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 An article is a piece of writing written for a large
 An article is a written work published in a
print/electronic medium
 The main objective to write an article is to make some
changes to the world by presenting facts, stats, or views..
 It may be the topics of interest of the writer or it may be
related to some current issues.

 Heading / Title
 By Line

 Body (the main part of the article, 3-4 paragraphs)

 Conclusion (Ending paragraph of the article with the

opinion or recommendation, anticipation or an appeal)

 Headline- A descriptive title that is expressive of the contents of the report.

 By line- Name of the person writing the report along with the designation.
It is generally given in the question. Remember, you are not supposed to
mention your personal details in your answer.
 Place and date of reporting- It is generally not mentioned in a magazine
report separately, but here, it is.
 Opening paragraph- It includes the expansion of the headline. It needs to
be short as it is a general overview of the report.
 The account of the event in detail- It is generally written in two parts:
First, complete account of what happened in its chronological sequence
(preferably) and second, the witness remarks. “Add quotations”
 Concluding paragraph- This will include the action that has been taken so
far or that will be taken. It is the last paragraph.
The main thing that strikes when education is talked about
is information gain. Education gives us information on our
general surroundings and changes it into something better.
It creates a point of view of holding a practical perspective
at life.
Individuals talk over the subject of whether education is
the main thing that gives knowledge. It makes us equipped
for deciphering things, in addition to other things.
Education isn’t just about exercises in course books. It is
about the exercises of life. Education is essential for all age
groups and gender. One should try to keep learning
throughout his or her life.
School Sued For Denying Equal Education To Students With Disabilities

- By Sonam Gurung

Correspondent: Daily news

KATHMANDU, 21.12.21

Pittsburg Unified School District, in the Bay Area of California, is accused of unequal opportunities for disabled students and will be taken to
court by ACLU. On Monday, September 13, 2021 the school distract was sued for denying disabled students access to equal education due to
their disability, race, or national origin. According to reporter Carolyn Jones, writing in Ed Source, disabled students of color and English
learners have been disproportionately disciplined and segregated into special education classrooms where they are deprived of adequate
instruction. This unconstitutional treatment will be reviewed by the State Board of Education, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the
State of California, and the school district. The lawsuit calls for three major changes to be made in the district: improving the identification of
disabled students to prevent uneven placement in classrooms, providing the necessary academic services to disabled students to allow them to
catch up with their classmates, and changing the discipline protocols to prevent unfair punishment of disabled students.
“Pittsburg Unified has a separate, unequal and illegal system of education for students of color and those with disabilities,” said Linnea Nelson,
senior staff attorney for the ACLU of Northern California, quoted in Ed Source. The lawsuit is based on the 2018-19 California Department of
Education’s district report on Pittsburg Unified showing that students with disabilities in the district are five times as likely to be suspended for
disrupting school activities as disabled students from other schools throughout the state. They are also more likely to be chronically absent, with
a 22% absentee rate compared to 19.5% nationally. Superintendent of the district Janet Schultze claimed that the lawsuit overlooks the progress
that has been made in the district over the years in closing achievement gaps, but the ACLU lawsuit claims that the district has not yet adopted a
sufficient number of initiatives to combat achievement gaps.
Despite the growing racial disparity in American education systems, establishment media have yet to discuss the newly-filed suit and bring
attention to the unjust system in the Bay Area. The establishment press is treating instances like these as discrete and isolated events with no
systematic connections as there is also little to no coverage on related issues. The Washington Post recently published an article discussing a
similar issue in Washington, D.C., where incarcerated students with learning disabilities are being academically discriminated against, however,
that is the extent of establishment press coverage on the topic.
 In the name of “Black Friday Sale”, Online stores like
Zeemat,Reedok, Tyra is providing their customers' with
damaged goods. It seems more like an online scam

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