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Department of Management
Session : 2022 – 2023

Organisation Behaviour FT 106C

UNIT – 6
Time Management and Stress
Presented By :
Jacqueline – Stress, Work stress and its
Priya Sen – Concept of Time Management
Anushka Sangte – Barriers to Effective Time
Krishna Singh – Tools & Techniques for Effective Time
Key – definitions
Sources of stress
Work Stress
INDEX Characteristics of stress

STRESS, Causes of stress

Its description
WORK STRESS Benefits of stress
& Approaches to stress management

ITS Stress planning process

MANAGEMENT Stress Management Techniques

Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes
physical, emotional or psychological strain. Stress is your
body's response to anything that requires attention or
Everyone experiences stress to some degree. The way you
respond to stress, however, make a big difference to your
overall well-being.


“ Stress is the interaction of the individual with the

Ivancevich and Matteson

Stress isn’t necessarily bad, even though it’s usually discussed in a
negative context. There’s opportunity in stress, and that’s a good
thing because it offers potential gain.

Good stress or eustress, is the type of stress you feel when you're

Examples of common positive stressors are starting a new job.

When you feel eustress, you are motivated to perform well in the

Key Definition
Stressor : Environmental conditions that cause individuals to
experience stress.
Eustress : Positive stress that results from meeting challenges and
difficulties with the expectation of achievement.
Distress : Negative stress, referred simply as stress. Often results in

Sources of Stress
Family Responsibilities
Health Concerns

Work Stress
Job stress is a type of stress and is caused by conditions in the
workplace that negatively affect an individual's performance and/or
overall well-being of his body and mind.
A harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the
requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or
needs of the worker.

Characteristics of Stress
•Stress may be potential or actual or both.
•Stress may be temporary or long term
•Stress may result in any kind of deviation, such as physical,
psychological or behavioural.
•Stress may be either productive or dysfunctional
•Stress is the result of individual’s interaction

Causes Of Stress

Environmental Organizational Group Individual

Stress Stress Factors Factors

Environmental Stress
When something changes, people have to adapt to the changes, which may
lead to stress. Stress is higher when changes are significant or uncommon,
such as transferring technology or adopting a new approach.
Technology can cause stress, as new developments are constantly making
employee skills obsolete, and workers fear they’ll be replaced by a machine
that can do the same. Employee are also often expected to stay connected
to the workplace 24/7 because technology allows it.

Organizational Stress
Organizational stress is commonly defined as an emotional behavior and
physiological response to the aggressive and harmful aspects of work, work
environment and organizational climate.
Few Examples are :

1. Pressure to avoid errors.

2. Completion of task in limited time period.

3. Insensitive boss or unpleasant co-workers.

Organizational factors are categorized as follows :
 Task Demand : These are factors related to a person’s role at work,
including the design of a person’s job or working conditions. A
stressful task demand might be a detailed, weekly presentation to the
company’s senior team.
 Role Demand : A stressful role demand might be where a person is
expected to achieve more in a set amount of time than is possible.
 Organizational Structure : This refers to the level of differentiation
within an organization, the degree of rules and regulations, and where
decisions are made. If employees are unable to participate in
decisions that affect them, they may experience stress.
Group Factor
The Group Factors can be categorized into two parts :
• Lack of group cohesiveness : This can be caused by the Task
Design , The supervisor prohibits or limits togetherness, other
members of the group shut the person out.
• Lack of social support : When social support is lacking (e.g. when
an employee does not share his joy, successes, problems, etc. with
his co- workers) this can be quite stressful.

Individual Factor
Individual factors, which cause stress include personality and
individual differences, family problems, economic problems, life
styles and role demands.
Few of the relevant variables are as follows:
• Perception : The employee’s perception will moderate the
relationship between the potential stress condition and an
employee’s reaction to it.
For e.g. - One person might see a potential layoff as a stressful situation, while
another person might see that same layoff as an opportunity for a nice severance
package and the opportunity to start a new business.
• Job experience : Individuals or employees who remain in the organization for
a longer period of time are more likely to be less stressed or becomes stress-
resistant than new individuals.

• Social Support : Co-workers, especially those who are caring or considered

to be friends, can help protect a fellow employee against the effects of stress.

• Hostility : Some employees carry around a high level of hostility as a part of

their personalities, and they’re often suspicious and distrustful of their co-
workers. These personality traits make a person more susceptible to stress.

Benefits of Stress
There’s opportunity in stress, and that’s a good thing because it offers
potential gain.
Manageable stress increases alertness and performance.
Athletes and performers use stress positively in situations, using it to
push themselves to perform maximum. Even ordinary workers in an
organization will use an increased workload and responsibilities as a
challenge that increases the quality and quantity of their outputs.

