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Learning Objectives:

 Define globalization and its components, including economic, cultural,

technological, and political dimensions.

 Explore the historical factors driving globalization, such as

technological advancements and trade liberalization.

 Evaluate the impacts of globalization on various stakeholders and

propose strategies to address associated challenges while maximizing
1 The task of defining Metaphors of globalization 2
3 Globalization theories
Dynamics of local and global 4
5 The globalization of
Globalization and 6
7 Origins and history of
globalization Global demography 8

9 Global migration

Much has changed since time immemorial. Human beings have encountered many
changes over the last century especially in their social relationships and social structures. Of
these changes, one can say that globalization is a very important change, if not, the "most
important" (Bauman, 2003). The reality and omnipresence of globalization makes us see
ourselves as part of what we refer to as the "global age" (Albrow, 1996).
In this chapter, different definitions of globalization will be discussed. The task of
conceptualizing it reveals a variety of perspectives. To understand the concept further,
different metaphors will be used. These metaphors will also allow an appreciation of earlier
epochs before globalization and the present globalized world. The final lesson in this chapter
will be devoted to a general discussion of globalization theories. The following section will
highlight the different views scholars have toward globalization.
o Stresses the challenge of defining globalization due to its multifaceted nature.

o Explores globalization through various lenses, including economic, political, cultural, and
technological dimensions.

o Delves into globalization's impact on diverse facets of society, such as trade, communication,
migration, and governance.

o Discusses the ongoing debate surrounding globalization, with proponents highlighting its
benefits for development and critics pointing out issues like inequality and cultural

o Ultimately, suggests that despite its elusive definition, globalization is a significant force
shaping the modern world.

Metaphors make use of one term to help us better

understand another term. In our case, the states of
matter-solid and liquid will be used. In addition, other
related concepts that are included in the definition such
as structures and flows will be elaborated.
Solid and Liquid

The epochs that preceded today's globalization paved way for people, things, information,
and places to harden over time. Consequently, they have limited mobility (Ritzer, 2015).
Solidity also refers to barriers that prevent or make difficult the movement of things.
Furthermore, solids can either be natural or man- made. Examples of natural solids are
landforms and bodles of water. Man-made barriers include the Great Wall of China and the
Berlin Wall. Obviously, these examples still exist. However, they have the tendency to
melt. This should not be taken literally, like an iceberg melting. Instead, this process
involves how we can describe what is happening in today's global world. It is becoming
increasingly liquid.
as a state of matter, takes the shape of its container. Moreover, liquids are not fixed. Liquidity,
therefore, refers to the increasing ease of movement of people, things, information, and places in
the contemporary world. Zygmunt Bauman's ideas were the ones that have much to say about the
characteristic of liquidity. First, today's liquid phenomena change quickly and their aspects, spatial
and temporal, are in continuous fluctuation. This means that space and time are crucial elements of
globalization. In global finance, for instance, changes in the stock market are a matter of seconds.
Another characteristic of liquid phenomena is that their movement is difficult to stop. Finally, the
forces (the liquid ones) made political boundaries more permeable to the flow of people and things
(Cartier, 2001). This brings us to what Ritzer (2015, p. 6) regarded as the most important
characteristic of liquid: it "tends to melt whatever stands in its path (especially solids)." The
clearest example is the decline, if not death, of the nation-state. Liquidity and solidity are in
constant interaction. However, liquidity is the one increasing and proliferating today. Therefore,
the metaphor that could best describe globalization is liquidity. Liquids do flow. The literature on
globalization makes use of the concept of flows.
are the movement of people, things, places, and information brought by the growing
"porosity" of global limitations (Ritzer, 2015). As Landler (2008, p. C1) put it: "In global
financial system, national borders are porous." This means that a financial crisis in a given
country can bring ramifications to other regions of the world. The following are other
kinds of flows that can be observed today: poor illegal migrants flooding many parts of
the world (Moses, 2006), the virtual flow of legal and illegal information such as blogs
and child pornography, respectively, and immigrants recreating ethnic enclaves in host
countries. A concrete example is the Filipino communities abroad and the Chinese
communities in the Philippines.
o Homogeneity refers to the increasing sameness in the world as cultural inputs, economic factors,
and political orientations of societies expand to create common practices, same economies, and
similar forms of government. Homogeneity in culture is often linked to cultural imperialism.

