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IoT Based Smart Home

security system using
Laser and Flame sensor
Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Science
and Engineering
Academic Unit - 5
Independent Project
Presented by
Project Supervisor -
Mr. Birinderjit Singh VASADI ABHIRAM 22BCS15778
Table of Contents
Abstract 3

Introduction 4

Identification of Problem 5

Identification of Task/Client 6

Identification of Tasks 7

Literature Survey 10

Methodology 12

Hardware Description 15

Timeline 18

Objectives 19

References 20

• Internet of Things (IoT) based home security system that utilizes gas sensor, laser sensor and smart devices
to provide real-time monitoring and control of a home environment. The system consists of a central hub that
connects to various smart devices and sensors installed throughout the home. These devices include door and
window sensors, motion detectors. The hub is connected to the internet, enabling users to remotely access and
control the system using a smartphone or other mobile device using Blynk application.

• The system utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyse the sensor data and identify anomalies that may
indicate a potential security threat. When a potential threat is detected, the system can alert the user via a
mobile notification or trigger an alarm to deter intruders.

• We present a smart home security system that uses Blynk, a popular IoT platform, as a central interface to
control and monitor the system. The system is designed to detect potential threats such as gas leaks and
intrusion, using a combination of a gas sensor and laser sensors.

What is IoT based Home security ?
• In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a powerful technology that has transformed
various aspects of our lives. One area where IoT has shown great potential is in the field of home security
systems. With the rise in burglary and theft cases, there is a growing need for more advanced and effective
home security systems to ensure the safety and security of homes and their occupants.

• IoT-based home security systems offer a new level of sophistication and convenience, with features such as
real-time monitoring, remote control, and smart automation. Such systems utilize a network of interconnected
sensors, cameras, and smart devices to provide a comprehensive view of the home environment and enable
users to monitor and control their homes from anywhere, at any time.

• This projects presents an IoT-based home security system that utilizes sensors and smart devices to provide
real-time monitoring and control of a home environment. The system is designed to be user-friendly and
easily accessible, with a mobile application that enables users to remotely access and control the system.

• The broad problem that needs resolution in the field of home security is the increasing vulnerability of
homes to thefts, break-ins, and fires.
• The problem that IoT based home security systems aim to address is the need for more effective and
convenient security measures for modern homes. Traditional home security systems, such as alarms and
CCTV cameras, can be costly, limited in their capabilities, and require manual operation.
• IoT-based home security systems leverage the power of connected devices and the Internet to provide a more
comprehensive and convenient solution.
• By integrating various sensors, cameras, and other devices, an IoT home security system can monitor a
home's security status in real-time and automatically trigger alarms or notify homeowners of potential
• Traditional home security systems have limitations, such as being unable to detect potential threats that are
not related to doors and windows.

• An IoT-based Smart Home Security System using Laser and Flame Sensors is becoming increasingly
essential due to the rise in home security threats. The system utilizes a combination of advanced technologies
to provide round-the-clock monitoring and alerts for potential intrusions and fires.
• The laser sensors detect any motion in the house, while the flame sensors identify potential fire hazards,
ensuring that homeowners receive immediate notifications and can take action in case of an emergency.
• The need for an IoT-based Smart Home Security System using Laser and Flame Sensors arises from the
growing concern over home security and fire hazards.
• This is a significant problem that requires a resolution, and there is a need for advanced security systems that
can detect and prevent these incidents.
• The potential client for this project could be anyone who values their home security and wants to protect their
loved ones and property. Consulting firms and security companies could also benefit from this technology
and offer it as a service to their clients.

• The IoT based smart home security system using laser and flame sensor is an
innovative project aimed at enhancing the security of homes by detecting and
alerting the occupants of any potential fire hazards or intruders.
• The project involves the integration of IoT technology, laser sensors, and flame
sensors to detect any unexpected movements or fire outbreaks within a home
• To develop a successful IoT based smart home security system, several tasks need
to be identified, built, and tested.
• In this project, we will define and differentiate the tasks required for the
identification, building, and testing of the IoT based smart home security system
using laser and flame sensors.


