvement.
• Achievement: Helps achieve long-term goals through
Svadhyaya (Self-study)
Essence: Engaging in self-reflection and continuous learning.

Key Aspects:
• Studying oneself through introspection and exploration.
• Continuous pursuit of self-awareness and wisdom.

Benefits of Practicing Svadhyaya:

• Self-Awareness: Promotes deeper self-understanding.
• Wisdom: Facilitates personal and spiritual growth
through learning
Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender to the
Essence: Surrendering to a higher power or purpose.

Key Aspects:
• Trusting in the greater flow of life and letting go of control.
• Acceptance and surrender to the divine will or greater

Benefits of Practicing Ishvara Pranidhana:

• Inner Peace: Provides a sense of surrender and acceptance.
• Connection: Fosters a deeper connection with the divine or
greater purpose.
Practicing the yoga by following the Yama and Niyama steps
provides -
• Inner Harmony: Creating balance within oneself and with
• Self-awareness: Enhancing self-reflection and understanding.
• Emotional Balance: Cultivating a more peaceful and content
state of mind.
• Ethical Living: Guiding actions and decisions based on moral
• Spiritual Growth: Nurturing a deeper connection with
oneself and the universe.

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