In terms of the economy, there is recognition of the spread of neoliberalism, capitalism, and the
market economy in the world(Antonio, 2007

Global economic crises are also products of homogeneity in economic globalization.The political
realm also suffers homogenization.

Barber(1995) said that "McWorld" is existing. It means only one political orientation is growing in
today's societies.
o The global flow of media is often characterized as media imperialism. Media imperialism
undermines the existence of alternative global media originating from developing countries.
Global media are dominated by a small number of large corporations. As McChesney(1999) put
it, this is being "extended from old media to new media", such as Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter,
Google and Apple's iTunes. As a result, in the long run, the Internet could end up being less
divers and competitive. Independent Media Center, associated with the alter- globalization
movement, help to counter this trend.

Ritzer(2008) claimed that, in general, the contemporary world is undergoing the process of
McDonalization. It involves the global spread of rational systems, such as efficiency, calculability,
predictability, and control. Globalization, in contrast to glocalization, is a process wherein nations,
corporations, etc. impose themselves on geographic areas in order to gain profits, power, and so
on(Ryan, 2007). Ritzer(2007) also espoused the idea that globalization can also be seen as a flow of
"nothing" as opposed to "something," involving the spread of non-places, non-things, non-people,
and non-services.
o On the other hand, heterogeneity pertains to the creation of various cultural practices, new
economies, and political groups because of the interaction of elements from different
societies in the world. Contrary to cultural imperialism, heterogeneity in culture is
associated with cultural hybridization. Barber(1995) also provided the alternate of
"McWorld"- the "Jlhd." It refers to the political groups that are engaged in an
"Intensification of nationalism and that leads to greater political heterogeneity throughout
the world."
One of the characteristics of culture is being dynamic. Globalization changed the pattern
of cultural diffusion and sharing that caused to produce glocalization and hybridization.
These processes make culture becomes more global with local flavors. Today local and
global cultural production are in decline. That's the new dynamic.

Globally due to rising fragmentation and locally as a result of the search of what
originally was suppose to be there. Neglecting that culture is not static but dynamic as it is
the product of reflection necessities and discoveries.
Global flows of culture tend to move more easily around the the globe than ever before,
especially through non-material digital forms. There are three perspectives on global cultural
Culture Hybridization has become part of an ongoing trend in cultural production, with
both the globalization and localization of the culture industry. Hybridization, however, is not
Global cultural
merely flow is
the mixing, a result and
blending of the process ofglobalization.
synthesizing of different elements that ultimately forms a
1. Ethnoscapes
culturally faceless whole. In the course of hybridization, cultures often generate new forms and
2. Technoscapes
make new connections with one another
3. Financescapes
4. Mediascapes
5. Ideoscapes
What is Religion?​
Religion is collection of cultural system, beliefs system, and world view that establishes
symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and moral values.​

Globalization has played a tremendous role in providing a context for the current revival and
the resurgence of religion. Today, most religions are not relegated to the countries where they
began. Religions have, in fact, spread and scattered on a global scale. ​

Scholte (2005) made clear: “Accelerated globalization of recent times has enabled co-
religionists across the planet to have greater direct contact with one another.
Global communication, global organizations, global finance, and like have allowed ideas of
the Muslims and the universal Christian church to be given concrete shape as never as before”
How do Religionists disseminate their religious ideas? ​
• Information Technologies ​
• Transportation means ​
• Media

Globalization has allowed religion or faith to gain considerable significance and importance
as a non-territorial touchstone of identity. Being source of identity and pride, religion has
always been promoted by its practitioners so that it could reach the level of globality and
be embraced by as many people as possible. Muslim, for instance, aspire to establish the
Islamic Ummah, a community of believers. By paving the way for religions to come in contact
with each other and providing a context for their flourishing and thriving, globalization has
brought such religions to a circle of competition and conflicts.​
As Turner (2007) explained:​
Globalization transforms the generic “religion” into a world-system of competing and
conflicting religions. This process of institutional specialization has transformed local, diverse
and fragmented cultural practices into recognizable systems of religion. Globalization
has, therefore, had the paradoxical effect of making religious more self conscious of themselves
as being “world religion.” (p.146​

