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are animals without backbones

•are marine animals full of pores or
holes. Its body is a hollow tube with
many pores or openings. These holes
serve as passage for water which
carries nutrients and gases. The
wall of the body is made of two
Coelenterate/ Cnidarian
•are hollow-bodied or soft-
bodied animals. Their bodies
are made up of two layers
of cells which form a hollow
•have bodies that look
like ribbons. They have
no space inside so they
have no digestive system
Nematoda or Nematodes
•consist of animals called
roundworms. They are
unsegmented bodies long, thin,
round, and pointed at one or
both ends. Some of them are
also parasites.
•are segmented worms.
They are the most
complex among the worms.
Their bodies are divided
into segments.
Mollusca or Mollusks
•are soft bodied or shelled
animals. Most animals like
the clams, oysters and
snails have shells that
protect their soft bodies.
Echinodermata or Echinoderms
•are spiny-skinned sea
animals. They have hard
shells covered with
prickly spines or needles.
Arthropoda or Arthropods
•are joint-legged animals. They make
up the largest group in the animal
kingdom. Their legs are jointed.
Their bodies and legs are made up of
sections. They have an outside shell
called the exoskeleton.
Four groups of Arthropods:
• Crustaceans have a hard-outer body
covering divided into sections.
• Insects are small, six-legged animals or
have three pairs of walking legs
• Arachnids have four pairs of walking legs.
Have two body segments and no antennae.
• Myriapods are animals with many legs.

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