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PERESENT BY: Sara Kitouch
FRAMED BY:Salwa El Mazguioui
Table of content

• Introduction
• The Beginning of Civil Engineering
• Early Civil Engineering Education
• Civil Engineering In The Modern Era
• New Technologies In Civil Engineering
• Conclusion


Civil engineering encompasses a wide range of activities,

including design, construction, and maintenance of
infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, buildings, water and
sewage systems, and more. In this research we will discover
the beginning of civil engineering, the early civil engineering
education, civil engineering in modern era, and the new
technologies in civil engineering.

The Beginning of Civil Engineering

It is difficult to determine the history of emergence and

beginning of civil engineering, however, that the history of
civil engineering is a mirror of the history of human beings
on this earth. Men used the old shelter caves to protect
themselves of weather and harsh environment, and used a
tree trunk to cross the river, which being the demonstration
of ancient age civil engineering.

The Beginning of Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering has been an aspect of life since the

beginnings of human existence. The earliest practices
of Civil engineering may have commenced between
4000 and 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
(Ancient Iraq) when humans started to abandon a
nomadic existence, thus causing a need for the
construction of shelter. During this time,
transportation became increasingly important leading
to the development of the wheel and sailing.

leptis magna (AL Khums), Libya Pyramid of Djoser

Early Civil Engineering Education

The first private college to teach civil engineering in

the United States was Norwich University, founded in 1819
by Captain Alden Partridge.The first degree in civil
engineering in the United States was awarded by
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1835. The first such
degree to be awarded to a woman was granted by Cornell
University to Nora Stanton Blatch in 1905.

No r a S ta n ton Bla tc h Ba rn e y

John Smeaton (8 June 1724 – 28 October 1792) was a British
civil engineer responsible for the design of bridges, canals, harbours
and lighthouses.He was also a capable mechanical engineer and an
eminent physicist. Smeaton was the first self-proclaimed "civil
engineer", and is often regarded as the "father of civil
engineering".He pioneered the use of hydraulic lime in concrete,
using pebbles and powdered brick as aggregate. Smeaton was
associated with the Lunar Society.

John Smeaton 9
Civil Engineering In The Modern Era

Civil engineering involves designing, constructing,

and maintaining roads, bridges, and structures,
encompassing soil science, geology, and other applied
fields, with its history closely linked to advancements in
related disciplines.

Civil Engineering In The Modern Era

Tianjin Grand Bridg e , China

Civil Engineering In The Modern Era

Roads in Dubai 12
New Technologies in Civil Engineering

A number of new technologies have again

transformed civil engineering in the modern era.
From high-tech machinery and novel new materials
to testing equipment, drones, and other sciences, the
civil engineering of today looks quite different than it
did even 50 years ago

New Technologies in Civil Engineering

Drone The tower crane S o lar Ene rg y


Civil Engineering is a field that has a major impact on

our daily lives. From the buildings we live in to the
roads we drive on, civil engineers are responsible for
creating the infrastructure that is essential for modern



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