It has been difficult for religion to cope with values that accompany globalization
like liberalism, consumerism, and rationalism. Such phenomena advocate scientism
and secularism.
Globalization is also associated with Westernization and Americanization.​
The dominance exerted by these two process, particularly on the less developed countries,
makes religion-related cultures and identities take defensive measures to protect themselves.
Sometimes, extreme forms of resisting other cultural influence are being done, such as that of
the Islamic State of Iraq and Seria (ISIS). ​

As Ehteshami (2007) pointed out, “Globalization is not only seen as rival of Islamic ways, but
also as an alien force divorced from Muslim realities. Stressing the negative impact of the loose
morals of Western life is a daily feature of airwaves in the Middle East” (p.130)

The challenges of globalization to religion link automatically to the challenges of religion to

It reemerged during the 1980s and heightened after the end of the Cold War in the 1990s. The
regionalization of the world system and economic activity undermines the potential benefits
coming out from a liberalized global economy. It respond to the states' attempt to reduce the
perceived negative effects of globalization. Therefore, regionalism is a sort of counter-

In a 2007 survey, the Financial Times revealed that majority of Europeans consider that
globalization brings negative effects to their societies (as cited in Jacoby and Meunier, 2010).
The threats of an "ungoverned globalization" can be countered what Jacoby and Meunier called
managed globalization; it refers to "all attempts to make globalization more palatable to
It is important, however, to consider the gradual development of inter- regional
relations such as the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), the European
Union (EU), or the South American trade bloc, Mercosur. In fact, a sort of "contagion
effect" (Held et al., 2005, p. 77) has spread during the past years. As Held et al.
(2005) claimed, "the new regionalism is not a barrier to political globalization but,
on the contrary, entirely compatible with it-if not an indirect encouragement“

Hurrell (2007) captured this debate in his "one (global) world/many (regional)
worlds relationship" (p. 1). Regional developments in one part of the world have
affected and fueled regionalization everywhere else in a sort of contagion or domino

Regionalization is intimately linked to globalization since it is part of it and it builds

on it.
The argument concerning the relationship between regionalization and globalization is
perfectly summarized in this claim:

The age of economic globalization has also been the age of regionalization,
and much of the analysis of the new regionalism has been devoted to the
links between the two tendencies. Thus, regionalism is seen as critical part
of the political economy of globalization and the strategies that states (and
other actors) have adopted in the face of globalization... The emergence of
regionalism needs to be understood within the global restructuring of power
and production. The many worlds are very closely intertwined with the
character and fate of the one. The core driving force is global even if the
manifestation is regional.
• Globalization "goes back to when humans first put a boat into the sea"(Sweeney,
2005, p. 203).

• Defining region and regionalization is complicated. Nevertheless, region, according

to Mansfield and Milner (1999) is "a group of countries in the same geographically,
specified area" (p. 2.). Hurrell (2007) defined regionalization as the "societal
integration and the often undirected process of social and economic interaction" (p.
4). In addition, regionalization is different from regionalism, which is "the formal
process of intergovernmental collaboration between two 8or more states" (Ravenhill,
2008, p. 174).
One of the reasons behind regionalism is the concern for security, which is to ensure
peace and stability. Confidence building can be enhanced through economic cooperation
within a region

Huntington (1996), on the contrary, believed that culture and identity, guide
regionalization. As he put it, "In the post-Cold War world, states increasingly define
their interests in civilizational terms" (p. 30

To you, Which do you think is the ultimate origin of globalization on these three
generalized possible origins?

1. Human Instincts/ Survival Instincts

- Its already a human mindset to interconnect as a whole species, "No man is an Island"

2. Beginningless, Indeterminate by nature

- Globalization is a natural occurrence to living beings thus has no recordable origin.

3. Caused by certain events in the past

- Globalization is born from a series of happenings in the past.

– How Globalization started is a very heated-topic among expert scholars and theorists, other
says it's the Silk Roads during the 1st Century BCE, some say it's during in the 19th
century industrial revolution.

