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Deforestation in Nepal

Course: EAP2
Tutor: Ms. Mouykieav Ung
School: ELSIS
Presented by Vuong Tran
01 | Definition 02 | Problems 03 | Solutions
- Sustainability - Soil Erosion - Legislation
- Deforestation - Habitat Loss - Afforestation

04 Conclusion 05 | References
1. Definition
a. ‘Sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs’. (Meier)
b. ‘Deforestation is the process of clearing or removing forests
or wooded areas by human activities’.( Angi, 2023)
2.1. Soil Erosion
2.2. Habitat Loss
2.1. Soil Erosion
- Estimated about 60%-80% rich topsoil was lost.(2019)
2.1. Soil Erosion
- Raising sediment levels in rivers and streams
- Putting fish populations in jeopardy
- Altering water quality
2.1. Soil Erosion
Earthquake in Nepal 2015
2.2. Habitat Loss

- Over 75% of the original Himalayan habitat has been destroyed ( WWF, 2020),
2.2. Habitat Loss
- Putting many species in extinct situation:
- Between 2000 and 2018, Nepal lost an average of 91,700 hectares of
forest per year.
- Nepal lost 7.9% of its forest and woodland habitat.( Ahikari, 2018)
So, what are solutions for
deforestation in Nepal?
3.1. Implementing legislation
Implementing Law:
Setting up community forest Users:
Forest cover increased from 25% to 45% (2012-2020).
3.2. Promoting afforestation and reforestation
4. Conclusion
Deforestation is one of the major environmental issues
in Nepal, which has a severe effect on sustainability.
- Problems: Habitat Loss, Soil Erosion
- Solutions: Legislation, afforestation & reforestation

- What should I do to embrace the animal’s home as

my home???
● References

Andikahi, B. (2018), Deforestation in Nepal: Causes, Rate and Consequences, Tunza Eco Generation, viewed
7 December 2023,

Chalise, D., Kumar, L., & Kristiansen, P 2019, ‘ Land Degradation by Soil Erosion in Nepal: A Review’,
In Soil Systems (Vol. 3, Issue 1), viewed by 30 November 2023,

Meier, D 2023,What is Sustainability?, JD Meier, viewed 6 December 2023,

WWF, 2022, ‘Causes of Habitat Loss’, World Wide Fund For Nature, viewed 6 December 2023,
Thank you!
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