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Maria Camila Nuñez Rondon.

How did videogames impact the
world ?
From my point of view I believe that video games have
impacted the world in 2 ways because for some they are
harmful and incite violent activities, however for others
they are good because they de-stress and I think that both
are correct because video games are not a lie that create
addiction and can incite violence however help to
develop motor skills
Why videogames are so successful?
The extraordinary success of video games It is based on On the one
hand, it is necessary to take into account the great affinity that
exists between the values, attitudes and behaviors that video games
promote and On the other hand, from the point of view of learning,
it is necessary to have keep in mind that video games meet many of
the requirements that effective teaching must meet, and in many
cases they do even better than our current educational systems.
Do you consider that videogames are bad for your
health? Why?

But what I really think is that everything is excessively

according to research The WHO says that playing video harmful, what does it tell me? Well, what it tells me is
games is bad when the player loses control over the time
that video games are harmful depending on the
he spends and makes it a priority, over other interests and
importance and time that I give it, if I do not become
daily activities. The truth is that beyond the psychiatric
addictive, they are not harmful to my health, on the
debate, in other fields it has been shown that addiction to
video games and screens is a real problem that affects other hand, if I dedicate a lot of time, it could present
problems, hypertension, heart problems. or obesity.
human health.

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