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team 2

“Essential oil was extraction from

Cinnamomum Camphor peel using
microwave as an aid and study of
their inhibitory effect on
Pseudocercospora psidii fungi”
nama anggota kelompok

Mukhammad Naufal (1021321010)

Mas Luki Fajar Perdana
Nanda (---------)

Nadya Rizkita. S.T.,

Intoduction background
Cinnamomum camphora
With the increasing demand for natural and healthy foods such as fruits and
Many studies have shown that the
vegetables, crop infection caused by pathogens has become a major obstacle application of plant compounds can
to food safety (Yesuf, 2013). For example, Pseudocerco?spora psidii is an reduce disease severity in many crops,
asexual fungus that causes premature leaf loss in fruit trees and death in and EOs are an effective way to control
guava, banana, and Citrus fruit (Librelon et al., 2022; Yesuf, 2013). The early blight in tomato plants
content of infected fruit juice is reduced, which makes the fruit unfit for
consumption or processing. (Akoutou Mvondo et al., 2020; Alakonya et al.,
2018; Seshadri et al., 2020). They also exist in a free state and are stable
during heating, freezing and processing. Therefore, finding an effective
antimicrobial method has become a hot issue in the food industry.
Materials and instruments Fresh Cinnamomum camphora seeds were collected from Meizhou, Guangdong Province.
Pseudocercospora psidii was obtained from North?east Agricultural University Food Science College. Anhydrous
sodium sulfate and sodium chloride (purity 99 %) were purchased from Sino?pharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.
(Shanghai, China). N-hexane (Anal?ysis Pure, purity ≥ 99 %) was purchased from Guangfu Technology Co., Ltd.
(Tianjin, China). Potato dextrose agar (PDA) was purchased from Bo Microbiology Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai,
China). Luria–Bertani broth (500 g) was purchased from Haibo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Qingdao, China). Rifampicin
(purity > 99.5 %) was purchased from Shanghai Yuanye Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China), and ampicillin trihydrate (purity
> 98 %) was purchased from Shanghai Yuanye Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China). The equipment used in this study included
a microwave oven (independently developed and modified by the laboratory of Jiaying University). An electrothermal
incubator (HPX-9272MBE, Shanghai) was used. A high-pressure steam quenched the bacteria (GR60DP, Shanghai). A
constant-temperature water bath (BWS-12, Shanghai) was used. A laboratory pure water purification system (Master
Touch?S30UVF, Shanghai) was used. An intelligent digital magnetic stirrer (SP-16, Hangzhou) and a vortex shaker
(VM-500S, Zhejiang) were used
point of point
• ssential oil extraction process
• Response surface optimization
• Identification of compounds in the
essential oil
• Antifungal activity
The quantity of elements and their atoms remain the same
before and after a chemical reaction.
no. of molecules no. of atoms

2 hydrogen 1 oxygen
molecules has molecule has
4 atoms 2 atoms two molecules of
water have
4 hydrogen atoms

and 2 oxygen atoms

Ekstraksi minyak atsiri
3.1.1. Pengaruh parameter yang berbeda terhadap hasil CPEO
Pengaruh rasio cair-padat terhadap hasil CPEO pada rentang waktu dan POINT
kekuatan gelombang mikro tertentu ditunjukkan padaGambar 2A. Dengan METODS
meningkatnya rasio cairan terhadap material, hasil CPEO juga meningkat.
Ketika rasio cairan terhadap bahan adalah 4, hasil CPEO adalah yang
tertinggi. Meningkatnya rendemen CPEO kemungkinan disebabkan karena
pada saat proses ekstraksi semakin besar perbandingan cairan terhadap
+ react with

bahan maka semakin besar pula difusi CPEO dalam air dan semakin yield or produces
meningkat pula rendemen CPEO. Namun bila rasio bahan cair terus
meningkat, hal ini dapat menyebabkan hidrolisis dan pelarutan beberapa
senyawa dalam air, sehingga mengakibatkan penurunan hasil CPEO CHARACTERS:
3.1.2. Analisis kinetik yang diekstraksi reactants product
Seperti yang ditunjukkan diGambar 4, rendemen CPEO tertinggi
adalah 4,26
mL/kg DW pada daya gelombang mikro 120 W dan waktu
gelombang mikro 60
menit. Dari 40 hingga 60 menit, hasil CPEO menunjukkan
peningkatan tercepat,
yang mungkin disebabkan oleh lambatnya peningkatan suhu sistem
pada daya gelombang mikro rendah Uji permukaan respons dan analisis model.Regresi
berganda dan pemasangan multinomial kuadrat dilakukan pada
melalui perangkat lunak Design-Expert 10. Hasil ANOVA
+ react with