1. Research: In this task, research will be conducted to gather relevant information on IoT technology, laser
sensors, and flame sensors. This task will involve identifying the best IoT platforms and protocols, laser
sensors, and flame sensors to be used in the project.

2. System Design: This task involves designing the system architecture for the IoT based smart home security
system. The system architecture will include the hardware components, software components, and
communication protocols to be used.

3. Prototype Development: In this task, a prototype of the IoT based smart home security system will be
developed. The prototype will include the hardware and software components designed in the system

4. Integration: In this task, the hardware and software components will be integrated into a functional system.
The laser and flame sensors will be integrated into the IoT platform, and the communication protocols will
be tested to ensure proper functionality.


5. Testing and Validation: In this task, the system will be tested to validate its functionality. The tests will
include functionality tests, reliability tests, and security tests.

6. Documentation: This task involves documenting the system design, prototype development, integration,
and testing processes. The documentation will include user manuals, technical specifications, and
troubleshooting guides.

Conclusion: The identification of tasks for the IoT based smart home security system using laser and flame
sensors project involves several key tasks, including research, system design, prototype development,
integration, testing and validation, and documentation. Each task plays a critical role in the successful
development of the IoT based smart home security system, and careful attention should be paid to each task to
ensure the system's proper functionality and security.

Literature Review/Technical Gap

Ref Author Findings Research Gap
[1] 2016 Shaik Anwar, Department of The research paper proposes the It does not use laser sensors which are
Electronics and Communication design and development of a home preferred over PIR sensors for home security
Engineering security system that uses a PIR motion as they can accurately detect motion and
sensor and camera module to detect distinguish between humans and animals,
motion and capture images while PIR sensors can sometimes trigger
false alarms due to environmental factors
like temperature changes and air currents.

[2] 2018 Harshal Hemane, Debarati Sen The research paper suggest that a It does not use any software for email
modern security system can be notification.
developed using laser technology, as it
provides an invisible boundary around a
sensitive area and can detect
unauthorized access.

Literature Review/Technical Gap Continues…

Ref Author Findings Research Gap
[3] 2016 Suman Singha, Debasis Maji The research paper suggest that laser It also does not use any application for
security systems are highly effective and notification like blynk etc.
useful in high command security places,
as they can detect both humans and
small animals.

[4] 2016 Siddharth Wadhwani The research paper suggest that with It does not include software application for
the use of embedded technologies and notification.
IoT, it is possible to control domestic
and industrial applications with ease
using Arduino and various sensors.

• The IoT-based home security system using Laser and Flame sensors is designed to provide enhanced
security to modern homes. Here are the mentioned steps:

• Step 1: Connect the Laser Diode to Arduino. Connect the positive pin of the Laser Diode to the 3V pin of
the Arduino and the negative pin to the ground pin of the Arduino.

• Step 2: Connect the output pin of the Laser Sensor to any of the digital pins (for example, D2) of the
Arduino. Connect the VCC pin of the sensor to the 3V pin of the Arduino and the GND pin of the sensor
to the ground pin of the Arduino.

• Step 3: Connect the Relay Module to Arduino. Connect the IN1 pin of the Relay Module to any of the
digital pins (for example, D3) of the Arduino. Connect the VCC pin of the Relay Module to the 3V pin of
the Arduino and the GND pin of the Relay Module to the ground pin of the Arduino.
Methodology Continues…
• Step 4: Connect the Laser Diode and Laser Sensor to a Breadboard

• Step 5: Install the Blynk App and Create an Account.

• Step 6: Add a Button Widget to the Blynk App. Add a Button Widget to the Blynk app and name it
"Security System". Set the button to switch on or off.

