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Dragon and egg

(Chinese literature)

Dragon and egg

(Chinese literature)

Presented by: Virtudazo Asia mae

In the beginning

•There was only darkness

•chaos ruled

•Egg formed out of the darkness

Phanku ( Pangu )

•Grew for 18,000 years

•Stretch and Broke the

(Yin) (Yang)

•Heavier parts •Lighter parts

made the Earth of the egg
made the sky
•The chaos began to separate
•Expanding the distance between them.

•Expanding the distance

between them.
•Pangu reaching 90,000 miles
in height.

•Pangu then exhausted

"Leave my body to the world" -pangu
•Main character
Pangu- A primordial being and a creation
figure in Chinese mythology.

The story revolves around the existence of a chaotic
universe, symbolized by a big black egg, which contains
the forces and matter of the universe.

When Pangu finally awakens and breaks free from the egg. As Pangu
emerges, the egg splits into two halves, giving birth to the sky and
the earth. This moment marks the separation of heaven and earth
and the establishment of order in the universe. The climax of the
story signifies the pivotal moment when chaos is transformed into
•Life lessons
1. Overcoming Challenges: Pangu's journey from a state of chaos to
order symbolizes the ability to overcome challenges and adversities.
It reminds us that even in the face of chaos and uncertainty, we
have the strength to persevere and create a better future.

2. Connection with Nature: The story underscores the

interconnectedness between humans and the natural world.
Pangu's transformation into natural elements emphasizes our deep
connection with nature and the importance of respecting and
nurturing our environment.

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