padaMeja 2. yield or produces

Nilai P model regresi kurang dari 0,01, menunjukkan bahwa
model tersebut
sangat signifikan secara statistik. Istilah yang tidak sesuai P
=0,1062 menunjukkan reactants product
derajat fitting model yang baik, faktor yang tidak diketahui
mempunyai sedikit
gangguan terhadap hasil fitting model, dan error model yang
kecil. R2= 0,9955,
yang menunjukkan tingkat kecocokan persamaan yang tinggi.
Pengaruh masing?masing faktor terhadap hasil CPEO diatur
secara berurutan
Aktivitas antijamur Tingkat penghambatan CPEO oleh jamur ditentukan dengan
metode agar (Hu dkk., 2019).Pseudocercospora psidiimerupakan jamur klonal dengan
siklus pertumbuhan yang panjang, sehingga total durasi uji penghambatan jamur POINT
adalah 96 jam. Dalam penelitian ini, media kultur yang dilengkapi dengan Tween 80
digunakan sebagai kontrol negatif. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan
konsentrasi larutan CPEO yang berbeda. Seperti yang ditunjukkan diGambar 6, dengan
pertumbuhan yang berkepanjangan maka luas pertumbuhan jamur juga meningkat.
Namun seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi larutan CPEO, kemampuan
+ react with

pertumbuhan jamur menurun. Oleh karena itu, terdapat hubungan berbanding terbalik yield or produces
antara pertumbuhan jamur dan konsentrasi CPEO. Ketika konsentrasi larutan CPEO
lebih besar dari 5 mg/mL, aktivitas antijamurnya signifikan. ItuPseudocercospora
psidiistrain tumbuh perlahan hingga 24 jam. Seiring bertambahnya waktu budidaya,
area pertumbuhan jamur secara bertahap meningkat (Zhang dkk., 2022). Setelah 96
jam kultur, pertumbuhan jamur terlihat jelas pada medium yang dilengkapi dengan 2,5
mg/mL CPEO, dan pada kontrol negatif, pertumbuhan jamur telah menyebar dari pusat reactants product
medium ke pinggiran, di mana hifa putih besar dapat diamati ( melihatGambar 6).
Ketika konsentrasi CPEO 5 mg/mL, terdapat sejumlah kecil jamur dalam media kultur
96 jam, menunjukkan bahwa larutan CPEO 5 mg/mL sedikit aktif. Namun ketika
konsentrasi larutan CPEO mencapai 10 mg/mL, media kultur setelah 96 jam sudah
tidak ada jamurnya, sehingga konsentrasi CPEO 10 mg/mL berpengaruh nyata dalam
menghambat jamur.
In this work, microwave-assisted hydrodistillation was used to isolate essential oil from
Cinnamomum camphora pericarp. The Cinna?momum camphora pericarp had
previously been processed with salting out solution. A single-factor combined response
surface approach was used to optimize the extraction yield, and GC–MS was used to
identify the CPEO compounds. Various typical crop microbes were tested for resistance
using CPEO solutions. According to the findings, the pre?treatment time was 111.21
min, the greatest CPEO yield was 14.98 mL/ kg DW, the ideal liquid-to-material ratio
for the extraction process was 3.05, and the error in the verification experiment’s result
was less than 2 %. The CPEO included 29 different chemicals, among which methyl?
eugenol (12.66 %), safrole (10.36 %), linalool (9.70 %), eucalyptol (7.09 %), and
phellandrene (6.22 %) were the major compounds in the EO according to GC/MS
analysis. Moreover, 10 mg/mL CPEO had a considerable impact on Pseudocercospora
psidii inhibition. As a result, CPEO produced using the aforementioned methods has
the potential to act as a natural insecticide, and these findings offer theoretical justifi?
cation for the effective use of plant resources.
Thanks for watching
Nilai seseorang harus dilihat melalui apa yang bisa
dia berikan dan bukan pada apa yang bisa dia
terima.” [Albert Einstein]
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