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Nervous system

Central nervous system

 is the part of the nervous system consisting
primarily of the :
 1- brain
 2-spinal cord

 The function : it is integrates the received

information and coordinates and influences
the activity of all parts of the bodies
Peripheral nervous system
 Consist of : the nerves and ganglia outside
the brain and spinal cord

 Function : is to connect the CNS to the

 1-organs
 2- limps
 3- and skin
neurons components
1- The cell body : (soma or
perikaryon) contains the nucleus
and other cell organelles

2- The dendrite is typically a short,

abundantly branched, which is
receives stimuli.

3- The axon is typically a long,

slender process of the cell body that
sends nerve impulses
Neurons groups
Neurons classified into 3 groups :

1- Multipolar neurons : have one axon and several to

numerous dendrites

2- Bipolar neurons : have one axon and one dendrite , Bipolar

neurons are found only as specialized sensory neurons in the eye, ear,
or olfactory organs.

3- Unipolar neurons : have one process of emerging from the cell

body that branches, T‐fashion, into two processes.

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