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Math 101: Calculus and Analytical Geometry

Text Book: Calculus Early Transcendental by Howard Anton

Marking Scheme:
Quiz: 15
Assignments: 5
Mid Exam: 30
Final Exam: 50

Total: 100 (Absolute Marks)

A separate Tutor Class will be held to answer your queries and help the late joining students
Contact Details:


You can visit office in DBS&H block 1st floor inside the faculty lounge
Importance of Mathematics

• Mathematics is an essential tool for the engineering students, and it

serves as a communication language for scientific community

• A child joining a school at the kindergarten level is first introduced

with two subjects one is the language (like English, Arabic, Chinese
etc.) and other is the mathematics, why?
Importance of Mathematics

• To develop his/her communication skills to improve his/her

interaction among peers and mathematics is taught to enable him to
understand the scientific knowledge.

• A simple example can explain the point; Newton’s second law of

motion says that “the rate of change of momentum of a body is
directly proportional to the external force applied to the body” , this
statement can be easily interpreted by one simple equation F=ma,
where F is force, m is mass and a is acceleration.
Importance of Mathematics

• A person from any region can easily understand the Einstein’s

equation in simple form i.e., , which shows that the left-hand side is
the energy, and the right-hand side is mass. This equation means that
energy can be converted to mass and mass can be converted to
energy under some constraints.

• Other than serving as a communication language for

engineers/scientists, mathematics also serves as a course which
builds the abstract vision of children.
Importance of Mathematics

• Consider a scenario where student is being told that x=2 and y=4 and
ask student what x is? the response will be 2. This shows that student
is able to visualize in his/her mind about some abstract variable x and
assign it a value 2. Now ask again, what is the value of x+y? we will
get a response 6.

• Abstract idea generation which doesn’t exist in real world, Interacting

with ideas in mind and generation of new results.
Importance of Mathematics
• What does an engineer require to do is
Analyze the problem, develop an idea, solution that doesn’t exist,
interact with idea, communicate your idea and generate new solution.
I aim to convey the very spirit of mathematics, the field which once
showed mankind that two seemingly different problems such as finding
instantaneous velocity, and finding the slope of tangent line to a given
curve are the same, if only we can recognize the pattern that links
them. I like to end it with the statement.
“Mathematics is the language of Nature and Nature did spread the
puzzles around. You want to solve it? learn Math.”

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