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Human Interpreter

Versus Interpreter Apps:

Comparing Accuracy in Target Language
Muhammad Hafizh Agharid
Interpreting, is a way to process a meaning and to make reason of something. In linguistic context,

interpreting means how to produce a final form of spoken words, from a source language into targeted

language, then finalized it into a final product. Interpreting method has undergone many generations from

manual interpreting into autonomous interpreting. Human interpreter is a way to interpret in natural approach

using human knowledge, meanwhile autonomous interpreter is a way to interpret in such more modern way,

using automatic programming in a form of application (apps) that can produce interpretation faster. But, in this

case, the gap to both method is the accuracy or the closest of the targeted language from the source language.

Therefore, this article will provide discussion on how human interpretation can produce their own targeted

language, and how interpreter apps can produce their own language production. To make the work done, the

researcher intended to use qualitative descriptive approach to then describe the findings. This research is done

by taking one video on YouTube for the source language (SL), and interpret it in two different methods, human

interpretation and interpreter apps.



Descriptive analysis

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