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The Industrial Revolution

and Its Consequences

The Industrial Revolution was a period of significant change that transformed

society, economy, and technology.

By Teletin Patrick - Andrei and Cioata Sebastian Costel

Causes of the Industrial Revolution
1 Invention of the Steam Engine

The steam engine increased efficiency and paved the way for mechanized factories.

2 Access to Natural Resources

Abundant coal and iron reserves provided the necessary resources for industrialization.

3 New Manufacturing Techniques

Innovations in textile and iron production increased productivity and reduced costs.
Impact on Society and Economy
Urbanization Growth of Middle Class

Rural populations migrated to cities in search of A new social class emerged, benefiting from
employment opportunities. economic prosperity.

Rise of Capitalism Exploitation of Labor

Capitalism became the dominant economic Workers faced harsh conditions and long hours in
system, driving innovation and wealth factories.
Technological Advancements
Textile Industry The invention of the spinning jenny and power
loom revolutionized textile production.

Transportation The development of railways and steamships

improved trade and connectivity.

Communication The telegraph enabled faster transmission of

information over long distances.
Working Conditions
1 Long Hours & Low Wages

Workers endured grueling work schedules and received minimal compensation.

2 Poor Safety Standards

Accidents were common, and workers faced hazardous conditions.

3 Child Labor

Children were exploited and forced into labor at a young age.

Effects on the Environment
1 Water & Air Pollution 2 Deforestation 3 Climate Change

The demand for resources Increased carbon emissions

Industrial activities resulted in widespread contributed to long-term
released pollutants, leading deforestation. climate changes.
to environmental
Social Changes
Education Reform Women's Rights Social Movements

Efforts were made to provide Industrialization created Labor unions and worker
education to the working class. opportunities for women to join advocacy groups emerged to
the workforce. fight for workers' rights.
The Industrial Revolution marked a turning point in human history, transforming society, technology, and the global

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