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The learner clearly and coherently uses multiple elements conventionally identified with a genre
for a written output
this answer the question”who is
narrating ?”
Write an essay about your “hometown”( I
AM PROUD OF MY CITY )based from your
own POV. Make sure you to emphasized guided by the rubrics sent to your
What are rhetorical devices?
A rhetorical device is typically defined as a
technique or word construction that a
speaker or writer uses to win an audience to
their side, either while trying to persuade
them to do something or trying to win an
A literary device
is an element, like a metaphor, i
magery, and others, that draws
us into a story
1. metaphor
A metaphor is a comparison in which something is said to figuratively
be something else.
Example: He was a wolf among sheep.

2. hyperbole
A hyperbole is an intentional exaggeration.
Example: The plate exploded into a million pieces.

3. alliteration
Alliteration is repeating the same or similar sounds at the beginning of
Example: She sells seashells by the sea shore.
4. analogy
An analogy is a comparison between two similar things,
typically using figurative language. Metaphors and similes
—more on them later—are usually considered to be types
of analogies. Sometimes, analogies are considered to be a
unique device that is a comparison that explains itself;
basically, a complex metaphor or long simile.

Example: Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know

what you are going to get.
5. onomatopoeia
An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound it
refers to.
Example: The thunder boomed and the lightning

6. allusion
Allusion is the act of casually referencing something,
usually a work of popular culture.
Example: Finishing his memoir was his white whale.
7. oxymoron
Oxymoron is a figure of speech that uses two
opposite words together.
Example: The treaty led to a violent peace.

8. satire
Satire is using humor to criticize public figures.
Example: When Senator Jackson said “numbers
don’t lie,” he forgot that his first name wasn’t
9. paradox
In rhetoric, the word paradox refers to making a
statement that seems self-contradictory or
impossible but actually makes sense.
10. simile
A simile is a comparison in which something is said to
figuratively be like something else.
Example: It was as hot as a desert this morning.
Learn about different types of poems (and see what rhetorical
devices they may use).

11. Irony
In rhetoric, the notoriously confusing word irony means to use
words to mean the opposite of their literal meaning.
Example: Ashley said it was a beautiful day while drying off
from the drenching rain. (Ashley ironically referred to poor
weather as “beautiful.”)
12. personification
Personification is the act of giving human
elements to non-human things.
Example: The beautiful valley spread its
arms out and embraced us.
13. anecdote
An anecdote is a brief story about something that
happened to the speaker, usually something
funny or interesting.
Example: Five years ago, I went to the store and
met some clowns. Those clowns gave me the
advice I am sharing with you now.
14. euphemism
Euphemism is using alternative language to refer
to explicit or unpleasant things.
Example: The baseball struck him in a sensitive
15. connotation
Connotation is using words to suggest a social or
emotional meaning rather than a literal one.
Example: This is a house, but I want a home.

16. meiosis
As a rhetorical device, meiosis means using
euphemism to minimize the importance or significance
of something.
Example: We must put an end to this peculiar
institution. (“Peculiar institution” is a euphemism for
17. apostrophe
In rhetoric, apostrophe occurs when a writer or
speaker directly addresses an absent person, a
concept, or an inanimate object.
Example: You have made a fool out of me for the last
time, washing machine!
18. sarcasm
Sarcasm is using irony to mock something or to show
Example: Oh, yeah, he is a great guy. A great guy
who took the last slice of pizza.
19. consonance
Consonance is a repetition of consonants or
consonant sounds.
Example: Mike likes Ike’s bike.
21. rhetorical question
A rhetorical question is a question that isn’t
intended to be answered. The point of asking
the question is to make an audience think or
to cause an emotional reaction.

Example: Can we really know what our

place in the universe is? We have asked
ourselves this question for millennia.
22. epithet
An epithet is a nickname or descriptive term used to
refer to someone.
Example: You need to listen to me and not Clueless
Kevin over there.
23. anaphora
Anaphora is the repetition of a word or words at the
start of phrases, clauses, or sentences.
Example: I came, I saw, I conquered.
24. climax
In rhetoric, climax is ordering words so that they build up
in intensity.
Example: Look at the sky! It’s a bird! A plane! Superman!

25. Cacophony
Cacophony is the act of purposefully using harsh sounds.
Example: The gnashing of teeth and screeching of bats
kept me awake.
26. assonance
Assonance is the repetition of the same vowel sound with
different consonants.
Example: She and Lee see the bees in the tree.
27. pun
A person is making a pun when they humorously
use words with multiple meanings or words with
similar sounds to create wordplay.
Example: The farmer tried to get his cows to get
along, but they insisted on having a beef with
each other.
28. parallelism
Parallelism is using grammatically similar
phrases or sentences together.
Example: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool
me twice, shame on me.

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