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Q; What was the

Impact of WWII on
the USA?

LO: To consider the ways in which WWII changed


 What can this poster

tell us about US
society during WWII
and any changes
taking place?
How far did WWII change America?

 In Pairs, discuss for one minute how you think WW2

may change America.

 Political, Economic, Women, African Americans,

Japanese Americans.
Political Effects

1. illegal to overthrow USA

 Government control increased government.
2. Introduction of conscription.
1. Smith Act 1940 3. Controls supply and prices of
2. Selective Service Act 4. Manages workers wages
5. Resolves Labour Disputes
3. Office of War Mobilization quickly.
6. Stabilize prices and rents and
4. War management commission stop unwarranted increases.

5. National Labour Board


TASK – 25 minutes

 In 4 groups, you are going to be given a topic

and you need to research how this
demonstrated change. You will need to create
a 100 word summary of this topic to share
with the group.
 This summary should include any specific
dates, acts, events etc.
Summary Example
 World War II had profound political effects on the United States,
shaping its post-war landscape. The war catapulted the U.S. into a
global leadership role, prompting a shift from isolationism to active
international engagement. The creation of the United Nations
reflected a commitment to global cooperation. Domestically, wartime
mobilization bolstered the federal government's power and spurred
economic growth. The GI Bill expanded educational and housing
opportunities for veterans, fostering social change. Additionally, the
war influenced the civil rights movement, as African Americans
sought equality after contributing significantly to the war effort.
Overall, WWII marked a transformative period in U.S. history,
impacting both its domestic policies and international standing.
 The economic landscape of the United States underwent transformative
changes due to World War Two, propelling it towards superpower status The
war catalysed a massive industrial boom, as factories transitioned from
producing civilian goods to military equipment, generating unprecedented
employment opportunities. Government spending surged, leading to increased
economic output and technological advancements, especially in sectors like
aviation and weaponry. The Lend-Lease Act further stimulated economic
growth by supplying Allied nations with vital resources, boosting exports Post-
War, the U.S. emerged as a dominant global economy, benefitting from
expanded influence, technological superiority, and strengthened international
trade relations, laying the foundation for its superpower status. However, the
economy still faced issues, such as, a rise in prices, petrol rationing, clothing
becoming simpler, the national debt increasing to $260 billion and increased
African Americans

 Only 5.4 million out of 12.9 million African Americans were employed in 1940
in mostly low paying labour earning less than half of whites pay. Double V
campaign newspaper raised the profile of civil rights. March on Washington
was called off but aimed to protest maltreatment both civil and in the armed
forces. The Fair Employment Commission was set up instead June 1941 to
deal with employment discrimination. African American’s enlisted had inferior
training and placed in worse conditions with mostly non-combative roles. They
became known as the Jim crow army. Before 1940 there were no African
American pilots. The navy readdressed its approach after a ship accident in
July 1944 and would desegregate in 1946.
Japanese Americans

 • Key Points:

 o 2000 Japanese Americans were rounded up and jailed by late 1941

 o West Coast General Dewitt claimed the rumours were nonsense, after press
pressure he claimed no way to tell between traitors and citizens

 o February-March 1942 - 15000 JA left Dewitt's area of command, sent to

relocation centres and 100,000 were sent due to Compulsory Relocation

 o JA lost about $400 million in assets from looting

 o Riots at Manzanar led to 2 deaths, would be more if no fear of retaliation

 o By 1944 were sent home

 o December 1944, supreme court made it illegal to commit Internment, ill will still
WWII had the most significant impact on _____?

 What is your opinion – which group was most

significantly effected by WWII?
Things to consider..
Political Economic Social effects Social effects Social effects
effects effects Americans
Women African-Americans

• Government • Statistics • Internment • 13 million • Average wage

control that support • West • Rosie the • Population
• The Office of economic Coast Riveter statistics
War progress. • Compulsor • Eleanor • US Employment
Mobilization • Women y Roosevelt Office survey 1940
• The War workers relocation • 60 per cent • Double V
Management • African- • $400millio • Equal pay Campaign
Commission American n • African- • A. Phillip Randolph
• Office of Price workers American • March of
Administration • GNP women Washington
• Rationing • ‘female • Executive Order
• Long-term roles’ 8803
economic • Average • Fair Employment
effects wage Practices
• National Commission
debt Make a judgement on • Jim Crow Army
the most significant • Segregation /
racism in the
areas of change. armed forces
Where did America experience the most change?
Politically, economically or socially?

 Using your knowledge on the topic, you

will now vote on where you think
America experienced the most change

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