• Step 7: Add the Auth Token to the Arduino Code. Copy the Auth Token from the Blynk app and paste it
into the Arduino code.

• Step 8: Write the Arduino Code. Write the code and upload it on board using Arduino software.

• Step 9: Upload the Code to the Arduino

• Step 10: Test the system by pressing the button on the Blynk app. When you press the button, the Laser
Diode will emit a laser beam and if the beam is interrupted, the alarm will sound and a notification will
be sent to the Blynk app.

Methodology Continues…

• IoT based Smart Home Security System using Laser and Gas Sensor consists of some sensor and
equipment which are required to make security system more appropriable.

• Arduino UNO R3: Arduino Uno is a popular microcontroller board that can be used for various
applications, including home security systems. One of the reasons why it may be used in a home security
system for flame detection is because it provides an easy-to-use and cost-effective platform for
interfacing with sensors and other electronic components.

• Gas Sensor: Flame or Gas detectors are sensors that can detect the presence of a flame or fire or smoke
by sensing the heat or light emitted by the flames. These sensors typically require an analog input signal
to operate, which can be provided by an Arduino Uno board.

• Laser Sensor: Laser stands for Light Amplification for stimulated emission of radiation. Laser sensor
uses beams of light to detect motion, which can provide a more precise and accurate method of detecting
movement compared to other types of sensors such as PIR (Passive Infrared) sensors. This can help to
reduce false alarms and improve the overall effectiveness of the security system. And it also has long
range detection feature.


• Piezo buzzer: Piezo buzzers is used in smart home security systems as an audio alarm to alert users of
potential security breaches. A piezo buzzer provides an audible alert to notify users of potential security
breaches such as a break-in or unauthorized access. The sound produced by the buzzer is loud and
attention-grabbing, making it an effective means of alerting users to potential security threats.

• Relay Module, Breadboard, Jumper Wires, Blynk App (installed on a smartphone).



Laser sensor(LDR)
Arduino UNO R3


Circuit Diagram of Smart Home Security using flame/gas



Circuit Diagram of Smart Home Security using laser sensor

• The objective of an IoT-based smart home security system using laser and flame sensors, is to provide
homeowners with an advanced and comprehensive security solution that leverages the power of the
Internet of Things.

• The system aims to detect and alert homeowners of potential security threats such as intrusions and fire
hazards in real-time, ensuring the safety of the home and its occupants.

• The laser sensor detects any intrusions into the home, such as doors or windows being opened or broken,
and sends an alert to the system. The flame sensor detects any potential fire hazards, such as a gas leak or
electrical malfunction, and sends an alert to the system.

• It provides enhanced security and safety for the home and its occupants. The system can detect potential
intrusions and fire hazards in real-time and trigger alerts, allowing homeowners to take appropriate
action quickly.
[1] Ray, Abhay Kumar, and Ashish Bagwari. "IoT based Smart home: Security Aspects and security
architecture." 2020 IEEE 9th international conference on communication systems and network technologies
(CSNT). IEEE, 2020.

[2] Padmanaban, S., Nasab, M. A., Shiri, M. E., Javadi, H. H. S., Nasab, M. A., Zand, M., & Samavat, T.
(2023). The Role of Internet of Things in Smart Homes. Artificial Intelligence ‐based Smart Power Systems,

[3] Khan, Habib Ullah, Mohammad Kamel Alomari, Sulaiman Khan, Shah Nazir, Asif Qumer Gill,
Alanoud Ali Al-Maadid, Zaki Khalid Abu-Shawish, and Mostafa Kamal Hassan. "Systematic analysis of
safety and security risks in smart homes." (2021).

[4] Hemane, Harshal, and Debarati Sen. "Laser based security system for home." LASER 5.01 (2018).

[5] Wadhwani, Siddharth, et al. "Smart home automation and security system using Arduino and IOT."
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 5.2 (2018): 1357-1359

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