Expert arguments are here-and-there with split perspectives about the origin/s of

The Five Perspectives on the Origin and History of Globalization are the ff.

1. Hardwired Perspective
2. Cycle Perspective
3. Epoch Perspective
4. Events Perspective
5. Broad Changes Perspective

Five Perspectives on the Origin of Globalization


- Globalization became possible due to our innate drive

to improve our lives. Thus, the origins of globalization
can be traced back to our African ancestors who
migrated from the continent during the late Ice Age,
eventually spreading to all continents approximately
50,000 years ago.
- Chanda (2007) mentioned that commerce, religion,
politics and warfare are the "urges" of people toward a
better life. These are respectively connected to four
aspects of globalization and they can be traced all
throughout history: trade, missionary work, adventures
and conquest.

Five Perspectives on the Origin of Globalization

2. CYCLED (Beginningless)

- Some view globalization as a continuous,

cyclical process, making it challenging to know
the exact origin of globalization. What matters
more are the various cycles globalization has
undergone. Subscribing to this perspective implies
recognizing the emergence of other global ages
and considering the possibility that this current
phase of globalization may fade only to reemerge
later in the future.

Five Perspectives on the Origin of Globalization

3. EPOCH / PERIODIC (by Era)

Ritzer (2015) cited Therborn's (2000) great epochs of

globalization. These are also called "waves" and each has its
own origin.

The following are the sequential occurrence of the epochs

4. Globalization of religion (4th-7th centuries)
5. European colonial conquests (late 15th century)
6. Intra-European wars (late 18th to early 19th centuries)
7. Heyday of European imperialism (mid-19th century to 1918)
8. Post-World War II Period
9. Post-Cold War Period

Five Perspectives on the Origin of Globalization

4. EVENTS (Specified)

In this case, Specific events are considered in explaining the

origin of globalization. Several points can be treated as the start
of globalization.

For example:
- Gibbon (1998), argued that Roman conquests centuries before
Christ were its origin.
- Rosenthal (2007) gave premium to the voyages of discovery-
Christopher Columbus's discovery of America in 1492.
- Vasco De Gama in Cape of Good Hope in 1498 and
Ferdinand Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe in

Five Perspectives on the Origin of Globalization

- The recent years could be also regarded as the

beginnings of globalization with reference to specific
technological advances in transportation and
communication. Some examples include the first
transatlantic telephone cable (1956), the first
transatlantic television broadcasts (1962), the
founding of the modern internet in 1988, and the
terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York

Five Perspectives on the Origin of Globalization

5. Broad Changes (sub-category to events perspective but more

- In this case the Origin is causes by a more recent event changes.

These broad changes happened in the last quarter of the 20th century.
Experts today point to these three notable changes as the origin of
globalization that we know today. They are as follows:

6. The emergence of the United States as the global power (post-

World War II)

7. The emergence of multi-national corporations (MNCs)

8. . The demise of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.

– The two Greek words 'Demos' and 'Graphos' are where the modern English word 'demography'
comes from.

– It refers to the scientific study of the size, composition, distribution and changes in human
population. Demographic studies describe the composition by its distribution of population
categories such as race, age, marital status, gender, socioeconomic status, and religion. It also
represents the study of statistics such as births and death records, through surveys, visa records,
even motor vehicle and school registration, and incidents of disease which illustrate the changing
structure of human populations.
Demographers are people who study demography, and their goal is to learn about the levels and
changes in population size as well as the components of the population. They look for reasons to
explain the shifts in population and the implications those changes have for society.

– A typically stated in terms of populations rather than individuals by utilizing the proxy measure of
birth rate, which can either be crude or standardized for age and sex depending on the context.
Since the age structure looks to encourage such a path, fertility should decline more rapidly in
nations where it is currently the lowest since these countries are also the ones with the youngest
populations overall.
– The component of the population in which death occurs is reduced as a result of mortality's impact
on population structures, which is one of the effects mortality has.

– Several epidemics of infectious diseases had the highest fatality rate among young adults, likely
because their immune systems were not sufficiently primed to fight off the infection. Immunization
has been shown to be effective in preventing the majority of infectious diseases that affect young
children. In addition, improvements in nutrition and hygiene have contributed to a safer childhood.

