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Blkfer The overall message portrayed in this

n- “blks hoo display blknez” Use of the word “display” creates a sense of
text is that the Aboriginal people have
falsity/fakeness to suggest that these people
jungal been downplayed for years and the
don’t feel connected to their culture anymore.
white Australians have been trying to
turn the Aboriginals into them by
“n they say t’me” This colliquation of the “proper” English shows changing their dress and culture. But
the Aboriginal way of speaking and their the Aboriginal people reject this
continued struggle against the white Australians. pressure and want to live their life by
their own culture

“Haylo of they hair” Angelic imagery shows that these people seem
to be higher in power than the speaker

“Soiled blknez” The use of “soiled” creates a metaphor to refer The structure of this poem is
the Aboriginal people and their culture as dirty interesting with two identical indents
and negative. with a different meaning for each. The
voice is colloquialized to represent the
way the Aboriginal people speak
English, and the tone is playful yet
'ime gonna lif yoo outta yore blk hole This playful subversion of previous quote in the with a serious message behind the
first indentation shows that the speaker and poem.
n sho yoo how t’wlk n dress n tlk” perhaps the whole community has found a new
identity and feeling about their culture.
Whi “Black Humour The immediate juxtaposition of black/white The underlying message of this text is
creates a beginning motif and suggests division that the Aboriginal people can live lives
te White Stucco Dreaming” in life just as white Australians do and that
Stuc they can have very similar childhoods
co which is shown through the
Dre “Chocolate handprints like dreamtime juxtaposition of black and white and
Visual imagery of muddy + dirty hand links back
the nostalgic experiences that all
ami fraud. Laid across white stucco” to Ab. Australian original paintings. However, it
people can have.
is “Fraud” which shows a disconnection to the
Ab. past.

“That just made Dad see black”

The motif is beginning to mean anger taking
over and creates a sense of danger.

“Wishing they were there with us” Ambiguous meaning could represent the police The structure includes 3 stanzas of
being with them to arrest the people or being varied size with the tone being quite
there to have fun with the family. relaxed and the delivery of lines is
very streamlined and natural almost
like a nostalgic dream. The voice also
speaks of nostalgic childhood times in
“Saturday morning grass cuts” All aural imagery of nostalgia shown through a relaxing tone.
the speaker's experiences living a typically
“Ice-cream trucks”
“white” lifestyle.
“Little black minds”

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