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Lesson 13: Be Thankful for

the Good Things

Others had Done to You
(Pages 164 -177)
Lesson 13 Memory Verse:
Psalm 107:1
“Give thanks to the Lord,
because He is good; His
Love is eternal.”
Gratitude or thankfulness is an
emotional response to the acts of
goodness done to a person by others.
It is a way of showing appreciation for
the things that one receives and that
greatly benefits him/her.
Expressing gratitude can surely touch
the lives of people who help you
when you need them.
You can demonstrate being thankful
by also doing good to others, such as
being generous and kind to those
who are in need.
Components of Gratitude
Kindness is marked by charitable behavior, a
mild disposition, pleasantness, tenderness, and
concern for others. It is a virtue that comes
from the heart.
It drives you to do good deeds for the benefit of
the person being helped. It is a form of selfless
love that needs no recognition.
Generosity is caused by emotions you
feel towards the person you want to help.
This enables you to do good to others
unconsciously. Remember that even the
smallest good deed you do to others can
occupy a big space in their hearts; it
makes them appreciate everything you
do for them.
Kindness and generosity are personal qualities
that drive you to help those in need. Possessing
these qualities can help you in expressing your
gratitude for the good done to you by others.
It is not determined by how much or how many you
can give but it is based on your genuine intentions
to help passionately from the heart.
Always keep in mind that even if you are not
wealthy, you can still be kind and generous to
2 Stages in the feeling of gratitude
(according to Dr. Robert Emmons)
1.One must recognize the good things in life.
When one is able to acknowledge this goodness, a
positive outlook towards life is developed. Also this
acknowledgment gratifies the person.
2. Gratitude is a way of distinguishing goodness
that comes from others. The feeling of gratitude
directed to people or entities aside from oneself.
This recognition of goodness from others leads to
an attitude of gratitude.
Gratitude can also be used for purposes such
1. In forming new social relations or making
stronger bonds with people in one’s life;
2. In expressing apology;
3. In helping solve other people’s problems;
4. In motivating oneself.
Grade 8 (Ilang2, Lirio, Jasmine)
Group work (4 or 5 members )
*Read the story “The Beggar” page 165
and Answer page 167 (share with group)
*Read case#1, 2 and 3 then answer pages 168
- 170.
*Write in 1 whole piece of paper.
*1 or 2 members will report to class findings
and answers of the group.

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