Approaches to Stress Management
There are many individual and organizational approaches to
decreasing stress and avoiding negative outcomes.
In order to manage stress, we have three broad options-
Control it, Escape it & Learn to Adapt it
Methods of stress management can be divided into two categories :
 Individual Coping Strategies
 Organizational Coping Strategies

Individual Coping Strategies
Coping strategies are behavioral and cognitive tactics used to
manage crises, conditions, and demands that are appraised as
Listening to music, taking a bath, watching a movie, getting a
massage, relaxation, yoga are all on the long list of possible ways to
self-soothe. Make efforts to include these strategies in your daily
routine as they will help you cope with stress and prevent becoming
more stressed.

Some specific techniques that can be used to eliminate
stress are as follows –

Time Management : A well organized employee or a student, can do the

work twice in comparison to a poorly organized employee/student.

Exercise : With the help of exercise , one can perform better in their daily
tasks in the work place.

Relaxation : If a person uses specific relaxation techniques such as

meditation, it eliminates the immediate stressful situation.

Self – Control : This strategy involves control on self rather than controlling the

Learn to believe you deserve success : We must learn to ask for

assistance, advice or feedback and give up on all blaming and excuse making.

Social support or networking : It is the network of helpful activities and

interactions that provide an employee with the satisfaction of important needs.
The lack of social attachments may result in anger, anxiety and loneliness, which
produce stress in their lives.

Organizational Coping Strategies
These include stress management program, physical fitness program
promoting humor, psychological counseling, etc. as antidotes for
Some of the strategies that management might want
to consider are as follows:
Selection & placement decision : Individuals differ in their
response to stress situations. Experienced individuals should be hired
so that they may adopt better to high stress jobs and perform those
jobs effectively

Goal Setting : The use of goal can reduce stress as well as provide motivation.
When proper feedback is received by employee, he/she feels job satisfaction
and results in less employee frustration and stress

Redesigning Jobs : Jobs should be redesigned to give employee more

responsibility, more meaningful work as these factors give employee better
control over work.

Organizational Communication : The management can use effective

communications as a means to shape employee perceptions because
perceptions play an important rile in moderating the stress – response

Wellness Program : These programs focus on the employee’s total physical
and mental condition.

Stress Planning Process
Identify the source of stress in your life : Sources of stress in your life

List & prioritize the sources of stress : Prioritize the source of stress which are suitable to reduce
Identify appropriate stress management techniques : Appropriate technique to solve stress easily

Create your stress management plan : Create stress management plan to give best solution of

Stress Management Techniques

Anticipating Improving Physical Stress

Psyching – up
stress Stress Reduction

Anticipating Stress
By anticipating stress you can prepare for it and work out how to control it
when it happens.
•Reducing Uncertainty
By anticipating stressful situations you can prepare for them. This may
involve rehearsals, plans to counter stressful contingencies, or avoidance of
an unpleasant situation altogether.
Stress may also be caused by the size of an event. If this is the case, put it
in its proper context within your goals. Where stress arises from
uncertainty, ask for information you need.
Improving Attitude
The way you choose to respond mirrors your attitude and so by changing your attitude you can
change your perspective and change your life.
 Keeping things in perspective
Being in control
Attitude to other people
Always take positive approach
Positive image
Try to leave people pleased to have spoken to you
Be assertive and not negative

Physical Stress Reduction
Get active. Virtually any form of physical activity can act as a stress reliever.

Progressive Muscular Relaxation(PMR) - In this relaxation technique, you focus on

slowly tensing and then relaxing each muscle group. This can help you focus on the difference
between muscle tension and relaxation. You can become more aware of physical sensations.

Breathing Control : Deep breathing is a technique that allows you to calm your mind and
reduce the concentration of stress hormones in your blood, which can contribute to the
enhancement of your health.

Psyching Up
Raising stress level to improve performance.
When you feel tired or bored or not motivated with a task then you may need to psyche yourself
Some techniques to psyche up are :
Focus on the important task.
Set challenges.
Feel satisfied from job or your work.
Use suggestions.

Thank You …


Time management refers
to managing time
effectively so that the
right time is allocated to
the right activity.

1. To save time
2. To reduce stress
3. To function effectively
4. To increase our work output
5. To have more control over our job responsibilities

Following are certain tips for effective time management:

Prior planning: plan the activities of next day and decide the importance of
each task. Prior planning will help a person complete more task as everything
will be pre-decided. It will help in minimizing inner conflict and last minute rush.
Prioritize your tasks: Assigning importance to every task can help a lot. It tells a
person which tasks to be performed first and which to be last. It is often
observed that some really unimportant tasks consume a lot of time and thus,
the important tasks remain incomplete. Prioritizing tasks can ensure that one
can spend his time and energy on those tasks that are truly important to him.

