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Forces and Movement

Stopping Distance
Curriculum Reference
LO: Understand the difference between thinking
distance, and braking distance and explain the
factors affecting them.
Key Words
1. Define braking distance, thinking distance, and stopping
distance. braking
2. Explain the factors affecting thinking distance, and force
braking distance reaction time
Watch the video

Stopping Distance = Thinking Distance + Braking Distance
Complete the Mind Map
Analyze the graph and explain how speed
affects thinking distance and braking distance
Tips for driving Safe
Extended Reading
1. A cyclist sees the traffic lights ahead of him turn red.
Why does he not brake straight away?
2. Why are most urban roads limited to 30 miles per
3. Name three ways she can reduce thinking and braking
4. Stopping Distance of a car is about how long it takes
for the car to stop. Is she right?
1. He needs to think about pressing the brake and as he does his
bike is still travelling. His reaction may be quick at about 0.5
seconds but the bike will still move a distance over that period of

2. Stopping Distance is shorter so more likely to stop in time. Also

less Force required to slow the car down. Less chance of
3. Thinking Distance reduced by – be alert, drink
coffee/stimulant, no distractions, lots of sleep, no alcohol
or drugs in her system.
Braking Distance reduced by – good
tyre tread, good brakes, no icy or wet roads, drive slowly.

4. No. Stopping Distance is all about Distance. It is the Distance

the car travels whilst the driver is thinking about pressing the
brakes AND the Distance the car travels once the brakes have
been pressed and the car stops.

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