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Nervous system

nervous system, organized group of cells specialized for the conduction of electrochemical stimuli from
sensory receptors through a network to the site at which a response occurs.
The N. S. is the major controlling regulatory and communication system.
The general function of the N.S. :-
1-To detect change & fed sensation.
2-To initiate responses to changes.
3-To organization information for immediate use & store it for future use.

Importance of nervous system:

1-Regulation the various activity of various organs:-
2-control the function of different organs of the body such as the contraction of the muscle, gland secretion,
heart function & biological activity or function of the digestive system .
3-Coordination between the different organs & system of the body to work as one unites & regulations of
their functions
4-Adaptation of the animal with the environments .

Organization of the N.S in vertebrate:

the N.S is divided into:

1-According to the location mainly:

Central Nervous System (C.N.S) includes the brain and spinal cord.
Peripheral Nervous System (P.N.S) includes the cranial nerve, spinal nerve, ganglions and nerve roots.

2-Nervous system is divided according to the function into:

Somatic Nervous System: include the brain, spinal cord and nerve roots, which supply the head, spinal cord
nerves supply the skin, muscles and arms.
Autonomic Nerve System: includes the peripheral nervous parts that reach the internal involuntary organs
such as respiratory, digestive, cardio vascular and reproductive system.
Control and function of N.S. :-
1-Detector organs :- These are receptor which are
sensitive to environmental changes & distance to the

2-Integrators & control system :- These organ are

placed in the C.N.S. receives the signal from the
receptor & differentiate the indensity & speed of them.
In the sensory centers of the brain or in the spinal cord.

3-The effecter organs or responds to stimuli:- these

organs respond to the peripheral changes these include
the muscle which movement of the body vasodilatation
& increases the gland secretions.

The Neuron :
The neurons is the functional unit of the N.S. .which consists of billion cells ( neurons ).
Neurons transmit nerve message, they are to respond to stimuli .

Parts of neuron
1-Dendrites : receive information from another cell & transmit the message to the cell body.
2-Cell body : contains the nucleus, mitochondria & other organelles.
3-Axon : conducts messages away from the cell body.
These cell contain neuroplasm which is a granular contains:
1-Nissal body or granules. These are irregular specialized for nerve cells distributed in the neuroplasm take
placed color in alkaline media. These granules doesn’t exist in the dendrites disappear during prolong
excitation or in causes of shortage of O2 appears again after relaxation.
2- Neuro Fibers.
3- Mitochondria.
4- Golgi apparatus.
5- lysosome.
6-glycogen, Lipid, Vacuoles & some pigments.

There are 3 types of neurons :-

1-Sensory neurons : have along dendrite & short axon
carry messages from sensory receptors to the C.N.S.

2-Motor neurons : have along axon & short dentrites

transmit message from the C.N.S to the muscles or

3-Inter neurons : found only in the central nervous

system where they are connect Neuron to the neuron

Nerve impulses
These are physical & chemical changes transported by nerve accompanied by a chemical changes in the
nerve with access consumption of the O2 & production of CO2 .

The junction between a nerve cell and another cell is called synapses. Message travel within the neuron as
an( electrical action potential).
The space between two cells is known as the (synaptic cleft).

Glial cells:
The definition of glia is a type of cell that gives physical and chemical support to neurons in the body and
maintains their environment.
They are called neuroglia cells, the name is sometimes shortened to glia, and they are nicknamed the ''glue
of the nervous system.''

Cell of the N.S, there are four main function of glial cell, which are:
1-Surround neurons and hold them in place.
2-Supply nutrient and oxygen to neurons.
3-To insulate one neurons from another.
4-To destroy and remove the carcasses of dead neurons (clean up).
There are four types of C.N.S supporting cell:

Receptor (sensory receptor):

There are biological transport information about the internal and external environment of the animal to the

Type of receptors:
According to their location:
1-Internal receptors: receive the changes in the internal environment of the animal as in the intestine, blood
vessels and muscles.
2-External receptors: are sensitive for external environment located on the skin for the light, hearing, touch
and smell.

According to the type of effectors:

1-Mechano receptors: present on the skin which are sensitive to touch, pressure, hearing, balance and
2-Chemo receptors: sensitive to chemical substances present in circulatory system, smell and taste digestive
3-Thermo receptors: sensitive to changes in temperature.present on the skin.
4-Electro receptors: detect electrical current in the surrounding environment.
5-Photo receptors: they are present in the vision organ.
6-Pain receptors: they are sensitive to any change in the skin or the internal organs.

3-According to the distance:

1-Distance receptors: such as the receptors in the vision, hearing and smell.
2-Contact receptors: the nerve connection after nerve stimulation the polarity of the nerve cell was
imbalanced and occurred (action potential), then transmit this stimulation from cell to cell then arriving to
the target organ or cell and after this process the cell reached to resting period measured by (millisecond).

Characteristic of receptors:

Specification: each receptors is activated by its own environmental changes.

Adaptation: they have the ability to environmental changes such as the hand putted in warm water.
Rate firing: depend on the intensity of the effectors or the stimuli as much as the stimulation increase the
number of activated receptors or increased, then the brain receive stronger signals per unit time.

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