 Evaluate time management plan: If after planning and prioritizing tasks, a person is not able
to manage his time in a well manner then evaluation of the time management plan becomes
necessary. Evaluation of a person’s time management plan enables him to identify the
loopholes of his time management plan and thus he comes up with a better and more
efficient time management plan.

 Take a break when needed : overburdening one’s capacity to work causes loss of efficiency
and thus wastage of time. When a person is suffering from work fatigue he/she cannot
concentrate on work. They should need a break from their work when it is necessary without
wastage of time.

 Avoiding unnecessary interruptions: While performing any task there may occur certain
interruptions like cellphone, external noise, a visitor etc. For a proper time management it is
necessary for a person to avoid the unimportant or unnecessary interruptions which lead to
break age of workflow.

Thank You…

Time Management is an effort to exercising conscious control over
the amount of time spent on various activities. The primary
objective of time management is to increase effectiveness and

Time management includes a set of many variable activities

including planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of
time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling and prioritizing etc.

Barriers To Effective Time
Lack Of Organization – In an organization, the individual is
well organized. It means he knows all his tasks to be
performed. Arranging and planning for every task saves a lot
of time and without proper organizing task takes a lot of time
than estimated.
Distraction – Distraction such as social media and phone
calls are a big obstacle in preforming one’s task efficiently.
Studies also suggests that employees waste a considerable
amount of there working hours in this distractions.

 Needing Control – Some people perform everything by
themselves and they want everything in their control. They do
not delegate tasks to others, because of it they are unable to
manage their time effectively.

 Task Avoidance – Some people have the tendency to perform

the routine task first, they avoid the difficult task and delaying
task for later is known as procrastination. Due to this habit they
find very less time to perform the critical task and then
complaint for unavailability of time.

Inability to say NO – Some people can not say NO to others and
want to please every one. Because of this , they start performing
every task given to them. This results in overburdening of work and
they are unable to do their task on time. Such habit acts as a
significant barrier to effective time management.

Being Reactive Than Proactive – Some people wat for the

instructions and directions to be provided to perform a task. Being
Reactive means they do not plan their activates in advance rather
they wait for the final instructions. This leads to last minute rush.
While the Proactive people plan everything in advance and make
proper arrangements to avoid the last minute rush.
Thank You…

Tool And Techniques For
Effective Time Management


Time is one of the most significant resources in today’s time.
Effective and efficient management of time not only make an
organization efficient but also pleases it’s customers specially
in case of service providing organization.

Tools and Techniques For
Effective Time Management
Delegation .
Maintaining a planning log .
The pomodoro technique .
The rocks, pebbles and sand technique .
Eliminate the unnecessary task

Delegation of tasks and responsibilities is an important technique
of time management.
By delegating some of a tasks an Individual can reduce his work
load considerably
Various Tasks should be assigned to the people according to their
expertise. This lead to improvement in overall quality of the work
Delegation not only decrease the time taken to Complete a task
but also leads to increased Efficiency and quality in the work
Maintaining a planning log
In order to manage time efficiently an individual must plan all his
activities and tasks to be performed.
Once the planning of all the tasks has been done now it should be
ensured that the work are performed according to the planning.
The individual should check from time to time that whether he is
going according to schedule or not .
This technique generally help an individual minimize the wastage
of time as he remains constantly aware about whether he is going
as per the schedule or not.

The Pomodoro Technique
This technique was first invented In the late 1980s, in this technique a
list of all the activities to be Performed is made. Then each activity in
the list is performed continuously till 25 minutes , no distractions at all.
After continuously working for 25 minutes a break of 5 minutes should
be taken and again the whole cycle is repeated .
This cycle of 25 minutes work and 5 minutes break should be repeated
for 4 times .
After 4 times repeating of this cycle the individual is allowed to take a
longer break . This technique was invented by – ( Francesco cirillo.)

The Rocks, Pebbles & Sand
In the rocks, pebbles and sand technique the tasks of an individual
are divided into three categories according to their importance .
 (Rocks): The most important and urgent tasks are kept in this
 (Pebbles): In this category come those tasks which are
important but not urgent.
 (Sand): The smaller and insignificant tasks come under this

As it is clear from the above classification the tasks categorized as
rock should be completed first followed by tasks categorized as
pebbles and finally the tasks in sand category should be finished.

Thank You…


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