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English literature

• The writer presents a vivid graphic
picture of a huge crocodile which is
a significant character in the story .
How does she achieve it ?

•Norah Burke begins the story with a dramatic presentation
of a huge crocodile. She refers to it as ‘He’ to make it appear
like a character out of suspense thriller. “Out of black water ,
curved with whirlpools, and into the frill of gold shallows by
the stepping stones”, came the crocodile. This vivid
description, full of life and casual details marks the
appearance of the huge animal that can fill us with awe and

• The description of the beast, “Twice the length
of a tall man”, “Fed mostly on fish but also on
deer and monkeys burned bodies of Indians”
conceives a physical image of sheer viciousness.
Apart from this, it is referred to as a prehistoric
juggernaut, ferocious and formidable, a vast
force in the water, propelled by the power of his

• Huge tail. “His mouth almost the whole length of his
head, closed in a fixed evil bony smile” completes the
picture of the awesome creature.
• the survival instinct showed by the animal also
portrays its brainless craft by which he has lived for a
hundred years. The whole description is to create an
awesome image in the readers mind, so that Sibia, the
young girl who dights with the crocodile rises to a
heroic proportion.

• The participants

•Albin xavier

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