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+ Thời gian: 40 phút
+ Số từ tối thiểu: min 250 từ (xấp xỉ 15 – 17 câu)
+ Tiêu chuẩn đánh giá:
-Hoàn thành nhiệm vụ (Task Achievement – TA)
-Có kết nối (Coherence and Cohesion – CC)
-Sử dụng từ vựng phong phú (Lexical Resource -LR)
-Sử dụng nhiều và đúng các dạng ngữ pháp (Grammatical
Range and Accuracy – GRA)

1. Do you agree or disagree? OPINION

2. To what extent do you agree or disagree? OPINION

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. DISCUSSION

4. Discuss both views and give your opinion. DISCUSSION + OPINION
5. What are the benefits and drawbacks? DISCUSSION

6. Do the advantages outweigh the DISCUSSION + OPINI ON

7. Is this a positive or negative development? OPINION

8. What are the causes and suggest some sollutions to

9. Why is this the case? Is it a positive or
development? 2-PART QUESTION
• Opinion: Đây là câu hỏi về quan điểm của bạn về một vấn đề cụ thể.

• Discussion: Với dạng này, bạn được yêu cầu thảo luận cả về ưu điểm
và nhược điểm của vấn đề.

• Discussion + Opinion: Câu hỏi này yêu cầu bạn thảo luận cả hai mặt
của một vấn đề, sau đó phải nêu rõ quan điểm của bạn là theo mặt nào.
•Causes/problems + Solutions: Với dạng câu hỏi này bạn cần trả lời
đâu là vấn đề, nguyên nhân của vấn đề và đâu là các giải pháp cho nó

• 2 part question: thân bài chia thành 2 đoạn. Đoạn 1 trả lời ý 1, đoạn
2 trả lời ý 2

1. Introduction
2. Body 1
3. Body 2
4. Conclusion
1. Khái quát chủ đề
2. Đi thẳng vào trả lời câu hỏi được nêu ra ở đề bài.
(lưu ý là trả lời chung chung chứ chưa nêu cụ thể).

Lưu ý:
+ Khái quát chủ đề bằng cách Paraphrase lại
câu của đề bài
+ Đừng để dành bất cứ quan điểm hay idea nào
cho phần kết luận. Đưa ngay quan điểm của bạn ở
phần mở bài (nếu đề bài hỏi quan điểm của bạn)
Ví dụ:: Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural
and historical attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with
this opinion?

Mẫu : It is sometimes argued that tourists from overseas should be

charged more than local residents to visit important sites and
monuments. I completely disagree with this idea and will give my reasons
 Topic 2: Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of
different cultures and ages together. Do you agree or disagree with this
 Examples of paraphrasing (Introduction)

 some people say that = it is often said that

 music is a good way of = music has the power to
 bringing people together = unite and connect people
 of different cultures = regardless of their cultural backgrounds
 More women nowadays work outside and spend a little time with family and kids. Their positions in
society have changed and because of that young people face many problems including juvenile (teenage)
delinquency (crime) and frustration (sự nổi loạn).
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
 In today society , most women are busy with their work so they do not have enough time to spend with their
family and kids. Their social status have changed, that is the reason why young people face many problems
regarding teenage crime and frustration. I totally disagree with this point of view and will give my reasons below.
 With today modern lifestyle, women’s status has changed a lot. They are up to the ears with works and deadlines,
as a result, they do not have enough time to spend with their family and kids. It is supposed due to that there are
more and more teenage criminals. I totally disagree with this point of view and will give my reasons below.

quantifiers : all, most, some, much, many, little, few, none + OF + determiner (my, his, the, that, this…)
All students are lazy # all of the students in HCMC are lazy
Most women are beautiful # most of the women in Vn are beautiful
Most families are vaccinated
most of my family are vaccinated
most of his book are detective type.
What influences our purchasing decisions? Do we
mainly buy things because we need them or are other
factors involved?
 Introduction (homework)
Respond 1 Respond 2
Sometimes people are more likely to buy produces Sometimes people are more likely to buy produces
because celebrities have been employed to advertise because celebrities have been employed to advertise
them. The famous people used in these advertisements them. In buying the product, the consumer may feel
make these products more attractive, so people want to ‘closer’ to the person they admire. An example for this
purchase them. Therefore, the influence of celebrities is when famous sportsmen or women endorse a
can be a powerful reason for some purchasing decision particular brand of trainer or sportswear. Indeed, the
AEE --: Answer – Explain – Example powerful influence of this type of advertising on
PEER : Point – Explain – Example – Result consumer behavior is reflected in the large sums of
money such celebrities are often paid for their
advertising work
It is often the case that consumers buy products on impulse simple
because of the way they are displayed. In supermarkets, (1)
__________________,For snacks are
example/ Foroften situated by the checkout to
tempt those who are tired and bored with queuing.
(2)_______________________________ is when
Another good necessities
example of this such as
clothes are displayed with matching accessories, such as jewellery.
(3) ________________, shoppers are often surprised at how much
more Indeed/
they Inspend
fact, than they had intended.
 Some people buy products that they do not need because they feel empty and unhappy. In this situation, because of
their loss of control, they could not consider if the item is necessary or not. A good example of a group of customers is
lovelorn, they often feel frustrated and be devoid of living purpose. Moreover, the housewives are staying at home with
their newborn babies who are alone and feel adrift. By shopping, housewives could kill the tediously long time and
balance their emotions. In fact, shopping is a helpful psychological therapy for these cases and they should be
understood and sympathized with.
 1 ví dụ tốt về những khách hang này là những người vừa thất tình, họ thường cảm thấy trống rỗng và thiếu mục đích
sống (be devoid of living purpose). Ngoài ra, những bà nội trợ người mà ở nhà với trẻ sơ sinh cũng thường cảm thấy cô
đơn và lạc long (adrift). Họ thường muốn giết thời gian nhàm chán bằng cách mua hang online và cũng để cân bằng
cảm xúc. Thật ra, mua sắm là 1 liệu pháp tâm lý hữu ích cho những trường hợp này và họ nên được hiểu và chấp nhận.

Lose – Lost – Lost

Loss (n)
Loose (a) lỏng lẻo - untight
 People often buy products they do not really need because they want to display their status
or wealth

People often buy products that they do not really need because they want to display their
wealth or that they are people in high station. For instance, some women buy luxury
goods or new kitchen equipment to show off their status in front of other women. In
addition, men buy new automobiles or expensive watches to parade their reputation to
their friends and colleagues. They do all this because they want to gain the envy and
admiration of others. Indeed, this behavior could bring people into a very dangerous
situation which might be debts or long-term troubles
 Sometimes people buy products they do not really need because they want to use
them in a positive way to make their lives more enjoyable or interesting. A typical
example of this kind of customer is collectors. They collect objects because it is
beautiful, valuable or interesting. In addition, there are many young girls who buy a
hundred of scrunchies, earrings or hand bags to please themselves because of
watching the collections every day makes them feel happier. Actually, enjoying and
gratifying our lives are a good idea; however, consumers should pay attention to
how much they may splurge on sparkling but inappropriate things
 Parade
 Sparkling things
 Splurge on
CAM 16
 In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding
out about the history of the house or building they live in.
 What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?

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