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The scientific method

compiled by:
1. Thato Sebole 65640446
2. Tshesane Motlatsi 62294687
3. Nathalie Collins 62002163
4. Kgalalelo Seloro 64697347
5. Prescilla 11447966
6. Lebogang Sylvia Monyae 48179132
7. Kholofelo Mothupi 64148106
A wilted plant vs a
healthy plant
Attempting to grow two plants in different environments using the scientific method
1. Observation
2. Question
3. Hypothesis
4. Prediction
5. testing the prediction
6. results
7. conclusion
● we have two plants in different environments

● it has been discovered that one

plant has started wilting and
thus far the reason is unknown.

● an experiment will be
performed to figure out why was
one plant wilting and why was
the other one still in a healthy
why is the plant wilting?
● Water one but not the other over a few days..
● After a couple of days of watering, the watered
● Basil plant returned to its healthy state,
● Whereas the plant not receiving water wilted
● even further.
● The prediction was right.
● If one plant is placed in an conjusive environment which is placed to sunlight and
watering is consistent
● And the other one is placed on a dark spot and no watering occurs
● Then the plant with no efficient sunlight and no water will wilt
testing the prediction
● we have tested the rediction
● the plant without the water started wilting .
● the stem of the plant got weak and started leanign over.
● the longer the plant stayed without water the more it dehydrated and eventually died
● the plant that was receiving water was hydrated and looked healthy
● the plant was growing and the
leaves were open getting bigger
● photosynthesis takes place in
the plant that receives water
● the only change the plant experienced was the watering. no change was observed on
the unwatered basil plant as it died.
● therefore the analyzed data supports the hypothesis (the prediction was correct)
● The plant was not watered enough which lead them to wilt.

● After a few days of watering one basil plant, it was healthier and the leaves were
● The plant that was deprived of water displayed wilting

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