– Migration comes in last, but certainly not last in importance. The movement of people from one
location to another is an example of a demographic process, and as such, it is one of the factors
that leads to changes in population size along with fertility and mortality. Migration is the
movement of people, households, and groups between different houses or residential places.
Finally, we have arrived to see the total population of some countries. This list includes both countries
and dependent territories. The data presented here is based on the latest United Nations Population
Division estimates as of 2020. Since there are hundreds of countries and territories, we will only be
discussing 15 of the most populated ones.

First on the list is China, with over 1.4 billion population in 2020, with a population density of 153,
and a land area of 9, 388, 211 and a fertility rate of 1.7. This tells us that China is the country with the
most population. After World War II, in the year 1949, Chinese families were encouraged to have as
many children as possible in the hopes of bringing more money into the country, forming a better
army, and generating more food. This was the beginning of the overpopulation problem in China.

This is followed by India with 1.3 billion population, the United States with 331 million population,
Indonesia 273 million, and Pakistan 220 million. These top 5 most populated countries were made
possible to compute the population all because of the study of demography.
Included in the top 10 most populated countries and or territories in the world are Brazil with 212
million, Nigeria, 206 million, Bangladesh, 164 million, Russia 145 million, and Mexico, 128 million.

Finally, as we dig deeper, we discovered five more countries to include in the top 15. Japan has 126
million population, Ethiopia 114 million, Philippines 109 million Filipinos, Egypt 102 million, and
Vietnam 97 million.

The study of demography made it possible to reveal the numbers that reflect these countries. When
demographers attempt to forecast changes in the size of a population, they typically focus on four
main factors: fertility rates, mortality rates or life expectancy, the initial age of the population
(whether it is relatively old or relatively young to begin with) and migration.

 Global migration refers to the movement of people from one country to another
across international borders. This movement can be driven by various factors,
such as economic opportunities, education, family reunification, conflict or
persecution, or environmental reasons.

“The nuances of the movements of people around the world can be seen through the
categories of migrants-“vagabonds” and “tourist”” (Bauman 1998).

Vagabonds are on the move because “they have to be” (Ritzer, 2017, p. 179)
Refugees are vagabonds forced to flee their home countries due to safety concerns
(Haddad, 2003). Asylum seekers are refugees who seek to remain in the country to which
they flee.

According to Kritz (2008), those who migrate to find work are involved in labor migration.

Labor Migration mainly involves the flow of less-skilled and unskilled workers, as well
as illegal immigrants who live on margins of the host society (Landler 2007)

Labor Migration are driven by two factors;

a) Push Factors
b) Pull Factors
Labor migration still faces many restrictions. Many of these barriers are related to the
Westphalian Conception of the nation-state and are intimately associated with it.

Migration is traditionally govern by “Push” factors such as political persecution,

economic depression, war, and famine in the home country or by “Pull” factor such as
favorable immigration policy, a labor shortage and a similarity of language and culture in
the county of destination.

Many countries face issues of illegal migration such as United State who faces major
influx of illegal migration from Mexico and other Central American State. Other countries
with similar concerns about illegal migrants includes Great Britain, Switzerland, and
Greece as well as countries in Asia.
A strong case can be made for the backlash against illegal immigrants (Economist, 2008,
January 3, "Keep the borders open"). In the North, such immigrants constitute a younger
workforce that does work that locals may not perform, and they are consumers who
contribute to growth. They also send remittances back to family members in the country of
origin, which improves the lives of the recipients, reduces poverty rates, and increases the
level of education as well as the foreign reserves of the home country (Economist 2007,
November 1). Banks are often unwilling or unable to handle the type and volume of
remittances. As a result, specialized organizations play a major role in the transmission of
remittances. According to Malkin (2007), the Philippines is one of the leaders when it
comes to the flow of remittances (14.7 billion), next to India (24.5 billion) and China (21.1
Diaspora has been increasingly use to describe the migrant communities. “
conceptualization of the diaspora as a transactional process, which involves dialogue to
both imagined and real locales.

Virtual Diaspora (Laguerre in 2002) utilize technology such as internet to maintain the
community network.

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