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Dr. C.F.

Shah and His Innovations

•Charan Sai Kumar
•Indira Kala

• Birth Date: January 13, 1924

• Senior Practicing Dermatologist since 1951
• Ex Professor Dermatologist, Civil Hospital B.J. Medical College, 1951-66, V.S. Hospital &
N.H.L. Medical College, 1966-83
• Hon. Advisor for Clinical Research Inquiry, Central Council of Indian Medicine and
Homeopathy, 1978.
• Presented several papers at State level, National and International Conferences.
• Member, Jain Doctors’ Federation
Challenges in

• Traditional Approaches: Highlight limitations of prevalent

• Chemical Solutions: Discuss the reliance on antibiotics, ointments,
and chemical sources.
• Specific Medicines: Emphasize the historical developments in
specific medicines like Sulphonamides and penicillin.
• Costs and Delays: Address rising healthcare costs and delays in the
development of effective medicines.
• Side Effects: Acknowledge the side effects associated with new
• Changing Disease Patterns: Discuss shifts in disease patterns and
the need for corresponding research.
Overcoming of challenges
1. Dental Syringe Technique:
• Utilizing a dental syringe for reducing pain.
• Successful application in treating Leucoderma and expanding to other ailments.
2. Extensions to Various Ailments:
• Diversification of dental syringe technique for hair loss, keloids, and fibrosis.
• Tailoring the method for specific conditions like chronic eczema.
3. Use of Nitric Acid:
• Innovative application in treating severe skin conditions, like thick soles.
• Pioneering the use of nitric acid for peeling dead skin layers, promoting healing.
4. Trichloacetic Acid (TCA):
• Early adoption of TCA for treating skin disorders.
• Exploration of alternative uses, such as chemical peels.
5. Carbolic Acid Application:
• Unconventional use for treating bald patches
• Application with a matchstick for controlled and localized treatment.
6. Tattoo Applications for Treating Leucoderma:
• Creative approach using tattooing to cover white patches.
• Experimentation with tattoo machines and pigments for medical purposes.
7. Use of Warm Ghee, Milk Cream, and Rice Water:
The Birth of Innovation
by Dr. Shah
1.Introduction to Innovation:
• Innovator's Mindset: Dr. Shah's belief in finding solutions for every disease.
• Frustrations and Motivations: Acknowledge the challenges faced and
motivation to seek breakthroughs.

2.Dr. Shah's Encounter with Leucoderma Patients:

• Condition Overview: Briefly explain Leucoderma, a skin disorder causing
white patches.
• Prevalent Treatments: Highlight the uncertainty and limited success of
existing treatments.
• Dr. Shah's Struggle: Describe the challenges faced by Dr. Shah with
conventional methods.

3.Inspiration from Dental Syringe Technique:

• Dental Clinic Experience: Dr. Shah's observation of the dental syringe during
a check-up.
• Innovation Spark: The idea to use the dental syringe for administering
medicine for Leucoderma.
Dental Syringe Technique
1.About Dental Syringe
• Dr. Shah's adaptation for administering medicine under the skin.
• Emphasize the use of vertical injection for specific skin conditions.

2. Advantages Over Traditional Methods:

• Pain Reduction
• Improved Precision

3.Economic Viability and Patient Response:

• Cost-Effectiveness
• Patient Demand
• Treatment Volume
Acid Applications by Dr. Shah
1. Dr. Shah's Approach:
• Caution and Precision:
• Dr. Shah's careful and precise application methods for effective results.
• Utilizing unconventional tools like matchsticks to control the application.

2. Effectiveness in Challenging Skin Conditions:

• Safe Destruction and Regrowth:
• TCA's destruction of superficial tissue leading to regeneration and healing.
• Balancing the use of strong acids for beneficial outcomes without severe side effects.

3. Patient Feedback and Long-term Use:

• Dr. Shah's reliance on patients' voluntary feedback due to limitations in seeking
structured reviews.
• Continued successful application of acid-based treatments in his practice.
Natural Remedies
1.Innovation in Natural Remedies:
• Dr. Shah's exploration of natural elements for dermatological treatments.
• Emphasis on warm ghee, milk cream, and rice water applications.

2. Warm Ghee Application:

• Dr. Shah's introduction of warm ghee for treating skin disorders.
• Successful application in conditions like chicken pox, herpes zoster, and beyond.
• Advocacy for further exploration of ghee as a therapeutic agent.

3.Milk Cream Healing:

• Dr. Shah's use of cold milk cream compresses for eye swelling.
• Generalization of milk application for patients with red soft skin and burning

4.Rice Water Treatment:

• Discovery of the importance of properly cooked starch for prickly heat.
• Dr. Shah's recommendation of rice water with talcum powder for relief..

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