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Martin Luther

King Jr.
“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression
and cruelty by the bad people but the silence
over that by the good people.”
 It lasted mainly from 1954-1968 as an iconic
What was the African-American movement for equality. Its main goal was to
Civil Rights Movement? eliminate the racial segregation within the society
at the time.
The results of this significant movement were the establishment
of new laws such as The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and The voting
Rights Act of 1965.
Martin Luther King Jr.

 Martin Luther King Jr. is a well known man who

led the Civil Rights Movement in the United
States from the mid-1950’s to 1968. He rejected
violence and made thousands of speeches
throughout his life.
Early life
Martin Luther King Jr. was born on the 15 th
January 1929 in the city of Atlanta, USA.
Martin’s family came from a line of
ministers. He was African-American and
attended a school called Booker T.
Washington High School.
 He entered Morehouse College at the age of 15. In 1953 he
married Corretta Scott and had 4 children together. Martin had
always had a strong aspiration for equality in the world he lived
How he got involved

 Martin Luther King Jr. joined the

Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955.
Being an educated man with a strong
character he was soon made president
of the Montgomery Improvement
Association. Martin was able to remove
the racial segregation of buses by 1956.
His contribution

 In 1957 he was elected president of the

SCLC, an organization form to provide
new leadership for the now blossoming
cicil rights movement. Martin was
influenced by many strong characters
including his mother, father, Ghandi,
Jesus and other religious characters.
 From 1957-1968, Martin produced 5 books and travelled all
around the United States performing over 2500 speeches where
there was in justice, protest and action. Martin was also able to
lead many non-violent protests throughout the country.
The difficulties he faced

 Fined large sums of money

 Was arrested 30 times
 His house was bombed
 3 assassination attempts
 Incorrect rumors about him
 Stabbed during books singing in 1958
 On the 28th August of 1963 King made a speech to convince
the society to support the civil right movement. Martin
He had a highlights the struggles the African-Americans had endured.
dream! Following this hi presented his inspirational conclusion about
his dreams of an egalitarian society
 James Earl Ray assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. on the 4th
of April 1968. His death hatched a riot causing 46 deaths.
The Assassination James was sentenced to 99 years in prison. The people were
outraged at the loss of such a prominent character in the civil
rights movement.
His Legacy

 Martin’s strong beliefs inspired

thousands to follow the Civil Rights
Movement. His contribution to the
cause played a major role in its success.
He was named Man of the Year in 1963
and was awarded the Nobel Peace prize
a year after.

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